Chapter 45 - Jiang Yan was playing with & "Why, can't you bear me?"

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen didn't talk for too long, so they were called by the director to take away the place to try the scene, and then started shooting.

Inside the quiet room, Yan QingChi has entered the role of Meng Luo, sitting on the sofa, looking at the man in front of him, he asked, "Drink water?"

Jiang MoChen, no, it should be He Yu, staring at him seriously at this time, with a calm tone, "No."

Meng Luo only poured himself a glass.

They sat down across the coffee table. Meng Luo's expression was very relaxed and his voice was very nice, "Are you looking for me?"

Contrary to him, He Yu had a serious face, "Where are you on the night of September 30th?"

"I am with my classmates."



"Hongguang Road?"


"Why did you choose such a time to sing at KTV on Hongguang Road?"

"Because it happens to be a holiday on November, everyone wants to relax. Going there is also because the KTV is the cheapest."

He Yu raised the corner of his lips, speaking in a gentle voice, but firm in his words. His eyes were sharp and his expression was a little cold. He said, "You are lying."

Meng Luo looked at him in shock and innocence, seemingly puzzled why he said that.

His eyes are very clean, reflected in He Yu's eyes, like a Wangquan, He Yu was looked at by his innocent and pure eyes, and he could only sigh in his heart: He was so deep in his mind at a young age.

He said in a deep voice: "You choose there because you want to get close to Xu Jiao."

Xu Jiao was the third deceased.

He looked at Meng Luo and slowly laid out the evidence he had collected bit by bit.

Meng Luo heard that there was no change in his expression, but he lowered his head and drank, and said calmly, "This is just your guess."

He is too calm and calm, but such a calm makes his body abnormal.

"Before Xu Jiao died, there were scraps of the murderer's skin left in her nails. You can go back to the game with me to test and see if it is the same.

Meng Luo glanced at him, took another sip of water, still in a calm tone, "What can the same prove?"

"What do you mean? Meng Luo."

Meng Luo smiled, his gentle appearance was very beautiful, he put down the glass in his hand, his tone was clear, he said, "He Yu, you are smart, you are smarter than everyone else I have ever met."

Jiang MoChen obviously felt that Yan QingChi's temperament had changed.

He looked at him, "Don't pretend?"

Meng Luo still chuckled, "It won't be fun anymore, isn't it?"

He leaned back slightly and looked directly at He Yu, his eyes full of contempt and pride.

That was a different Meng Luo that He Yu had never seen before.

He said, "You are right, I killed her, I killed them."

"You use Zhou Fang and treat him as your pawn to help you kill people. At the same time, it becomes your umbrella. You hide yourself behind the truth and watch all this quietly. Poor Zhou Fang still feels that you are just a Ignorant, simple and unprepared student."

"Yeah, so he is stupid. I don't use him. I'm so sorry that God sent him to me."

"Why?" He Yu asked him, "Why kill your father? Isn't he your biological father?"

Hearing this, Meng Luo was silent for a moment without speaking. His feelings were very quiet, he lowered his head, and his long eyelashes slowly dropped, covering him with a layer of loneliness and melancholy. He sat there blankly for a while, then slowly got up, expressionless, but it made people feel cold and arrogant. He looked at He Yu, then reached out his hand and slowly unbuttoned his shirt.

His fingers are long and white, very beautiful.

His eyes were calm, and then, he turned his back and slowly took off his shirt from his shoulders. He didn't take off all of it, but only half of it, but this was enough to make He Yu astonished. On the back, the pale skin was full of scars, scars of different depths caused by different methods.

Meng Luo's voice came into his ears softly and cleanly, "Those kids just stayed with them for a year or two, and it became like that. Then, what about me who was brought up by him since I was young?"

He tilted his head slightly to look at He Yu, eyebrows flying, with a slight smile, he said, "I, since I was conscious, I was thinking about a question, why should I live? But then I didn't. I think about it," his smile deepened, and it was bright and gorgeous against the sun shining through the window, "because," he said softly, "I began to wonder, why is he alive?"

He Yu felt like he was being hit hard for an instant. He looked at the young man in front of him. For that moment, he didn't speak.

Meng Luo stayed on the spot, re-buttoned the button silently, turned to face He Yu, held up the water glass, and looked down at the policeman who represented justice and the legal system in front of him. He drank the water and asked gently. Said, "Are you here to catch me?"

He Yu spoke slowly, "Yes."

"It's not a shame to be arrested by you." He whispered, "It's just that you don't know me too much."

He Yu sensed the danger from these words. He watched the introverted and silent appearance faded in front of him. Under the gentle smile, the young man dripping with blood was hidden. He suddenly focused his eyes on the glass in his hand and snatched it away. .

He was not sure, so he asked, "What did you do."

"He Yu," Meng Luo looked at him, full of youthful publicity and spirit. He looked at him with uncontrollable arrogance and contempt in his eyebrows. He said, "I will never let myself be swayed by others. Since I was an adult at the age of 18, I told myself that I would no longer let myself be swayed by others."

He sat down slowly, leaned against the sofa, folded his legs, and looked like a master of the overall situation.

He Yu approached him, gritted his teeth and asked him, "What have you done? What are you going to do?"

"What do you think?"

He Yu gritted his teeth, and the premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger. He reached out and took out his mobile phone to dial 120. However, as soon as the call was dialed, he heard Meng Luo calmly saying, "It's useless, there is no time."

He Yu stretched out his hand to break his jaw and help him induce vomiting. But it was too late, because Meng Luo had already started to react, his face turned pale and his hands started to tremble.

He Yu stretched out his hand to help him, and said bitterly, "Why are you!"

Meng Luo fell on his arm and his eyes were about to open. He wanted to say that he was born without seeing this world, so he would not let this world humiliate himself. He wanted to say that he had read a sentence from Tagore when he was young: Life is as gorgeous as summer flowers, and death is as quiet as autumn leaves. He is destined to be unable to bloom like summer flowers in this life, so he only wants to wither like autumn leaves.

But he couldn't speak anymore, he closed his eyes and left the world quietly without struggling.

He Yu looked at the breathless young man in his arms, and if he ignored the blood at the corner of his mouth, he seemed to be asleep. At that moment, He Yu had mixed feelings in his heart. He once felt that this quiet and introverted teenager was pitiful, and that this thoughtful executioner was terrible, but now, he closed his eyes forever, and his complexion was as calm as his usual It feels the same, so youthful and harmless.

Every life's fall makes He Yu sad. The duty of the police is to save as many lives as possible, not to watch it fall in front of him.

He Yu gently helped him up, put him on the sofa, and then called his team members.

"Ka." Director Wang was very satisfied, "Yan QingChi, you played well this time."

Yan QingChi just got up from the sofa, spit out the blood in his mouth, and smiled towards Director Wang, "Thank you, Director."

Jiang MoChen was still immersed in the emotions in the play. At this moment, seeing him sitting up and looking at him with a smile, he was a little dazed for a while, but he was actually taken aback.

Because it is focused on filming the scenes of Meng Luo's house, the following scenes are still related to Yan QingChi. Yan QingChi looked at the scenes that were crossed out in his play, and only felt that he would focus on shooting at this schedule, and he estimated that it would be finished in a few days. When he thought of this, he felt a little reluctant for a while, and he didn't know whether he was reluctant to bear this role or some people.

He was feeling melancholy here, Guan Mei sent a message, telling him that he would be able to finish the movie in a week, and after it was finished, it would be seamlessly connected with "Come on!" friend! "This variety show, and at the same time enter the crew of "Mian Mian Cotton Candy" in the middle of next month.

Yan QingChi looked at the five words "Mianmian Cotton Candy", his hands trembled, "Idol drama?" he asked.

"Yes." Guan Mei said back to him, "ip adaptation, you play the second male role, the set is good, the male lead knows you as well, old friends."

Yan QingChi is a little confused now, do you know him? Or an old friend? "Who?"

"Wei Lan." Guan Mei was straightforward.

Yan QingChi had nothing to say in an instant, he thought about it, except for Jiang MoChen and his family, he seems to have known Wei Lan and talked several times.

"Does Wei Lan know?" he asked.

"I don't know that, you can ask him."

Forget it, Yan QingChi can already think of what Wei Lan's expression will be when he knows it. It is estimated that he will go out with a big laugh and stick in his waist and tell him that Feng Shui takes turns, and you have today! Come, Yan QingChi, wash father's feet!

So, "Why did you choose this show?"

"Why, of course, because the show can be seen to explode to the naked eye!" Guan Mei analyzed for him, "Now there are only a few people in the circle who can sell the show, and Wei Lan is one of them. This kind of ip adaptation, There are fixed book fans, so investors are willing to invest, and TV stations are willing to buy them. Idol dramas are good for stars, and it is easy to create characters and popular dramas. Now you don't just need popularity, it's the most suitable to play this kind."

Yan QingChi saw that she had typed such a large string of words and replied, "OK, I see."

"That's it, I'll pick you up then."

"it is good."

Yan QingChi received the mobile phone and felt deeply that he was really about to finish.

At dinner in the afternoon, Yan QingChi told Jiang MoChen about the fact that he was about to finish. Jiang MoChen knew that he was about to finish when he told him about the next work schedule, but now Yan QingChi said the two of the finish. At this word, he was a little stunned for some reason, and then said: "It's almost almost time, and the schedule for you to sign this play is less than a month."

"Guan Mei took me a variety show and idol drama."

"I know, I have seen it."

Yan QingChi sighed, "It's a little unaccustomed to change places suddenly."

Jiang MoChen heard the words and teased him: "Why, you can't bear me?"