Chapter 77 - "You are the junior!"

"You are the junior!" Yuan Mingxu got up and said angrily: "You got involved in the relationship between us! You broke the relationship between us! He liked me before! It was your appearance that changed everything. ! You are the mistress between our two relationships!"

Yan QingChi was stunned. He couldn't help but applaud Yuan Mingxu. He shouted and admired his passion for this period of passion. He screamed and screamed. It was the first time he saw someone who was able to be so arrogant and arrogant. When he arrived, Yuan Mingxu opened his eyes in a real way.

"Awesome, what you said is really great! Yuan Mingxu, if there is an upside-down black and white award in this world, I will definitely award it to you. What you said is simply too good. Did you all touch yourself? Feeling wronged? Feeling unwilling? Feeling regretful? Feeling that I am not a human being, and Jiang MoChen is not a good thing? Are you really living your own imagination, is it not good to open your eyes to see the world? The same are all nine years of compulsory education, your three views Crooked like this, you are not afraid of encountering your teacher on the road to beat you."

"I'll take care of this timeline for you, and tell you what is Xiaosan." Yan QingChi folded his legs and folded his arms, "Before you went abroad, Jiang MoChen liked you, but you didn't like him. , You like Zhou Yixing. You and Jiang MoChen didn't clarify this relationship. They just got along as friends. At this time, you didn't establish a romantic relationship. On the contrary, almost everyone knows that you like Zhou Yixing, but Zhou Yixing doesn't like you. So, the three of you on this relationship network are three one-way arrows. No one has established a romantic relationship with the other party. The three of you are still single. So you keep saying that you and Jiang MoChen are friends. Although shameless, it was barely established. Then, you went abroad."

Yan QingChi looked at him, "I married Jiang MoChen. After you went abroad, you left. He cut off the single arrow to you, came to me, wanted to marry me, I promised, we get married, So we have a legally protected marriage relationship. We became a family, and we became double arrows. Then, you came back, and you bounced desperately, even if we both ignored you, you still want to go I'm leaning in front of my eyes, so I'll squeeze together, and I'm going to beat him up, saying that I'm a mistress? Do you know what mistress means?" Yan QingChi took out his mobile phone and gave him Baidu, and threw it on the coffee table in front of him, "No See if you understand. Free teaching, no money, it saves you a shame when you go out and use words in the future."

Yuan Mingxu lowered his head and saw that on the webpage opened by Yan QingChi, the black fonts of Baidu Encyclopedia showed eye-catchingly: The meaning of the third party in Chinese law is to abandon the three moral values, and step in according to his own personal preferences. The emotional life of others destroys the family relationship of the original couple.

He looked at the words "the family relationship of the original husband and wife" on it, and he only felt that it was extremely dazzling. He was not a third party. How could he be a third party? What destroys family relations? He doesn't need Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi to divorce, how could he be a third party!

"I didn't want to destroy your family relationship, I just want to get along with him in the same way as before." He tried hard to explain to Yan QingChi, "I never wanted you to divorce or have relationship problems."

"How to get along? Take care of you? Take care of you? He helps you if you have things? He solves your problems? Then what you need is not a Jiang MoChen, you need a caring butler 24 hours a day. You really didn't want us to divorce, you just don't I am willing to lose Jiang MoChen, a rich, powerful and gentle and considerate spare tire for you, but you also use your brain to think, can it be the same when you are alone and when you are a family? He and I married, naturally You have to put your mind on me. Get along as you did before? What am I? He paid a big price for a home furnishing? Do you think you are talking about humans?"

Yuan Mingxu looked up at him, his eye sockets were a bit sore, "You are so powerful, and you are so sensible, why bother with me in this matter? Even if he still gets along with me like before, for you , Will not cause any threat, will it?"

"Don't you just think how Jiang MoChen married someone like me? Now you think I'm great? My attitude changes too quickly, but it's useless. You said I'm a different kind of firework. Will you agree? And," Yan QingChi helplessly, "I have told you eight hundred times since you walked in. It's not that I didn't let Jiang MoChen get along with you like before, but he didn't want to, you don't need to be with me Pretending to be wronged and pitiful, you should go to him, do you understand?"

Yuan Mingxu looked at him without speaking.

Yan QingChi leaned on the sofa, with a calm look, "Don't look at me like this, we are rivals in love. If you look at me like this, it will only make me gloat. I think you have today? After all, I am such a hard-hearted person. I don't know how to pity and cherish jade.

Yuan Mingxu still looked at him, with red eyes.

"Is there anything else? You can go if it's okay."

Yuan Mingxu didn't speak, but looked at him stubbornly.

"Why, what else do you want to say to me?" Yan QingChi asked him.

Yuan Mingxu looked at him with a calm and indifferent expression. He only felt that Yan QingChi was playing with him. He sat there holding his chest, with his legs crossed, with an elegant temperament, but himself, like a clown in front of him Compromise, irritable and angry. He has been watching indifferently, only occasionally ridiculing himself to show his disdain and contempt for himself.

The jealousy and resentment in his heart are like slowly burning flames, bit by bit devouring reason and cannibalizing feelings, he sneered, and looked at Yan QingChi indifferently, his tone was cold, with some viciousness from his heart. And cruel.

"What are you? You are just a casual person who got married in a hurry after I left. As you said, he liked me with all his heart at that time. If I didn't leave, how could you be qualified to speak here now? ."

Yan QingChi smiled, "But you left."

"But he likes me."

Yan QingChi sneered, "What do you like? Oral like? Has he kissed you? Has he held you? Has he held hands with you? Has he ever driven a car on Qiu Ming Mountain? Has his parents and family seen you? Even , Did he really say he likes you?" Yan QingChi smiled contemptuously, "How much is your so-called liking?"

Yuan Mingxu said hard: "How do you know if it hasn't."

Yan QingChi said "Oh", "That's right," he raised his chin and pointed to his mobile phone, "Didn't the mobile phone be thrown in front of you? You give him a call and talk about what you guys are all about. The intimacy between the moments is so stimulating and stimulating. Don't worry, he won't answer your phone. If you use my cell phone, he will definitely answer it."

Yuan Mingxu unconsciously lowered his head and glanced at the phone, clenched his fists, his heart beating fast.

Yan QingChi watched his momentum weaken, and sneered, "You still want to bluff me with this trick."

When Yuan Mingxu was stimulated by him, he reached out and picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table, pressed the lock screen, and realized that he couldn't unlock it.

Yan QingChi got up and took his mobile phone. After the fingerprint was unlocked, he handed it to him, "Do you want to call? Call as long as you want. After the call, if you don't say I can help you, let's listen to it together."

Yuan Mingxu looked at him, his hands trembling unconsciously. He wanted to get the phone, but he didn't dare to reach out. He was afraid that Jiang MoChen would deny it in front of Yan QingChi, and he was afraid that he would be beaten on the spot. Then Yan QingChi would definitely do It was too embarrassing to laugh at himself in front of Jiang MoChen.

Yan QingChi saw that he was not answering, so he put the phone down again.

"Yuan Mingxu, this is the first time we two have talked, and I hope it will be the last time. Honestly, neither of us likes each other very much. You see me not pleasing to your eyes. I think I have taken away Jiang MoChen, which belongs to you. Seeing that you are not pleasing to the eye, I think you are always jumping in front of my eyes. It's a bit distracting. You keep saying that my appearance has affected the friendship between you and Jiang MoChen, but Jiang MoChen has so many friends, why are you alone affected, you Do you really have no compelling points in your heart? There are some, right. Because you also know that you are special in his circle of friends, and you even enjoy this special treatment, am I right?"

Yuan Mingxu did not speak.

"You told others that Jiang MoChen escorted me all the way and gave me a lot of resources. Of course I admit that he is indeed my guide in this circle and has helped me a lot, but he has also helped you before? He gave you advertising resources, took you on the cover of a magazine, and recommended you to go to different film and television crews. You maliciously spread rumors to me, saying that I don't need to work hard, and when you look down on me, don't you take a mirror to look at yourself? What's the difference between you and me, it's just fifty steps and a hundred steps, even in terms of numbers, you are still that hundred steps."

"So you are jealous?" Yuan Mingxu said indifferently.

Yan QingChi shook his head, "You underestimated me." He looked at Yuan Mingxu, "I am a person with a more casual nature. He gives me resources, and I will do my best to maximize the resource conversion rate. He If you don't give it to me, I won't want it, because even if I'm not well-known in this industry, I can go to other industries. You may not believe it, but I believe if I go to other industries, I can also be very involved. Ok. I know myself very well. I know that I am a very good person. So whether Jiang MoChen likes me or doesn't like me, I will not be like you, trying hard and doing everything , Just for someone who doesn't belong to him now, it is not necessary." He said.

"Since it is not necessary, why do you guard against me like this?"

"Because you have to rush to appear in front of me, you see, when you didn't appear in front of me before, I never looked for you, did I?"

"You just don't have a backache when you talk now. After all, I used to be the same as you."

"Why do you always have to say something about it?" Yan QingChi smiled, "The reason why it was once is that it has passed, and it is gone. You did not cherish your once, that is your problem, but No one needs to pay for your past. Why can't you face up to the fact that Jiang MoChen is married, face up to him now that he doesn't want to have anything to do with you. Correct your mentality, and then retreat to where you should be? Is it difficult? You are so stubborn and constantly emphasizing your past, holding your past to live, don't you feel pitiful?"

"It's just a marriage that can handle errands casually. You don't even have the most basic love. You really take yourself seriously."

"It makes you open your eyes to see the world. Why are you still alive in your own imagination? I didn't tell you just now. Jiang MoChen likes me too much. I want to live and die, or you have to tell you that at that time Not long after you left, he forgot about you. He fell in love with me at first sight, crying and screaming to marry me, I came out to record a variety show, and I want to send WeChat with me every day, if I don't have a video for a day, you just think I can't make you happy. ?"

"You are talking nonsense." Yuan Mingxu said angrily, "He is not such a person."

"That's right to you, not to me. If you don't believe me, you can ask him another day if I am right. Ouch, I forgot. He ignores you now, you can't ask him."

Yuan Mingxu gritted his teeth, only to feel the anger that had just subsided rise again.

"Don't be angry," Yan QingChi looked at him, "Speaking of which, don't you like Zhou Yixing? Why, don't you like it now?"

Yuan Mingxu didn't expect that he would ask this question at this time, and he had nothing to say for a while.

"I like it anyway," Yan QingChi smiled, "So why bother with Jiang MoChen, if you want me to say, you can wait. You see, Jiang MoChen liked you before, you don't care about him, now Jiang MoChen likes When someone else is gone, you start chasing him again. The same is true. Sometimes, there are always some people who are habitually guilty. Maybe, when you chase Zhou Yixing, Zhou Yixing ignores you, and you chase him now. I ran away with Jiang MoChen, Zhou Yixing should come back and chase you away. If you look back at this time, wouldn't you two become it?"

Yuan Mingxu was almost speechless by his similar reasoning.

Yan QingChi finally came to the conclusion, "So, if I were you, I would never pay attention to Jiang MoChen again, and wait for Zhou Yixing to come back to be with him, and tell Jiang MoChen that you didn't respond to me before, but now I make you unaffordable. , Didn't you ignore me, now, I don't care about you anymore, that's a fierce revenge! The reason why Bai Yueguang is white moonlight is because it can see it and can't touch it, you are like a bargain now The big-sale Chinese cabbage sticks upside down to Jiang MoChen. Jiang MoChen must not think you are cheap and look at you. This is not the same as the director's movie. We don't want the pay but we are willing to pay for the performance. The bad movie director gives you money to let you When you go to the filming, you still dislike him for coming to the door to disturb you to rest. Isn't that true?"

Yuan Mingxu did not speak.

Yan QingChi looked at what he seemed to be thinking, and felt that this conversation should almost end here, "Finally, as a reporter, Yuan Mingxu, Jiang MoChen asked me to bring you a sentence."

Yuan Mingxu was a little excited for an instant, looking at him expectantly, "What are you talking about?"

Yan QingChi looked at the expectation in his eyes and felt that what he said, Yuan Mingxu is probably going to be wronged again, but he has always faced Yuan Mingxu as a stone-hearted personality, so he only calmly stated: " Jiang MoChen said, this is the first and last time you have appeared in front of me, and there will not be a second time. Also, people value self-esteem and self-love, respect yourself, others will respect you, don't let yourself be too much Embarrassed."

Yuan Mingxu was stunned, he looked at Yan QingChi and couldn't believe it.

"Do you know why he didn't tell you directly?" Yan QingChi asked.