Chapter 103 - Kiss under fireworks

"Yes." Jiang MoChen said.


"I'll show you the test report in a while."

Mother Jiang nodded. She thought this matter was really strange, but if she changed her mind, it would be okay. Although strange, it is always good to have children. Besides, with children, their marriage will be stronger. She doesn't have to worry that her son will not be able to think about it someday, and she will get involved with that little white lotus again.

For Jiang Mu, a strong woman who worked hard in her youth and guarded the Jiang Group alongside her father, don't look at her now incompetent, soft and easy to talk. When she was young, she was also a woman who said nothing but stern and resolute. She has seen too many people, so when she knew that Jiang MoChen liked Yuan Mingxu, she sent someone to observe Yuan Mingxu secretly. This observation, almost vomiting blood, is not just a living one eating. Is the person in the bowl looking at the little Bailian in the pot who uses her son as a spare tire?

With Yuan Mingxu's previous comparison, Jiang's mother is very satisfied with Yan QingChi after marriage, and naturally hopes that they can always be harmonious and beautiful. From this point of view, I need to thank Yuan Mingxu.

Although there are still psychological doubts, in order not to be compared by the Yan family's parents, Jiang's mother temporarily suppressed her doubts and said with concern, "This little pond is pregnant, should there be someone to take care of? Or I will stay at your house for a while. Son, help you take care of him."

"Forget it, his mother wanted to come, but he refused. QingChi didn't like others to be careful with him, and took care of him like a porcelain doll."

"Then how can I do it? This is a big event when I get pregnant, especially if QingChi is still a boy. You two don't understand anything. What if something goes wrong?"

"It's okay. I have contacted the doctor and will come for regular checkups. By the way, after a while, mom, tell Aunt Zhang and let Aunt Zhang come back to you. QingChi is pregnant. At present, his parents still If you know, we don't want too many people to know."

"Well, well, I really can't let too many people know. It's just that if you let Xiao Zhang come back to us, what should you do? Who will cook for you?"

"We do it ourselves."

"Are you still Xiaochi? Xiaochi is pregnant, so don't let him do this. As for you," Jiang Mu looked at him, "have you been in the kitchen for so many years? You still cook?"

Jiang MoChen was a little embarrassed, "I can learn."

Jiang's mother took a look at Jiang's father when he heard the words. Jiang's father chuckled, and Jiang's mother said "Yo". Now I have to learn to cook."

When Jiang Xingchen heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

Jiang MoChen felt a little embarrassed, "Mom, digress."

"What's wrong, I'm 28, and still shy?"

Jiang MoChen was speechless, "If you have nothing else, then the meeting will be adjourned and I will go downstairs first."

"Go to accompany Xiaochi and QiQi? After not seeing you for a while, you start to think about it?"

Jiang MoChen never felt that his mother had such a venomous side. He didn't know how to reply for a while, so he turned around reluctantly and went downstairs silently, but made the Jiang family's parents laugh and laughed for a long time behind him.

Until he left, the three Jiang family looked at each other, their eyes gradually disappeared, showing some worry.

Jiang Xingchen comforted: "It's good, having children is always a good thing."

Father Jiang and Mother Jiang nodded, "Yes, it's always a good thing."

The two elders sighed and comforted themselves silently. It is always a good thing and worthy of happiness.

At zero o'clock, the bell of the New Year rang in the countdown to the host of the Spring Festival Gala. Because Jiang's parents lived in a private villa, they did not prohibit the setting off of fireworks. Jiang MoChen picked up QiQi and said to Yan QingChi, "Go, let's go down and set off fireworks."

QiQi was a little sleepy when he heard of fireworks, he woke up again, "Fireworks?"

"Yes." Jiang MoChen hugged him and went out.

Father Jiang took out the fireworks he bought, and as soon as he went out, he saw that someone had started to set off fireworks here.

QiQi saw the fireworks, his eyes widened, pointed to the sky and said to Jiang MoChen, "Fireworks."

"Yeah." Jiang MoChen kissed him.

QiQi was busy watching the fireworks, but didn't pay attention for a while.

Father Jiang put the fireworks he bought on the ground, lit the fire, and stepped back.

Soon, the line of fire burned, and only a "shoo" sound was heard. The flaming fireworks with dazzling tails rushed into the sky like a comet.

QiQi let out a "wow", very surprised.

Yan QingChi looked at the fireworks and was also a little happy.

The fireworks in the sky constantly change into different patterns. Jiang MoChen is holding QiQi, and Yan QingChi is looking up at the night sky. In the black night, against the backdrop of the fireworks, his facial features are extremely delicate and fascinating.

Jiang MoChen lowered his head secretly while QiQi was not paying attention, and kissed Yan QingChi on the face.

Yan QingChi was startled, and when he looked back, he saw Jiang MoChen looking at him with a smile.

He also slowly opened up a smile, gentle and beautiful.

Jiang MoChen changed his posture, holding QiQi with one hand, then reached out and held him.

Yan QingChi did not move, and let him lead quietly.

They watched the fireworks together, watched the excitement and celebration of the New Year, watched the bustling scene.

Then, after the fireworks stop, look at the opponent.

"Happy New Year." Jiang MoChen said.

"So are you," Yan QingChi said softly, "Happy New Year."

"it is good."

Jiang Xingchen looked at them, smiled silently, and said nothing.

Every day in this world, there are many joys and sorrows. Some people cry, some laugh, some are happy, some are sad, but fortunately, they are still happy, and they are still happy, which is very good. Jiang Xingchen was very satisfied. She felt that this would be great.

Father Jiang set off a few big fireworks, so he took out the small fireworks he bought and distributed them to them. QiQi liked it very much. Although he was a little scared, he let Yan QingChi light the fire for him.

Holding the fairy stick, he kept drawing circles, and asked Yan QingChi "Daddy, does it look good?"

"It looks good." Yan QingChi said as he ordered one to play with him.

Seeing this, Jiang MoChen joined the two of them, and the three of them put a half box of fairy sticks, and then returned to the room.

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QiQi has been playing enough, and I am a little sleepy. My eyes are closed and opened from time to time. It is obvious that I want to sleep.

Jiang's parents gave him a red envelope, and Jiang Xingchen also gave him a big red envelope.

QiQi took them one by one and bowed to them to say thank you.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen did not directly give him the red envelope, but pressed it under his pillow. When QiQi woke up the next morning, Yan QingChi told him and let him look under the pillow.

QiQi lifted the pillow, saw two big red envelopes, surprised "Wow" and asked him, "Who gave it to me? Is it Daddy?"

"Yes, I and your Father gave it to you, QiQi Happy New Year."

QiQi held the bulging red packets, tilted his head and asked him, "But Daddy, what does QiQi do with these red packets?"

"You can save it first. After QiQi has something you want to buy, you can buy it."

QiQi seems to understand but not understand.

Yan QingChi helped him dress and said to him: "Wait a few days, Daddy will buy you a small treasure box, you first put the red envelope in your small treasure box, and then you can buy something and spend it later."

QiQi nodded "oh oh", shook his head with the red envelope, and smiled happily.

On the first day of the new year, it was said that they were returning to Yan's house, so Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi had dinner and went back with QiQi. Seeing that his mother and father Yan came back, naturally, Yan QingChi responded one by one, only to feel that she was pregnant with a child and she was a lot more expensive.

When he returned to his home in the second grade, Yan QingChi felt a little liberated. Because of the New Year, Aunt Zhang also went home, Jiang MoChen took advantage of this stall to try to learn to cook in the kitchen. He has a good face, and I'm sorry to let Yan QingChi watch his mistake next to him, so he pushed Yan QingChi back to the bedroom early and let him sleep.

How could Yan QingChi sleep? He was hesitating to help Jiang MoChen when QiQi suddenly ran in and shouted to him: "Daddy, it's snowing."

Yan QingChi got up and looked out of the window, and saw that at some unknown time, snowflakes were blowing up, covering almost half of the color outside the window.

QiQi wanted to go out to play, Yan QingChi put on him a down jacket, a scarf and a hat, he asked QiQi to wait for him at the entrance, walked into the kitchen by himself, and said to Jiang MoChen: "It's snowing outside, I will accompany him. QiQi went out to play for a while."

Hearing this, Jiang MoChen put down his phone immediately, feeling a little nervous, "Don't go, I'll go out with QiQi for a while, you stay at home."

Yan QingChi helplessly, "You? Who doesn't know your face? What are you doing out? Besides, I'm just pregnant, not severed hands and feet, you are all a little too nervous, right."

"Children are not a big deal, if they bump into you, it's not good."

"I'm not stupid, I will hide."


"No," Yan QingChi said firmly, "You, stay at home and learn to cook. I, go downstairs and play in the snow with QiQi, and that's it."

"You just need to go down, don't let me go down."

"There is no way, if you go down, I guess I can only be by your side. I really know your current thoughts too well. That's it, no retort, no shame, or I will be in a bad mood. You have also listened to your mom and my mom in the past two days. I have to keep a good mood during this time, understand?"

Jiang MoChen was speechless.

Yan QingChi smiled, "Goodbye, cook well, Mr. Jiang."

He said that he took QiQi out of the house.

Yan QingChi couldn't hide her face with makeup because of her pregnancy, so she wore a mask. Because it is winter, many adults and children are also wrapped tightly, wearing hats, masks and gloves. Therefore, no one finds him strange.

Yan QingChi grouped a snowball to QiQi, and he also grouped one, and then threw it at QiQi. QiQi threw his own, and the two of them had a snowball fight.

When it snowed, other children ran out from home to play. They joined in when they saw that they were playing a snowball fight. QiQi couldn't fight, so Yan QingChi helped him fight. Soon, they were besieged by other children. , The two of them laughed and said: "If you don't play, don't play."

Then Yan QingChi pulled QiQi and started to build a snowman.