A goodbye and a beginning.

You never know what fate holds for you, a long and prosperous life or a life full of suffering.

One Monday morning, a new beginning of the year and the last of the Institute, I was finishing putting on the uniform when my cell phone rang warning me of the arrival of a new message. I checked it and it was from my best friend Yun.

And a:

I'm leaving my house I'll wait for you at the intersection Y

Do not delay

When I finished reading the message, I hurried to finish preparing what I needed for school and left my house on my way to the Y intersection where Yun was waiting for me. When I got there I found her leaning against one of the wall on the way that led to school, we set off so as not to be late for school since we entered at 7:00 in the morning and there were only 10 minutes left for the hour at the beginning, but on the way we only did 5 minutes at a normal pace so we would have time.

"How do you feel about going back to school?" Yun asked me.

-Well, the truth is that I feel lazy having to get up early again while on vacation I woke up at 11:00 am. I respond by already seeing the school and the mass of students that are piling up to enter.

- I am excited, yesterday I found out that new students would enter, I hope handsome boys come among them and stay on our shift, because in the morning shift there are no hotties, I suppose they all have to be in the afternoon because here there are no daddies.

And in that he is right I have seen super handsome boys but none of them go on our shift so I want to assume that they go on the evening shift and now that I analyze it all these handsome boys will start arriving last year but none of them are on our turn so I came to the aforementioned conclusion, but the truth is I am not too interested in boys, if they catch my attention because I am not a lesbian but I am not like Yun who would like to be surrounded by them all the time we spend at school.

"Are you listening to me, Hazel?" Yun asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I'm not sorry, I missed what were you saying?"

`` You're very distracted, what's wrong? Are you feeling okay? '' Her face told me she was worrying.

--It's just ... I feel like something is going to happen, something bad - Since I got to the intersection And I had a bad feeling that worries me greatly.

- Quiet, nothing bad is going to happen, it is the first day that day is the most boring and nothing interesting ever happens, I'm sure the feeling will pass you - Yun was a girl who did not like that you were bad and always did of everything to cheer you up although it also had its character.

-- If you're right--.

We entered the school and each one went to her locker to put away what she was not going to occupy and we went to the class that we were assigned, which in my case was physical, which I certainly hate. I went into the classroom and sat in the seats at the back next to the window so that I could distract myself if the class bored me, since better things happen outside than in the happy classes.

Everything passed quietly during the first hour but after a few minutes into the second hour I realized that from the building that is in front of which I am a girl entered who was very pale for my taste, the truth was very strange since According to the teachers and the director of the Institute we cannot enter that place since it is supposedly full of armchairs, desks and things that do not work apart from the fact that it is already very old and cannot be occupied, from what I understand last year They were going to demolish it to leave that free space and occupy it to make a new court for the basketball players, but they never did anything to it; If the principal finds out that that girl entered there, she will surely expel her because "that place is too dangerous that if you move something, even if it is, it could fall on you and something happen to you and the school would be to blame for the accident", quoting the words of the director.

When they rang the bell to announce lunch time, I picked up my things and went to the cafeteria to buy my lunch, once there I only decided on a bottle of water and half a sandwich and went to sit at a table It was empty and near the entrance to wait for Yun, time passed and she did not appear so when the bell rang I took the tray to its place and went to my next class.

At the exit, I was also waiting for her to go together to the Y intersection, but she still did not appear. I was about to go home when my cell phone rang informing me of a new notification.

From: Yun

To: Hazel

Don't wait for me, the director told me she had something to talk to me about, so you can go now.

Be careful and let me know when you get home.

At the end of reading the message, I let out a sigh and set off home. Anyway, tomorrow she will tell me so that I can send her to call the director.

Come to my home and I changed my uniform for a sweater and a black raserback top, I got ready to do my homework and when I finished it was starting to get dark, I left my room towards the kitchen and I found my aunt Lía preparing dinner what to say True, the aroma of food was exquisite and more for a person who does not have breakfast and only deserves half a sandwich.

-What do you do, Aunt Lía? -. I asked him taking a seat on one of the benches on the kitchen island.

-Spaghetti and breaded chicken-. She responded by flipping one of the chicken pieces.

-Smells good-.

- That's right, go putting the dishes so that we already have dinner.

-Agree -.

I put two plates on the island of the table with their respective glasses and cutlery. My aunt started serving us and we sat down to eat in silence until she decided to break it.

-And tell me, how was school, Haz? -. She said as she broke the milanes into pieces.

- Well, I just didn't see Yun today except in the morning when we went to the institute, because supposedly the director had sent for her.

- And she didn't tell you why? -.

- Not only at the time of departure she told me to leave and not wait for her, she didn't tell me anything else.

- Calm down I'm sure that tomorrow he will tell you at the end of the day you always tell each other, isn't it all that way? -. I stopped to look at her for a moment, pleading that what she said was true.

- If you're right, Aunt Lía-.

We finished eating and I headed back to my room, took a shower and got into bed, after a few minutes I fell asleep.

The next day I did my routine to go to school again and headed for it. Once there I was waiting at the entrance for Yun but he did not appear so when they rang the bell to indicate that the classes were beginning I went to my biology class and I prepared to pay attention, but I simply could not, the fact that That Yun did not attend school, much less let me know, worries me greatly since she always told me when she would not come to school and this time it was not the case.

At lunch I went to buy my food and I decided on an apple and a bottle of water, I sat at a table near the entrance to the cafeteria and alone since Yun did not appear; as soon as I took a bite of my apple my phone vibrated warning me that I had a notification, I took it out to see what it was about and it was a message from Yun ..

And a:

I will no longer be able to go to school, well yes, but not in the morning shift since I have been transferred to another shift.

So don't wait for me when I can, I'll see you at your house to explain .... I love you and take care of yourself a lot please.

I reread several times since I still did not understand anything about the message ... how did they change her shift? Why? The last sentence of the message confused me even more, why was she telling me to take care of myself? Will something happen to me?

Those and several questions haunted my mind, I couldn't wait for him to come see me, he had to explain all this to me because I didn't understand anything. They rang the bell to announce that the break was over; I put the bottle of water in my backpack and threw away the apple which I had no longer had a chance to consume because I got into my thoughts.

In literature class I was trying to pay attention to the class but no matter how hard I tried I could not since Yun's message still haunted my thoughts ... what did he mean when he said that he will take care of me ?, and most importantly why seemed begging ?.

-Miss Hazel, could you tell me what I'm explaining? -. the teacher's voice brought me back to reality.

- Sorry but I was not paying attention-.

- Then I'm going to feel it more, but she will be punished today by arranging the messy books in the school library and she will not be able to leave until I finish my work schedule, okay? -. I sigh heavily and nod my head.

-Yes-. I say resigned since apparently today I'm not going to go home early.

- Well, let's continue -. and so she continued with her class.

When classes were over, the teacher took me to the library and told me that he would come and tell me when I can go.

Hours passed and the teacher still did not come to tell me that I could retire and the worst of all is that it was going to be 7 o'clock and I had not eaten, it was going to get dark and I was dying of boredom since I had already finished accommodating everyone books and was just sitting at a table reading a book to pass the time.

Some time later I hear the bell ringing announcing the departure of the afternoon shift and at that precise moment the literature teacher appears.

"They're going to close the library, pick up your things, come with me."

I followed him to the entrance of the school where he pointed to a bench by the door.

"Stay there until I come and tell you that you can go now." I rolled my eyes and I nodded, sitting down on the bench.

Some time later I saw that it was already 8 pm, how much longer was that teacher going to take? I've been here all day and this old man hasn't let me go, the truth is, I already wanted to go. The main door opened and I thought that would be my signal to leave, but instead students entered, why do students enter at this time if the afternoon students are supposed to have left? Unless they are punished, but there are too many to be punished.

All of them, from the girls to the boys, have pale skin as if in their life the sun had given them and a few had crimson pupils, which surprised me, but not as much as the fact that they all looked at me strangely and with heavy looks that they only transmitted hate? I wasn't sure, but I did know it wasn't good. A group of students stared at me too much and began to get closer, which scared me because, as I said, they were not transmitting anything good to me; at that moment the literature teacher appeared and got in their way.

-Direct to their classrooms, boys, he said with a little annoyance in his voice.

"It doesn't matter, it looks like it wouldn't be worth our time." One of the boys replied with a mocking, closed-lipped smile painted on his lips.

-You, you can retire to your house, don't talk to any of these guys and much less look at them if you don't want problems -he said looking at me over his shoulders -and see.

I took my things and left the school in order to go through the courtyard and finally leave the school grounds, but just as I was about to leave I saw something that astonished me; Yun was talking to one of those boys who were entering the school, doubtful I approached her and called her.

-And a? She immediately turned around and looked at me, her eyes train the same crimson lenses as everyone else, she looked very pale and a little taller.

"Hazel? What are you doing here?" It shows that she was surprised and at the same time was afraid.

-You studied here, isn't that obvious? -.

"If well, I mean these hours."

"They punished me and I've been here since morning."

-I can't believe they left you here until this time they don't usually punish them until so late. -I was still stunned, I didn't understand why she was here with these strange guys and at night, wasn't it supposed to be the afternoon? ?, which led me to a single question.

-And what are you doing here? -.

-I haa ... -I was nervous, I knew her perfectly well and knew that she had become nervous, a throat clearing by the boy who was with her made us turn around.

-It's time to go Yun -said the boy looking at me very seriously.

"So, it's true," she said, coming out of her nervous state. "I think you should be leaving, too," she said this time turning to see me.

"Okay," I said, looking at her suspiciously and turning to start walking.

-Ha and Hazel be careful please- I turned to see her I nodded in her direction and continued on my way to my house.

I had already advanced two blocks from the school when I heard a scream that came from one of the alleys and as if I were a super heroine I went to help the person who was screaming, when I arrived and entered the alley I could dazzle a girl and even a boy the girl had her clothes stained with blood and the boy was also stained with blood but what really surprised me was that the boy belonged to our school since he was wearing the uniform, he saw me and a smile that did not I knew how to interpret it was reflected in his face, he released the girl he was holding by her back and let her fall, slowly approaching me like an animal hunting its prey I slowly started to retreat but I collided with the wall, but when I I wanted to take off to run and he was already in front of me with each of his arms around my head, involuntarily and out of fear I pushed him and he flew to the other side which puzzled me but did not disappoint. I took the opportunity to run I tried to go back to school to ask for help but they took me by the arm and threw me into a tree that was nearby and I fell to the ground, my vision was cloudy but before I could no longer fully see vizualise as the boy approached and gave me a sinister smile and at that moment I was unconscious plunging into darkness.