Chapter 5: The Old Man and the Boy

One week after arriving in Shinjiki...

Tsuruki is currently at a pub, stress eating away.

Tsuruki: "It's no use, no matter what I try. Is it that water isn't an element I can obtain?"

An older man around his seventies and a boy around seventeen approached Tsuruki.

Older man: "You from Shinjiki sir?"

Tsuruki: "No, I'm not from around here"

Older man: "Ahh, see, I've seen you hanging around the woods. Looks like you're swapping at flies or something, and then an hour later and you're sitting in the sun like you can photosynthesize"

Tsuruki: "Oh, uh, haha, I was just practicing for an upcoming performance. You know, the one at the theater"

Older man: "Hmm, is that so"

The older man whispers at Tsuruki

Older man: "You're an elemental, right?"

Tsuruki's shocked, he figures he would hear the man out. "Clearly the man wants something, otherwise he could've just told the council at the town hall and have me captured." Tsuruki thought to himself.

Tsuruki: "And, is their something you want?"

Older man: "Follow me"

The older man and the boy bring Tsuruki to a hill that lays on the outskirts of the town.

Older man: "Now we can talk without the fear of being overheard"

Tsuruki: "Now, is their something you need me to do or help you with"

Older man: "My grandson here is an elemental. His parents were killed in the massacre and I've been training him since"

Tsuruki: "I'm sorry to hear that"

The massacre? He said it like it was something that everyone knows about.

Older man: "Yes, it was truly devastating"

Tsuruki: "I'm Tsuruki, and you two are?"

Older man: "Ohh introductions I forgot, you see I haven't met anyone new in awhile. Anyways, my name's Gordon, and this young man here is Rui. As I mentioned before, he is my grandson"

Rui: "It's nice to meet you, if you don't mind, I would like any tips regarding how to wield the elements"

Tsuruki: "Likewise, and regarding tips, it depends on your element and tier"

Gordon: "Well, he was chosen around a year ago and he has been struggling to wield his elements"

Tsuruki: Oh you have multiple? Which ones?

Rui: "Fire and water"

Ehhh, water huh.

Tsuruki: "Well I have mastered fire so I can assist you in that field"

Gordon: "Well... The reason he is struggling is because he has the rare fusion of the fire and water element"

Tsuruki: "Hmm, I heard that's a very difficult fusion to master. It's also quite annoying to start learning it. I'll see what I can do"

Rui: "R-Really, thanks!"

Tsuruki: "I can't promise anything, but I'll try to help to the best of my ability"

At first I wasn't sure whether to help them or not, but I decided I would in exchange of keeping me undercover. I also might learn something about wielding water while teaching Rui.

Tsuruki: "First I will teach you what I know about the fire element, then I will move into breathing forms. When it comes to water, I can't really help you there. You could either find an expert who can teach you about the water element, or you can try to find a fused elemental who has the same combination as you. I would suggest the first as it would be easier. The second choice is much harder, but if you succeed, then it will guarantee your chances of being able to understand your elements"

Rui: "I see. Well then, lets start shall we"

Tsuruki: "Right, first..."

I helped him with the fire element for three days, teaching the same techniques I know. There was a significant change in his abilities and I could tell that he had potential to become a great elemental. The only problem was the water element. Because fused elementals wield both elements combined, not having knowledge on the water element is restricting his abilities.

I lost three days of practice. I haven't progressed at all. This was taking longer than I was hoping for. I decided to refer back to that page of the documents. The one about devils. I remember vary vividly the information of that page. It mainly mentioned characteristics and features of devils, but there's one text that is different from the rest. It talks about how one can gain more power by striking a deal with the devil. In other words, the way to be able to wield more elements is to make deals with a devil. It talked about how there was a devil incident in America where William Schroff, the man who wields five elements, defeated the devil and absorbed its power. When I looked through American documents and info on Mr. Schroff, nothing about devils came up. It was very unusual for the JEMF to have information like this, but find nothing of the sort in the country where it happened. Either America is hiding something about him, or he is hiding information from America. So why would the JEMF know about this? Maybe I'll do a little more digging to see what I can find..... I wonder if Kira saw the horns forming on my head? What scares me most is that my eyes look like a devil's eyes, just what kind of experiments was Hojichi performing on everyone? I know Hojichi is hiding information about me, and I want the documents as soon as possible. I think I might pay them a sneaky visit tomorrow night, they shouldn't expect me to be back that soon.

Tsuruki: "*Yawn* Well I'm tired, I'll head to bed and get some rest. Thanks for letting me stay again"

Gordon: "Sure sure, it's the least I can do for helping my grandson"

Tomorrow night for sure. Saturdays are when everyones tired and talking, so they're less on guard than usual. I can also try out a technique with the dark element that I've been wanting to use. If I can get ahold of Professor Hojichi's document folder, then I'll know everything they've hidden about me.