Chapter 101 - Parents' understanding and care

"You, what are you talking about?" Mother Yan couldn't believe it, "You kid, why are you making such a joke when you are so old."

She said, bending down and picked up the spatula.

Father Yan also nodded blankly, "QingChi, you can eat rice but you can't talk nonsense."

"I didn't talk nonsense." Yan QingChi knew this would happen. "This is true. It was diagnosed just yesterday. If you don't believe it, I will bring you the test report."

He said that he was about to leave, but was stopped by Yan Mu.

Mother Yan looked at him, rubbing her hands on her apron unnaturally, "What you said is true?"

Yan QingChi nodded.

"Really?" She still couldn't believe it.

Yan QingChi was helpless, "It's weird, isn't it? I also think it's weird, but it's really true."

"Why?" Mother Yan did not understand, "Why do you a boy get pregnant?" She wondered in surprise, and even boldly said, "Did it mean that when I was pregnant with you, I was pregnant with a baby, and then you Fight in my stomach, and then you won and digested part of your sister's organs?"

Yan QingChi was shocked by his mother's rich imagination, such a horrible story, his mother recently watched the "Uncensored World" again, otherwise, how could he even say such things as digesting his sister's organs? come out.

Moreover, "Mom," Yan QingChi looked at her, "Do you not know whether you were pregnant with one or two? Where can I digest such a non-existent sister?"

Mother Yan thought, yes, she was indeed pregnant with only Yan QingChi.

"Then what's going on?" She was a little worried, "How can you get pregnant if you are good? Is the diagnosis wrong, and you have a few in your belly?"

She said three times quickly.

Father Yan also said: "Are you a mother like this? It's easy to say that the child has a certain number in his belly. It is not as good as a child. The child will call me grandfather."

"It's not that I have a quick mouth, I made a mistake." The Yan mother blamed herself. She looked at Yan QingChi, "Xiaochi, have you felt nauseous or tired recently? Have you eaten sour or spicy lately? Has the taste changed?"

"There are some changes. It can be hot and sour. You can't eat the fishy smell. It's okay to vomit. It will be nauseous, but I haven't vomited much."

"This seems to be really pregnant." Yan Mu murmured, "Does MoChen know?"

"he knows."

"How did he say?"

"He said listen to me, I will give birth if I want, and don't want it if I don't want it. Anyway, we also have QiQi. But, I think he wants it, but he is afraid of putting pressure on me, so he hasn't performed Come out and let me decide."

"That's good, I'm afraid MoChen thinks this is weird, and there is a gap between you."

"He," Yan QingChi glanced out of the kitchen. Their kitchen is not fully open, so of course you can't see Jiang MoChen. Yan QingChi turned back and looked at his mother, "He is faster than I accepted. That's too much. I've been thinking about changing a house for our family for the past two days. If it weren't for my disagreement, we should move after this year."

"So, are you planning to have this kid?"

Yan QingChi sighed, "Come on, father and son are fate, I am a man, I can still be pregnant with him, this fate, it is probably me."

Mother Yan nodded when she heard the words, "Yes, it's a small life in the end. It doesn't matter if you have a child, you two can have a blood bond, and you are both busy. If you have a child, you can also stay at home with QiQi. Playing together, two kids, it's not so lonely."

Yan QingChi gave an "um" to agree.

"That is, you have to balance the relationship between QiQi and him. Don't let QiQi feel that you are not his own. If you like younger siblings more, that's not good." Yan Mu taught.

Yan QingChi nodded, "I know, I will pay attention."

"Oh, oh." Mother Yan turned to wash the spatula in her hand with water, "Oh, why do boys get pregnant now? Kochi, are you a boy?"

Yan QingChi:...

Father Yan: "...After raising for so many years, you have one son and one daughter or two daughters, don't you know?"

"I just don't understand it now." Mother Yan washed the spatula clean and wiped it, "Can boys get pregnant now? Kochi, don't tell anyone about this, just let us know quietly. , Don't say anything."

She said, and looked at Father Yan again, "Don't tell me at home, don't let Xiaoxi know, Xiaoxi is bluffing, so I can tell you if you can."

"I know." Father Yan said, and walked to the cutting board, "Then what, since I'm pregnant, and Koike likes to eat hot and sour food, let's make a pickled fish. I'm thinking of braising it in soy sauce. ."

"Dad, you should burn it," Yan QingChi said sincerely, "It's true, I have been eating this smell for at least a week."

Father Yan: "... Then I made you sweet and sour? Squirrel fish?"

Yan QingChi thought for a while, "Alright."

"Okay, let me make some cold dishes for you."

Yan QingChi saw him talking and started to take cucumbers, trying to help him, but before people walked over, he was stopped by Yan Mother, "What are you doing now? Go out and sit or lie down. OK, don't toss."

"I just cook a meal." Yan QingChi reluctantly, "I've only been two months now, nothing happened."

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"It's only the first three months that I'm most afraid of accidents. Pooh, pooh, anyway, you go out and rest, and I will call you for dinner later."

Yan QingChi was simply surprised, "Am I sick? The average girl is pregnant, so she still goes to work and cooks."

"Can you do the same?" Mother Yan looked at him, "It is normal for a girl to become pregnant. Can you tell me a boy who is pregnant now? You can't be careful."

Yan QingChi: "..."

"Listen to you, go out quickly. What's so good about this kitchen? Go and sign Xiaoxi. Didn't Xiaoxi ask you to sign?"

Yan QingChi watched his parents sing and reconcile, but turned around helplessly and left the kitchen.

"Okay, I will sign."

"Sign a few less, don't be tired."

Yan QingChi:...I'm probably a useless person now...

When Yan QingChi left, Mother Yan was washing and cutting the vegetables, while sighing, "I'm really pregnant? Isn't today April Fool's Day? Don't they all celebrate that deceptive festival?"

"Didn't he all have a test report? You can have a look after eating later."

"The test report can also be fake."

"So?" Father Yan asked her while pouring her jealousy, "Why did Xiao Chi lie to you?"

"Oh, the main reason is that this is really weird. I watch TV every day and I have never seen a man who is pregnant. If this is true, would the Jiang family find Koike strange."

Father Yan paused when he was mixing cucumbers, "Maybe, I think Jiang's parents are knowledgeable and reasonable, and they are reasonable and good for our family."

"That's true." Mother Yan nodded, "and Xiaochi also said that MoChen wanted it, so it should be fine."

"Ask Xiaochi later, where will they spend the Chinese New Year tomorrow. If they return to Jiang's house, they will probably tell MoChen's parents to see how Jiang's family reacts. Alas, do you want us to call them first? Take a breath and don't scare them."

"How to ventilate?" Mother Yan looked at him, "Speak to their family, my family, let me tell you, we are going to hold our grandson?" Mother Yan shook her head, "It's up to MoChen to talk about it. We are outsiders. MoChen said it was better than what we said."

"Then hope, MoChen said it will go smoothly, so that both children can have a good year."

"Yeah." Mother Yan nodded.

Strange? Surprised? It must be strange and surprised for the Yan family's parents, but in the end, it was their own children. In addition to the surprise, they just hoped that their son would be safe and sound. As for the fears caused by irregularities, those can be suppressed at the bottom of my heart, not necessary, and cannot be displayed, which troubles Yan QingChi.

In the final analysis, it was just because of love.

At 6:30 in the afternoon, the meal was officially opened, and the father and mother swallowed up a table full of seemingly delicious dishes, which made people appetite.

Yan QingChi caught QiQi with some fish, because he bought a fish without a thorn, so he didn't worry about getting stuck in his throat.

As soon as he retracted his chopsticks, he saw Jiang MoChen picking up several chopsticks for him. "It's a little far away from you, so you don't get up. Tell me what to eat, and I'll help you pick it up."

As soon as Jiang MoChen's voice fell, Father Yan quickly moved a few dishes specially made for Yan QingChi to him, and put him several chopsticks, "Xiaochi, you eat this, Daddy made it for you."

After hearing the words, Mother Yan glanced at her husband, "What nourishment is there for you to clip this to him."

She said, she took a large piece of fish and put it in Yan QingChi's bowl, "eat some fish, it contains protein."

Yan QingChi looked at the bowl full of dangdang in front of him, choked silently.

Yan Qingxi looked at them, a little curious, "What's wrong with my brother? His wrist is damaged? Why are you all picking food for him one by one? He is not QiQi."

QiQi heard someone calling him, and looked up at Yan Qingxi with a look of confusion.

Mother Yan gave QiQi a piece of meat and glanced at Yan Qingxi, "It's just you who talk a lot. It's you who asked your brother to sign so many names. If your brother has a wrist injury, it must be your cause."

Yan Qingxi was shocked, "Me??? My mother, I just asked my brother to sign 20 autographs. How could his wrist be damaged? He sent his fans autograph photos as a benefit, directly That's a hundred sheets."

Yan Qingxi angrily said, "The world is so cold, the human relationship is warm and cold, and the time of a meal, our family has become a plastic family. It is really terrible for me."

Yan QingChi thinks that his sister is quite cute, so he picked up some dishes for her, "Come on, give you some warmth and care."

Because of Yan QingChi's pregnancy and eating, Mother Yan took him to the room again, and while looking at the test report, she said to him, "You must be careful in the first three months. Don't worry too much. You should also avoid eating food. I will make a list for you, so you don't want to eat these things."