Chapter 65 - Jiang Mochen confided in worry, Yan Qingchi stated that he was careful

Yan QingChi was not surprised at this call, even somewhat unexpectedly, he leaned back in his chair and answered the call calmly, "Hey."

Sure enough, Jiang MoChen's next sentence verified his conjecture, "Guan Mei said that Yuan Mingxu is going to be on your variety show. Do you agree?"

"Yeah." Yan QingChi responded.

Jiang MoChen didn't understand. He sat on the sofa and tried to organize his language to express his thoughts clearly, "Qingchi, I am not speaking for him, nor are you disapproving or supporting your decision. I just don't understand, I have no contact with him anymore, we will not have any intersection with him in the future, why would you agree to go on stage with him? Go to see him? I'm not blaming you, I'm just not very Know your thoughts? Do you think this variety show is your job? You just joined and are not willing to make conditions for him and the show group? Or do you really want to meet him, so you agree? Can you tell me about you? Idea?"

His tone was very gentle, Yan QingChi could hear the feeling he didn't want to misunderstand that he tried to express.

He smiled in a low voice and spoke slowly. He said, "Jiang MoChen, you don't need to be so nervous. I didn't misunderstand and I didn't mind. I know you are not for him. Even if you don't call me, I will Wait until the evening to spare and talk to you about this. We said before, I will not let you hear about me from others, I remember."

Jiang MoChen listened to him and relaxed unconsciously, "So, why are you?"

Yan QingChi thought for a while, "How should I say, part of the reason for what you said, this variety show is my job, I just took over, it makes no sense and I am unwilling to make conditions for him and the program group, besides, this circle At this age, I avoided him and didn't see him this time. Wouldn't I have to walk around him again and again in the future? Doesn't it seem like I'm afraid of him, it sounds bad, he is not qualified."

Jiang MoChen listened, but did not speak.

Yan QingChi continued: "Besides, if this variety show is recorded, he is for the popularity of the variety show, then even if we are on the same stage, there will be nothing; if he is coming for me, then even if I and The program group rejected him by offering conditions, and he will definitely find other ways to meet with me. Therefore, it should be mine, and I can't avoid it. It shouldn't be mine. I don't need to worry about it. Why should I go for him? Putting conditions with the program team, what about the effort?"

Jiang MoChen was silent for a while before he sighed, "Will you feel unhappy?"

"It's not true, it just feels a bit troublesome."

@Infinite good text, all in

"If you are afraid of trouble, I can let him not participate in this recording."

"If you don't go this time, you will always encounter it in the future. Although this analogy is not very pleasant, you have to remove the gum sticking to the sole of your shoe. You can't wait for it to fall off automatically, right?"

"There's nothing bad about it," Jiang MoChen said. "You can't blame others for the awkwardness of your own things."

Yan QingChi smiled, did not speak.

Jiang MoChen was holding the phone, feeling a little bored. He really didn't expect Yuan Mingxu to go to Yan QingChi's variety show. There are so many variety shows in China, and the popular one is more than "Come on!" "Yuan Mingxu will choose this variety show, the intention is simply too obvious. Of course he knew that Yan QingChi would not be afraid of Yuan Mingxu, and he also knew that Yuan Mingxu might not get anything good when facing Yan QingChi, but he was still worried, even if his reason told him that Yan QingChi was never a person who would wrong him. But he still didn't want Yan QingChi to face Yuan Mingxu alone, he hoped that at this time, he could be in front of him.

Jiang MoChen couldn't tell how he felt right now, just as he didn't know when he started to become unwilling to let them meet. When he first got married, Jiang MoChen also thought about it. When Yuan Mingxu came back, when they got together, he took Yan QingChi over and introduced him to his friends and Yuan Mingxu. At that time, he clearly Still willing to let Yan QingChi see Yuan Mingxu.

But later, slowly, without knowing when, he began to subconsciously avoid Yan QingChi from seeing Yuan Mingxu, so when he met him in Yuan Mingxu, he didn't tell Yan QingChi. Today, when Guan Mei said that Yuan Mingxu was going to record Yan QingChi's variety show, he resisted and was upset.

He didn't want Yan QingChi to see Yuan Mingxu, he didn't want Yan QingChi to talk to Yuan Mingxu, he was afraid that Yuan Mingxu would say something unpleasant to Yan QingChi, and he was afraid that Yuan Mingxu would do something unpleasant. Things. He was afraid that Yan QingChi would be hurt because of Yuan Mingxu's actions, and even more afraid that he would feel uncomfortable.

Jiang MoChen has never felt that he is a person who regrets easily. Since he was a child, his parents have taught you what you have done and what causes you plant, and you will have results. He asks himself that he has a clear conscience and that nothing has happened. Things worth regretting. But now, he regretted it. He regretted that he once liked Yuan Mingxu and regretted his efforts at that time. He was afraid that these previous likings and contributions would become a sharp blade for Yuan Mingxu to stab Yan QingChi. Just as he was afraid that Yuan Mingxu would just state the facts and said to Yan QingChi, "You know, he used to like me."

Yan QingChi knows that it doesn't mean that he will be willing to hear from others, it does not mean that he will not feel uncomfortable after hearing it.

Jiang MoChen sighed slightly, and he said, "Qingchi, I thought about it, but decided that I will go when Yuan Mingxu is gone."

Yan QingChi didn't expect him to say that, and was a little surprised for a while, "What are you doing?"

"If I don't do anything, I signed two issues with the program team when I came. Even if I don't go this time, I will go there later."

"But you don't need to come this time," Yan QingChi felt a little big head, "Wei Lan also said that she was going, and then you two will come together, okay, I think this issue is really going to explode. , I'm sorry for your enthusiasm if it doesn't explode."

"What is Wei Lan going to do?" Jiang MoChen was curious.

"He doesn't think it's a big deal. He must witness the wonderful moment when I meet Yuan Mingxu."

Jiang MoChen helped his forehead, "I'll call his brother in a while, let him take care of his brother, don't think about this all day long."

Yan QingChi laughed, "That Wei Lan probably will be pissed off by you."

"If I want to say that Wei Xun is too loose on him, if it were my brother, I would have beaten one small for three days and five days for a big one."

"You can't bear it, you are not such a character."

Jiang MoChen did not continue the topic of Wei Lan. He insisted on expressing his attitude on the decision to appear on the show: "Anyway, I will go then."

"Jiang MoChen..." Yan QingChi was interrupted by Jiang MoChen as soon as he spoke. He asked, "How do I call you now? Don't you think you should learn from me?"

Yan QingChi couldn't help but laughed out, "then, Mo Chen?"

Jiang MoChen "hummed".

Yan QingChi saw that he was satisfied, so he whispered, "Mo Chen, you want to come because Yuan Mingxu is here, are you afraid that I will meet him and make him unhappy?"

"I'm afraid he will make you unhappy."

"No," Yan QingChi said softly, "There are not many people who can make me unhappy. He doesn't have the qualification."

"You don't want me to go?"

"It's not that I don't want you to come, but I don't want you to come for him."

"I didn't do it for him, I..."

@Infinite good text, all in

"I know," Yan QingChi interrupted him, "You are for me. However, it is still related to him."

"I..." Jiang MoChen tried to explain his feelings to him, and heard Yan QingChi say, "Have you ever thought about why he wants to see me?"

Jiang MoChen did not speak.

"Of course it's not simply that I really want to see me." Yan QingChi smiled, "What do I look like? It's not enough to look at the photos. He wants to see me, isn't it for you?"

"But," Yan QingChi looked directly at the rearview mirror inside the car, he saw his calm but dark eyes, and also saw the selfishness hidden in his eyes, "But, how can I easily get people out of their favor? Wish?"

Yan QingChi heard his gentle but firm voice, "I also have my own little abacus, and I am also selfish, so why should I let him see you? Why should I let him see you? Why should I Would you like him to see you?"

Jiang MoChen was stunned. He didn't think about this, or he didn't think so much. He just simply felt that Yan QingChi was left alone to face Yuan Mingxu's unfairness to Yan QingChi, so he wanted to be by his side. Even in front of him, he was not allowed to be hurt, but he didn't expect that Yan QingChi cared about this.

"Are you scared by me?" Yan QingChi asked him softly, "Do you think I'm a bit too much?"

"No." Jiang MoChen replied gently, "You are not too much, and you will not be too much. I just feel that I have not thought about it well, and I didn't think of this."

Yan QingChi did not expect that he would say this, and did not speak for a while.

"You are right," Jiang MoChen never said hurriedly, but it always gives people a reassuring power. "Why should we follow his meaning."

Yan QingChi noticed that he was talking about us, not me, nor you, but us.

He listened to Jiang MoChen's clear sentences, and said word by word, "You are my spouse. You are naturally qualified to decide who I will meet and who I will not see. After all, you are the only Mrs. Jiang."

Yan QingChi smiled unconsciously, lowered his head to pull the small ornament on the car.

"Qingchi." Jiang MoChen called him.

"Huh?" Yan QingChi questioned. @Infinite good text, all in

"I said that I will never be in contact with Yuan Mingxu again, so no matter what happens, I will not contact him. Then, I can only trouble you to tell him on my behalf. This is the first and last time. He will show up in front of you, and there will be no second time. Tell him that people value self-esteem and self-love, respect yourself, and others will respect you. Don't make yourself too embarrassed."

Yan was stunned for a moment, and said "Oh", which was regarded as an agreement.

"And..." Jiang MoChen paused.

Yan QingChi did not speak, but listened quietly.

"Also," Jiang MoChen said softly, "I miss you."

Like the fine snow shaking from the pine branches, lightly with a little coolness, fell into Yan QingChi's heart.

Yan QingChi was slightly startled, and asked unconsciously, "What did you say?"