Chapter 48 - Cinema holding hands

The two people took the tickets and checked the tickets. Wang Xianghai followed them, wearing hats and glasses, and took a few photos at an angle. After waiting for a while, he estimated that Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen should have already sat down, bought popcorn and Coke, and then took his little master to walk in.

After entering the movie hall, Yan QingChi realized that it turned out to be a couple's hall. The seats here are not the kind of chairs in ordinary movie halls, but sofas. And each sofa is very large, ensuring that it can accommodate two people. He turned to look at Jiang MoChen and smiled deeply.

Jiang MoChen hurriedly said, "I chose what I chose. This is the empty hall and there is no one. Who knows this is a couple hall!"

"Should I believe it?"

"Otherwise, did I choose a couples room specifically for you?"

"I didn't say that."

"Your eyes clearly mean that!"

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, thinking too much is a disease, and you have to be treated." Yan QingChi said, automatically choosing a seat to sit down.

Jiang MoChen walked over and sat down beside him, "This sentence will also be returned to you. Self-love is a sickness, and you can be cured."

Yan QingChi squinted at him, "Oh? What are you doing here? If I were you, when I said this, I would change my seat first."

"Is your location the best viewing area? I just want to watch movies, OK?" Jiang MoChen retorted.

Yan QingChi heard the words, nodded, got up and sat down on the next seat, "Then I will leave the best viewing area for you, sit down by yourself, don't come over."

Jiang MoChen: "..."

Yan QingChi smiled, "Watch the movie well~"

Jiang MoChen: "..." Where did this come from? Since Sheng Jiang He Shengyan, why every time he is beaten and has nothing to say!

When Wang Xianghai came in, he saw his boss and the boss who he just guessed were sitting separately, and they each had a sofa. The difference was that the boss seemed to be in a good mood, while the boss had a cold face.

What's going on here? Won't quarrel again? Just for a while?

Wang Xianghai felt that he was too tired to live as an ordinary assistant. He had to figure out the holy will every day. Now he is still responsible for reconciling the relationship between husband and wife. Pity him, a single dog, and he has to worry about other people's feelings. Wang Xianghai felt that it was really difficult for him to be elected as the best assistant of the year.

QiQi entered the movie hall and saw Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi sitting separately. He was a little surprised. He was hesitating where he was going to sit. He heard Yan QingChi calling him, so he took Wang Xianghai's hand and motioned him to let it go. Ran to Yan QingChi.

Before he could speak, he heard Jiang MoChen calling him, "QiQi, come here."

QiQi looked at Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi again, confused, he whispered to Yan QingChi, "Dad, don't we sit with my father?"

Yan QingChi took him in his arms and sat down, "He wants to watch the movie well, and we won't bother him."

QiQi heard him say this, nodded "oh oh", but then asked, "Can't you watch if you sit with us? QiQi is very good and doesn't disturb my father."

"But he doesn't want to sit with me." Yan QingChi pretended to be sorry.

QiQi was surprised, turned his head to look at Jiang MoChen, more confused, "Why?"

Yan QingChi held QiQi, smiled and looked at Jiang MoChen, and asked, "Yes, why, Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang MoChen felt that it was true that the past two decades had gone too smoothly, so he met Yan QingChi, who was an expert of the heavenly sent to rectify him. What can he say? What can he say! He could only get up and walk over, and said helplessly: "What nonsense, I don't want to sit with you."

"Oh? That seems to be thinking?"

Jiang MoChen nodded helplessly.

Yan QingChi smiled and said: "Isn't I being passionate?"

"Madam joked."

"Then who thought too much just now?"

Jiang MoChen gritted his teeth, "Mrs. Jiang, just accept it when you see it."

Yan QingChi is not afraid of him, "You answer my question first."

Jiang MoChen was speechless, "It's me."

Yan QingChi bent his eyes and laughed. He held QiQi and sat aside, giving Jiang MoChen a place, "Sit down, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang MoChen glared at him, Yan QingChi looked at him with eyebrows, Jiang MoChen was looked at by him, somehow, he felt that his proud look was a little cute, and slowly laughed.

"Happy?" he asked.

"Happy." Yan QingChi is very honest.

Jiang MoChen sighed, "You are really..."

"Honest and frank?"

Jiang MoChen laughed, he looked at Yan QingChi, and Yan QingChi asked him, "Is it dishonest? Are you not frank?"

"Honest," Jiang MoChen laughed, "and candid. It's amazing that you are going to boast about your behavior when you see the needle."

Yan QingChi smiled softly, blinked without speaking.

Jiang MoChen smiled and sat down beside him.

Not far away, Wang Xianghai, who felt that he was very redundant, was quietly hiding himself at the entrance, pretending that he did not exist.

After waiting for a while, the movie began. Wang Xianghai gave Jiang MoChen the popcorn Coke in his hand and placed them in the farthest position, closed his eyes, went to sleep, and lay down and pretended to be dead.

Yan QingChi was feeding QiQi while eating popcorn. QiQi was very engaged, and from time to time he whispered to him. However, when the movie reached the second half, QiQi was a little sleepy. From the moment he got off the plane, he was excited because of seeing Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen, and has not rested. At this moment, the theater environment is just right, and the animation episode is very soothing, QiQi unknowingly falls asleep relying on Yan QingChi.

Yan QingChi saw that he was asleep, and was afraid that he would wake him up, so he didn't move any more and sat quietly.

Jiang MoChen looked back and saw him sitting stiffly, and wanted to take QiQi into his arms, but was rejected by Yan QingChi, "Farewell, if you wake up, it's not good."

Jiang MoChen secretly said that you are so alert when everyone sleeps like you, but he didn't say, but comforted: "Don't worry, QiQi sleeps very heavily and won't wake up so easily. You will fall asleep soon after you wake up. It's okay."

He said that he took QiQi into his arms, took off his coat by the way and covered QiQi on his body. Yan QingChi saw that QiQi was really not awake, so he didn't say anything.

I came to watch the movie with QiQi, and now it became the two adults watching the movie. Yan QingChi had no interest in this kind of children's cartoon, so he asked Jiang MoChen, "Do you think it looks good?"

"I haven't watched animation for many years."

"I sometimes watch it, but it's not of this type. This type really embarrass me a bit."

Jiang MoChen looked at him, and the two smiled helplessly.

However, even if they are no longer interested, they have to continue to sit in the theater, otherwise if QiQi wakes up, they will not be able to explain to QiQi.

In order to pass the time, Yan QingChi started to eat popcorn again, eating and eating, not forgetting to drink a sip of Coke, but it was delicious. Jiang MoChen saw him eating popcorn and drinking Coke, and he reached out to the popcorn bucket and grabbed a handful.

It's not boring that two people are talking, eating popcorn, and commenting on the supporting role of the protagonist of the cartoon.

The popcorn that Wang Xianghai bought was a big bucket, but the two of them always tasted fast. Jiang MoChen watched the movie with his hands in the bucket casually. He felt that he was about to bottom out. Just stretched out his hand to grab deeper, but bumped into it. Yan QingChi's hand.

Jiang MoChen was a little surprised. He turned his head to look at Yan QingChi unconsciously. Yan QingChi was quite natural, "One more thing, just eat it."

As he spoke, he took his hand out of the bucket and continued to eat the popcorn in his hand.

Jiang MoChen looked at him, and saw him pushing the popcorn bucket toward him, "Here, there is only one last bit left."

Jiang MoChen reached out and grabbed a bit.

Yan QingChi saw that he hadn't caught it, so he grabbed another hand. He watched the movie. After eating, he naturally took it in the bucket again, and then he touched Jiang MoChen's hand again.

Yan QingChi saw that his fingers had bottomed out, and wondered whether they should be gone. Even if there were, there were only three or five of them, leaving it to Jiang MoChen. So he didn't stop, ready to take out his hand directly.

But as soon as his fingers left the bottom of the barrel, they were grasped.

Yan QingChi was a little surprised, turned his head to look at Jiang MoChen, and saw Jiang Mo was watching the movie with a serious look, as if the person who suddenly grabbed his hand was not him.

He looked at Jiang MoChen's pretense, and felt a little funny and sweet, so he turned his head and smiled lightly without breaking him.

Jiang MoChen was finally relieved when he saw that he turned his head and stopped looking at him. He felt that he must have suddenly made a mistake in his mind just now, so he awkwardly held Yan QingChi's hand. He calmed down his heart that had just been discovered by Yan QingChi, and when he turned his head to look at him, he suddenly began to beat his heart, only to feel that he was really guilty.

The two of them sat quietly, clasping their hands. Yan QingChi wanted to change his posture, but when he moved, he was held tighter. He thought I didn't intend to take it away, but just changed posture. Are you as for?

But after all he cared about Jiang MoChen's face, didn't say anything, just glanced at him helplessly, and said to him that he likes to hold hands, first love, so young.

Yan QingChi thought for a while, and suddenly laughed. He said it wasn't his first love. Before I met Yuan Mingxu, I didn't have a relationship. Later I thought I liked Yuan Mingxu, but Yuan Mingxu just wanted to hang him in the early stage. Live the taste of his love. They're all fathers, and they haven't even had a relationship with him yet, but he's still a primary school student, and he's obsessed with holding hands.

Yan QingChi thought of this, so he had to leave it to him, and he just felt like he loved it, and he was happy. He had forgotten all at this moment, he had never been in love before crossing, and he was just a novice elementary school student.

When the movie was over, and the lights in the theater were on, Yan QingChi coughed, and Jiang MoChen finally let go.

He still looks at the movie seriously, as if it wasn't him who just secretly held hands.

Yan QingChi didn't break through, but pulled his hand out and asked him, "Do you want to wake up QiQi?"

Jiang MoChen also took his hand back silently, "Call it," he said.

So Yan QingChi leaned over and whispered, "QiQi, QiQi, it's time to wake up."