Chapter 53 - Zhao Qiang's Dark Night Private Meeting Jiang Mochen

Yan QingChi is really about to finish, almost there are only three scenes left, but these three scenes are too scattered, so that after the first scene was filmed, he didn't have his own shooting for two days. Session. Yan QingChi was idle, so I searched the Internet for several issues of "Let's Fight! friend! "This variety show, I have a rough idea.

"Come on! friend! ", is a variety show of team competitions. There are ten permanent guests in the variety show, divided into two groups, each with five people-three boys and two girls. Among them, only the team leader is fixed by Sun Xun and Chen Xuanlang, another popular niche in each period, and the team members are randomly combined by drawing lots. In the game, everyone wears a wooden sign with their name on their wrist. If the wooden sign is stolen, it is a failure and you are out of the game. After the game is over, which team has the most people left and which team wins, the winner gets a medal, and the loser needs to draw punishment tasks.

This variety show looks very simple, but with the funny interaction between the resident guests and the fierce competition for wooden cards, it has become the most popular variety show in China. The ten resident guests in it have also been smashed. A sense of existence. Only this season, Guan Jingshen, the resident guest, only signed the first six episodes with the program team for personal reasons, which means that in the next six episodes, the program team needs to find someone to replace him. Yan QingChi also had the opportunity to substitute for this because of this.

To be serious, this opportunity is not his turn for a rookie. After all, it is a huge variety show, and many economic companies are staring at this piece of fat. It's just that Guan Mei has a wide network of contacts in the industry and knows the director of the program group, so he knew about this earlier than others and directly recommended Yan QingChi. Yan QingChi, as a newcomer, is unpopular and has no works. It is not in the program group's consideration to come. However, in order for Yan QingChi to be able to participate in this variety show, Guan Mei insisted on lowering his offer, and at the same time opened it. If the program team is willing to sign Yan QingChi, then Jiang MoChen, as the first brother of Nancheng, will also participate in the two phases of the bargaining chip at a friendly price.

This bargaining chip is not unprofitable, "Come on! friend! "In the first season, Jiang MoChen was invited, but Jiang MoChen declined. Since his debut, he has followed the line of compulsion. Except for some publicity variety shows in the promotion of film and television dramas, he is not in variety shows at other times. Now as long as you sign Yan QingChi, Jiang MoChen can come to two issues. It is still a friendly price. This is not to say that it does not make the show team's heart.

Later, the director made the board and signed it! Signed Yan QingChi, which is the sixth period. Jiang MoChen can still have two periods, which means that Yan QingChi will only have four periods alone. If the performance is good, she will give a few more shots. If the performance is not good , It's a big deal to give a few shots, because the ratings, webcasts and topics are all high now, and a Yan QingChi will not affect much. Therefore, the director sold the face of Guan Mei and signed the next six issues with Yan QingChi.

After Wu Yuan learned of this, he directly called Jiang MoChen and asked him, is it you who instructed Guan Mei? Say you participated in two phases at a friendly price?

Jiang MoChen generously admitted, "I told her before that she asked Yan QingChi to pick up a sports variety show. She said that she has already contacted, but the other party is still considering it. I asked about the situation and felt that this variety show is probably correct. He helped a lot, so he let Guan Mei take care of it by himself. If it didn't work, he would use me as a bargaining chip. Anyway, since we already have intentions for this variety show, there is no reason to give it to others."

"You are really generous and selfless, do you know how much your average offer for a reality show variety show is? Just wasted for him!"

"It's just a promotion for "Lost", besides, my friendship is not cheap."

Wu Yuan was speechless, "Forget it, you are the boss and you can be happy by yourself, but you just relax a little bit, this time it's fine, if next time you bundle yourself up for Yan QingChi, do you believe it or not your fans will have to write private messages again? Scold me, and let the company pay attention to you and not consume you!"

Jiang MoChen was dissatisfied, "What is bundling, and how do you say it? This time it's because he just debuted and he has no popularity and works yet. Wait, wait for this variety show, he should have his own place in this circle. At that time, there is no need for me to help him."

"Oh? Then I'll wait and see."

"Okay, let's go to work." Jiang MoChen said, hanging up the phone.

But of course Yan QingChi didn't know this. Neither Guan Mei nor Jiang MoChen told him, so he just watched the first few episodes of this variety show and wondered what style of painting he should be like.

In the evening, Yan QingChi was going to find Jiang MoChen, asking him for Sun Xun's contact information, and chatting with Sun Xun about this variety show. As a result, he had just opened the door, before he had time to go out, he saw Zhao Qiang in front of Jiang MoChen's room. She was wearing a windbreaker with a very visible figure, exposing white and slender legs, and a pair of black high heels underneath, which seemed to have an indescribable charm.

She knocked on the door, Jiang MoChen opened it, and then she walked in.

Yan QingChi looked down at the phone, it was almost 11 o'clock, so late, what does Zhao Qian need to find Jiang MoChen? I haven't seen her holding the drama in her hand.

He thought for a while, then backed away, closed the door, and planned to look for Jiang MoChen when Zhao Qian left.

Jiang MoChen didn't expect that he would see Zhao Qiang when he opened the door. He thought it would be Yan QingChi. After all, Yan QingChi had previously sent WeChat to himself and said to come to him at night.

But Zhao Qiang said that he had something to look for, so Jiang MoChen opened the door and let her come in.

Zhao Qiang followed him into the room, sat on the sofa, lowered his head, seemingly afraid to look at him directly.

Jiang MoChen saw this and poured her a glass of water, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Qiang looked up at him. She looked very nice, with delicate eyebrows and elegant makeup, which was very charming. She sat on the sofa, clasping her hands unconsciously, biting her lower lip with her teeth, as if she was hesitating to speak.

When Jiang MoChen saw this, he didn't urge him, but just sent a WeChat message to Yan QingChi: Zhao Qiang came to me for something, don't come here, wait a while for her to leave, then come back.

Yan QingChi returned to him: Well, I just saw it, so I didn't go to you, you should be busy.

Jiang MoChen read the reply and put the phone lock screen back on the desktop, waiting for Zhao Qiang to speak.

It took a long time for Zhao Qiang to finally tell the purpose of this trip. She said, "Jiang MoChen, it happens that you don't have a girlfriend, and I don't have a boyfriend. So, can you fry me a cp? "She said, and quickly added: "Of course, I know this is equivalent to asking you to help me, and it will help me even more, so you can make your request, no matter what it is, I will promise you. In the same way, during the period of speculating CP with you, I will also fulfill what I should do as a girlfriend."

She said, getting up, and gently pulling apart the belt of the windbreaker, which was a lavender nightdress with spaghetti straps.

Jiang MoChen turned his head in an instant, and said in a cold voice, "Put your clothes on."

"Jiang MoChen, I..."

"If you want to continue talking to me, put on your clothes first, or I'll call your agent over."

Zhao Qiang was forcing himself to come to him without being ashamed. He said this and made such a move. Now, listening to him say this, he only feels very embarrassed. She wrapped her clothes again, fastened the straps, and then sat back on the sofa, her nose was a bit sore, but she was patient, and did not let herself cry.

Jiang MoChen turned his head to look at her, "You came to me today for this?"

Zhao Qian nodded, her shoulders trembled a little, her head was lowered, her long hair fell down, and she looked pitiful.

"Do you mean it yourself or the brokerage company?"

"Both." Zhao Qiang answered him.

At the beginning, the agent suggested that this would help her to increase her popularity. At the same time, Jiang MoChen has a lot of resources. If he can really scramble cp with him, maybe she will share some of her own. Resources. Zhao Qiang did not agree at first, but later, she watched Jiang MoChen's two hot searches in a row, and looked at the forum and Jiang MoChen's related posts are always the most discussed. Even Yan QingChi, a newcomer who has nothing, is mentioned from time to time in the forum because of his good relationship with Jiang MoChen. She looked at these, inevitably a little shaken in her heart.

And the last straw that crushed the camel was that the agent had come to talk to her about the heroine of the next play, and was cut off by someone two days ago. The one who cut her off was another popular actress, who was younger than her and had better means than her economic company. Zhao Qiang is not reconciled, but what can be done if she is not reconciled. Her popularity has been like this for so many years. She is said to be a small flower, but both resources and popularity are the bottom of the first line. Is she red? Compared with those actors who can only play supporting roles and can only move around in the television circle, she can span the two major sections of television and film, of course she is popular. But compared to other actresses of the same period, she is not so popular.

What the entertainment circle eats is youth rice, especially actresses. If she can maintain her unsatisfactory grades, in a few years, she may have to match other people, or she will still be the heroine, but only Be able to act in some small TV dramas that are difficult to star. So, Zhao Qiang thought, maybe just fight it. As long as Jiang MoChen is willing, then she will be able to earn more popularity and resources in this hype, as long as Jiang MoChen agrees to make a couple with her. But why did Jiang MoChen agree? Zhao Qiang thought for a long time, and she knew that he was not short of money and other people's likes. Then, all she could give seemed to be herself.

She hesitated for a long time, finally came to his door, knocked on the door, and was ready to hand over herself, but Jiang MoChen refused.

All the shame of Zhao Qiang broke out at this moment, and she sat on the sofa as if on pins and needles.

Jiang MoChen saw that she kept her head down and didn't dare to look at herself, so he didn't ask any more, just said, "Go back, today's thing, I will treat it as if it didn't happen, if there is a second time in the future, I won't be like this Talkative."

Zhao Qiang nodded.

She got up and said, "I'm sorry." She didn't dare to look at him, bowed her head and walked away.

Jiang MoChen looked at her cowering and couldn't help but mention her at the beginning, "Zhao Qiang, never actively try to find someone who is better than you to offer self-righteous cooperation, because you never know that you are in their eyes. A tool that can be used is still a weak lamb. When doing things, prepare for the worst."

Zhao Wei was taken aback, and she raised her head unconsciously, and saw Jiang MoChen's face serious. She looked at him and nodded for a long time, "Thank you," she said.

"Let's go back."

Zhao Qiang said "um" and turned to leave.

Until a long time later, Zhao Qiang remembered what Jiang MoChen said to her that day. She still has her own ambitions, still wants to hit a higher popularity, and still longs for better works, but she has become cautious. Cherish their. In the entertainment industry, she is ups and downs in the big or small circle. She has met many people and experienced a lot of things. She saw someone step and wrong step. She pulled desperately, but still couldn't stop it. People walked into the mud. She was extremely fortunate that she met Jiang MoChen when she went the wrong way for the first time, and she was also very fortunate that she chose Jiang MoChen at the time.

When he was most confused and struggling to take the wrong step, he rejected her with the coldest words, but woke her up in the warmest tone.

He is the most arrogant noble son in the entertainment industry, but he is also the most gentle guide in this circle.