Okay so I did something crazy after Asher dropped me at my room. I may or may not have informed my dad that we are doing our mates ceremony today. Any who! I wake up to that addicting smell I instantly loved. I know he is watching me.

"Are you gonna just stare at me all morning?" I mumble not opening my eyes.

"You know why I'm here." He says voice dripping authority.

"You said I get to pick the date... I picked... you can't be mad." I respond still not opening my eyes.

"I'm not... confused maybe but not mad... why?" He asks and I sit up turning on a light so I can see him clearly.

"Yesterday you made me realize how little time we have... if I only get my mate for a short time I'm going to make the most of it." I explain.

"Okay... I'm kinda nervous tho." He confesses and I laugh.

"Big ole Gamma mate is n..n.nn..nervous?" I tease him.

"Alright I'm leaving." He says turning towards the door.

"No! I'm sorry! I was just joking!" I yell jumping on his back to stop him from leaving. He falls backwards onto the bed forcing me to release him and stands back up.

"Come on... get dressed and we'll get breakfast." He tells me. I smile at him and run into the closet.

Before we finish breakfast my mom shows up saying we need to get ready for the ceremony so with a quick kiss I leave my mate and head off to God knows where.

"I thought we'd get your new home ready first." She says as she shows me the Gamma house.

We spend a few hours directing wariors where to put furniture and before we know it the house is set up. Momma stocked the kitchen and someone even did some minor landscaping. Its beautiful.


"Okay, you rushed this thing but I think we can manage. Hair and makeup, NOW!" Momma orders as we enter the living room at my parents place.

"Come on! Is all this necessary? I don't want a big thing." I complain.

"Sit down now missy! It's a mother's job to get her daughter ready for her mates ceremony." She orders and I reluctantly comply.

Wayyyyy to long. I've been sitting here way to long.

"Done." She finally says and I look in the mirror.

Amazing. Beautiful. My mother is a miracle worker.

"I love it momma!" I say trying not to cry. She did such a good job. The curls the makeup. It's perfect.

"Now the dress." She smiles pulling out a white bag.

Once I am clothed in white it's all I can do not to cry.

"You look beautiful, princess." Momma says as she begins to cry.

"Stop it momma! If you cry, I cry!" I tell her.

"Sorry, sorry." She says wiping her eyes.

"How's my baby girl doing?" Daddy asks as he enters the room.

"I'm good... how's Ash?" I ask.

"Still out with the boys last I checked." He answers. I start to panic. He's not here? Is he questioning this?

"Calm down baby. He'll be ready." He says hugging me.

"Oh, I'll make sure of that!" Momma growls as she leaves.

"I'm scared, Daddy... what if he changes his mind? What if he leaves? What if he doesn't want me?" I blurt out.

"Shhhh... he loves you. He won't leave you." He says dabbing under my eyes carefully. Momma would not be happy if my makeup is messed up and he knows it. "You are going to have a wonderful ceremony. He will be there I'm sure of it."

"Can you go check on him? Please?" I ask. He sighs and nods.

"You are beautiful, princess." He tells me with a kiss on the head. "And yes, I'll go check on the boy."

As soon as he's gone two more men enter the room.

"Matty!" I smile at my eldest brother. "Addicus." I state less enthusiastically.

"Speak, little brother." Matty says pushing a guilty and sad looking Addicus forward. He looks at his shoes as he begins to mumble.

"I'm sorry, Meme." He quickly says in a barely audible voice.

"For?" Matty pushes.

"I'm sorry for challenging your mate. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry, okay! Don't write me off please! I still think you deserve better but I won't speak out against him. I'll give him a chance for your sake. I love you lil' sis. Please forgive me?" He asks teary eyed.

"Addy." I respond unable to form an answer. "You... you'll give him a chance?... you promise?" I stammer.

"For you I'd do anything. You're my sister. I won't lose you. I love you. If that means I accept a brother so be it. He's your mate so he can't be all bad right?" Addicus shrugs with a forced smile.

"I love you too, Addy." I tell him as I wrap him in a hug.

"You forgive me?" He asks.

"Of course!" I tell him. "You're my brother. Even if you are an idiot. I love you." I hug him tighter.

"All right! Now that that's taken care of it's my turn for hugs." Matty says pulling me into a hug.

"Alright, Emily. It's time." my dad says as he returns. "You ready?"

"Yes." I nod and we walk out the door heading to my mates ceremony.