Chapter 3

Kurt Pov

I'm just here in my room

Their noise below is annoying

"Tss their noise ampt" I said to myself

I went out of my room to see what they were going to do

I saw them drinking and laughing

I said "Tsk your noise tsk" I said to them

They all looked shocked as if they had seen a ghost

"oh why are you looking" I said to them

"It's a miracle because Kurt came out of your room Hahaha" said alex

"Tss" I just said

I was about to enter my room when the ice called me who but that's my brother Tristan

"kuya, ate called me and you sent to her office tomorrow" he said, his reaction on the poker face did not change

"why" I said without looking at him

"I don't know" he said

I just nodded

Tss what can my sister need from me

I finally entered my room

Maxine Pov

We have come home from fighting against valliria

We are here in the living room now and not one of us speaks because we are afraid of anthea

It's different when anthea gets angry like a dragon that people will eat hehe

Anthea noticed that I was smiling when she said that

"Why are you laughing Maxine Zoe Romero is there funny?" he asked me

I swallowed in no time and I quickly answered

"No-nothing" I stammered

Anthea huhu is so scary

He just stared at me and he got up and went up to his room

When he entered his room, we just breathed a sigh of relief

"What's the matter with anthea, she's so annoyed now" Shainna asked

"That's also why I wonder why he is rude now, we stopped them valliria" said Amber

"Maybe he's just tired so he's like that or he has it now "Kathlyn replied

"Let him rest. We will go to the new entrance tomorrow" Zairen said

We just nodded and he went to the rooms

*tomorrow *

Zairen Pov

I woke up to the sound of my alarm

I turned it off immediately and got up from my bed

Today is the day we go to our new school and we will enroll

We are just 4th year high school

Actually Ate Anthea and Ate Shainna are supposed to be in 5th year high school but they repeat for a year because Ate Anthea went abroad to find out who killed their parents

And ate Shainna stopped her because she followed ate Anthea to another country and also to help her ate Anthea so now we have the same year

When I woke up, I immediately took a shower and changed

After I take a bath and change, I go downstairs and I see them at the dining table

Except for ate anthea who is still not at the dining table

I sat down in my chair and started eating breakfast

When we finished eating breakfast, ate anthea still did not come down

"Amm guy's where is ate anthea" I asked them

"He's still upstairs still asleep" Maxine said

"Won't he come in" I asked them again

"No" amber answered sparingly

I just nodded

Why can't ate Anthea come in

When we left the house we saw mother Alice

"Good morning manang" we greeted at the same time

"Good morning to you too, Where are you going?" he said

"We will enroll in our new school" I said with a smile

"Ohh really woww where is anthea" he asked when he noticed that ate Anthea's was not there

"Amm there upstairs still sleeping" said ate Shainna

"Still asleep? Won't he enroll?" he asked

"We don't know if it will enroll"

I said

"Is that so, okay you can go now you might be late, be careful" manang said goodbye to us

"Bye bye po manang" we said goodbye to manang Alice at the same time

We walked to the parking lot

We found Manong Kim waiting for us

He is the one who will drive us to school

* school *

When we arrived at our new school when we entered the gourd immediately greeted us

We just walked to the offic to enroll

tok * tok * tok * we knocked first before entering

We saw a beautiful woman when she was young, look, maybe she is only 20 years old

The woman looked and smiled

She's cute when she smiles

"Ohh hi girls what do you need?" he said while smiling at us

"Amm hi we will enroll" I said to the beautiful woman

"Ahh ok sit down first" he said to us

"By the way I'm Kristel Louisse Lee call me ate Kristel" said ate Kristel with a smile

We also introduced ourselves to sister Kristel

"Hi, I'm Zairen Thea Yu call me Zai" I introduced myself with a smile

"I'm Princess Shainna Yu call me Shainna my sister is Zai" said sister Shainna

"I'm Amber Gunzaga" Amber said

"Hi, I'm Kathlyn Park call me kath" Kath introduced herself

"I'm Maxine Zoe Romero call me Zoe" he said

"Nice meeting you guys I hope you enjoy here at GOTHAM ACADEMY" he said

We smiled at Ate Kristel before we left. A handsome man came in

"Oh Kurt that's good you here" ate Kristel said

Sister Kristel looked at us and smiled

"By the way guys Kurt is my brother, Kurt they are the new students" he introduced himself to his brother kurt

"Tss I don't care about them" he said

The snout was very handsome but I said to myself the snout

"Don't be rude Kurt" ate Kristel said

"Amm ate we are leaving nice meeting you" we said

Ate Kristel just smiled

Anthea Pov

I just woke up in the sunshine

I got up and looked at 8:30 am

I got up immediately to go to the bathroom to take a shower

Then if I take a bath I will change

I left my room after I changed

When I got down I saw manang in the kitchen

I walked to the kitchen for a drink

Manang noticed me coming down

"Ohh it's good that you're awake, eat that I'll prepare what you eat" he said to me

while I was getting a drink I asked him

"Amm where are they" I asked manang Alice while I was drinking

"Ahhh they go to school and they seem to enroll" manang alice said

They will enroll tsk

I just nodded and went back to my room to get my things and keys

When I got my stuff and key I dialed Kath's number

* ring .. * ring .. * ring ..

A few minutes later she answered my call

"ohh ate why are you calling Do you need anything?" she said on the other line

"Tsk where are you" I asked even though I knew where they were

"ahh we are here at school" she said on the other line

"Tsk why didn't you wake me up" I asked him

"ahh sorry ate we didn't wake up because you might scold us if we disturb your sleep so we just didn't wake you up and don't worry I enroll you can come in tomorrow" she said

When she said I immediately turned off the call

"Tsk" I said to myself and I just drove to the hideout

Hi guys please vote and read my story thank you