

I stand in front of the crowd. Emily's family and friends chatting in their seats. A few wariors that Emily calls my friends were invited but in reality this is her day. My family is dead. My brothers are the enemy. Emily will soon be my family. She is all that matters.

Soon I see her. My beautiful mate floating towards me. Everyone watches her but her eyes are locked with mine.

She walks towards me at an agonizingly slow pace. I just want her in my arms. She accepts me. All my pain and plans. I can love her... I can! I do! I want her badly... I don't think I'm ready but this is for her. This is what she wants. I take a deep breath as she Finally reaches me.

The king gives me her hand and takes his place to officiate the proceedings.

"Friends and family. We are here to witness the joining of these two wolves as mates, husband and wife, bound for eternity." He begins then turns to me. "Do you Gamma Asher Brian Frasier promise to be devoted to this woman through all life's trials whether sick or well, rich or poor. In the good times and the bad. To be loyal to her and place her happiness and well being above your own for all your lives?"

"I do."

"And do you Emily Dawn Greyson promise to be devoted to this man through all life's trials whether sick or well, rich or poor. In the good times and the bad. To be loyal to him and place his happiness and well being above your own for all your lives?"

"I do."

"Well then... as much as I will miss being the most important man in my baby girls life every father must let go eventually. I now pronounce you mates! Take care of my little girl Asher... you may mark each other. Claiming one another as mates for all eternity." The king finishes the ceremony.

I look down at her scared to death. This is it. She is going to be mine...

"Just do it or I'm taking over!"

"Shut up you impat..."

"Asher?" Emily whispers gaining my attention. "I won't force you again. You can back out... but if you're gonna mark me you should get to it." She continues quietly enough that only I hear her then nods to the people. "The natives are getting restless."

I nod taking a deep breath. I slowly lower my head leaving light kisses on her neck. When I reach the spot I feel my teeth lengthen. My breath fans her neck as I graze my teeth where I'm ment to mark.

"Asher." She whines and I chuckle. As soon as my teeth sink in I feel hers do the same. It is ten times more euphoric than when it was one sided. I feel her emotions. Soon I'm getting images of me with my shirt off moving to remove more and... wow okay! Yes I want that but those are not my thoughts!

"Meme, were you just thinking..." I start and she blushes.

"Not here you two!" The king cuts off the question. "I don't need to hear this." He wraps an arm around each of us. "Your Gamma and Gamma Female... let's eat!" He announces to the crowd.

We walk out to meet our guests. Everyone congratulates us. Emily keeps shifting my shirt to ensure everyone can see her mark. I find it adorable how possessive she is.

"Alright, Meme." I growl as she brushes the mark for the third time. "Lay off the mark or I will lose all control."

She turns to me with a smirk. "I think I'd like to see that, Ash." She reaches for my neck. Before she can make contact I grab her hand and move my face to my mark nipping at it causing her knees to buckle so I am all that's holding her up.

"Perhaps you should listen to me, little mate." I growl but it's more wolf than me.

"Hello wolfey." She grins getting back on her feet.

"Mate." I growl feeling my wolf want to take over. He is an extremely strong wolf but I know how to keep him from taking full control now.

"Please human." He begs whining in my head. "Please let me talk to mate. This is my doing and you know it." I sigh.

"Don't make me regret this." I respond. I alow myself to drift. It's actually extremely difficult to allow him to take control. I'm not surprised most wolves never do.

"Hello, little mate... thank you for convincing my human... I'm sorry for making you mark him... I thought he'd just mark you and we'd be happy. I know now that it hurt you, I apologize." My wolf says through me. I still don't like being in the backseat of my own body.

"You are a wonderful mate. You wanted us to be together. You have nothing to be sorry about." She tells him holding our face. "Asher is just stronger than you thought. I didn't expect him to jump  through a window either."

"Strong? I'm the strong one, little mate! Human is a pup! He's just stubborn and stupid! The only reason he could resist is the King made him promise not to mark you without a ceremony!" As he rants I can feel people start to look at us and I pull him back to retake control causing me to get a little light headed. Emily catches me and holds me up until I can stand on my own. I shake my head and look at her.

"Sorry about him." I whisper.

"I like him." She grins. "He knows what he wants and does everything in his power to get it. You could take some pointers from him." She says brushing over her mark on my shoulder once again! I growl grabbing her hand. I kiss her palm and work my way up her arm to her mark.

"Do you really want me to take what I want?" I whisper next to her ear before nipping at my mark again. "Right here? Right now?" At this point my arms are all that is holding her up. I love the control I have over her. How much she responds to me. "Is that what you want, mate?"

"W... wo.. wolfey?" She pants as I kiss her.

"No, Emily." I say looking in her eyes so she can see my wolf isn't in control. "It's me. You know I've always wanted you. So I ask again, do you want me to take what I want, right here, right now?" I resume my attack on her neck and shoulder.

"A...mmmm...Ash....Asher!" She pulls herself away slightly but still holds on to me.

"Then don't toy with me, little mate." I tell her as I wrap an arm around her waist. "Let's enjoy the party."

The rest of the party was... uneventful. Don't get me wrong everyone was great but... I mean it was not really for me anyway. This whole thing was for Emily and the royal family.

"You okay, Ash?" Emily finally asks worry filling her features.

"Yea... I'm just not much for parties." I tell her.

"Well why don't we wrap this up then." She suggests with a smile as she takes my hand and stands up from our table. "It was lovely seeing you all and we'd like to thank you for your gifts and for just being here to celebrate with us but it's time for us to head home." She announces pulling me out of the hall.

"No one tried to stop you." I state stunned. I can't believe it was that easy to escape her family.

"We stayed longer than anyone expected. Most couples only last maybe an hour after they mark each other before they run off to finish the process." She says as we walk down the path. I pause when she turns left away from the pack house.

"Where are we going, Emily?" I ask.

"Home." She tells me. On my questioning look she continues. "Mom and I set up the Gamma house while you were with the boys. We have our own house now."

"Oh, okay." I fallow unsure what to expect.

"Here we are!" Emily announces pointing to a nice two story house. It has a big porch with a swing. I'd say three bedrooms if I were to guess maybe four? It is nice. Flowers out front... not something I'd do but I guess if my mate likes them. "What do you think?"