Chapter 105 - Zhou Yixing fan Yuan Mingxu, Yuan Mingxu broke up with cold heart

Zhou Yixing pushed aside the crowd, ran out of the bar door, looked around, and soon saw Yuan Mingxu, he immediately ran after him, and took Yuan Mingxu's hand.

"Xiao Xu, don't be angry, listen to my explanation."

Yuan Mingxu threw him away.

Zhou Yixing hurriedly grabbed his wrist again. Yuan Mingxu looked at the few but still passers-by on the street, and didn't want to argue with him on the road, turned and walked forward.

Zhou Yixing immediately stopped him.

Yuan Mingxu said indifferently: "Get out of the way."

"Xiaoxu, I am innocent with them, I did nothing."

"You didn't do anything? Where do you put your hands? Do you think I am blind?"

"Xiao Xu..."

Seeing him like this, Yuan Mingxu knew that there was no hope for him to leave easily. He simply dragged Zhou Yi into the alley next to him, so that he would not be recognized.

Seeing that he did not insist on leaving, Zhou Yixing thought he was willing to listen to his own explanation, and said as he walked, "I didn't want to be with them. I just came here to play. Then who came here to play? Don't call a few girls."

"Then why are you here?"

"Isn't my friend asking me."

"He asks you, so you come, when you come, you hug left and right, flirting with other women, at this time, you don't remember me, right? You just forgot what you told me before, right! "

Yuan Mingxu looked at him with disappointment. In November, Zhou Yixing returned to China and launched a fierce pursuit of him. He said to himself over and over again, saying that he felt repentant after he left, and only then knew that he loved himself and hoped that he could give him a chance.

Yuan Mingxu didn't want to give him this opportunity. He wanted to hang Zhou Yixing and Jiang MoChen to let them chase himself. But Zhou Yixing chased him too hard. From the company to the house, it was like a fly that couldn't be thrown away. Yuan Mingxu couldn't wait for Jiang MoChen to turn his head back. In the dimness, the balance in his heart was unconsciously inclined to Zhou Yixing again.

At the beginning of January, Zhou Yixing invited him to watch a movie. He deliberately agreed, but did not go. As a result, Zhou Yixing had been waiting for him at the theater gate. He was wearing a black windbreaker, and the wind was so strong that it made him tremble. He didn't enter the mall or the car, so he was at the door deliberately, as if he was puffing.

At first, Zhou Yixing sent a few WeChat messages to Yuan Mingxu, but Yuan Mingxu did not reply. Later Zhou Yixing made a few more calls, but Yuan Mingxu didn't answer either, just let the screen flicker. After several times of inaccessibility, Zhou Yixing seemed to realize something, and did not contact him again, just so quietly in front of the theater.

Yuan Mingxu's car parked not far away. He looked at Zhou Yixing as if he had seen himself before, chasing him so hard and so eagerly, hoping that he could look back at him, hoping that he could give it to himself An opportunity to socialize with him.

Now that he has this opportunity, Zhou Yixing is just like him, persistently entangled, constantly giving, only to change his mind.

Yuan Mingxu checked his Weibo. This account hasn't interacted with Jiang MoChen for a long time. Even he didn't give Jiang MoChen a blessing on the day of the event, and Jiang MoChen didn't say anything. He probably really doesn't care about himself anymore, Yuan Mingxu thought, if that's the case, do you have to spend it here at Jiang MoChen? He came to like Zhou Yixing. He was only used to Jiang MoChen being nice to him, so he was not reconciled now that Jiang MoChen left him and went to someone else, but now, Jiang MoChen ignored him, but Zhou Yixing was chasing him frantically. Everything is reversed, what exactly does he want?

Yuan Mingxu thought for a long time in the car, and finally walked to Zhou Yixing two hours after the agreed time.

The wind was very strong, Zhou Yixing looked at him and said, "I thought you wouldn't be coming."

Yuan Mingxu asked him, "Then what are you still doing here?"

"I thought, if you come, then I might be a little bit softer to see that I have been waiting for you."

Yuan Mingxu stunned, lowering his eyes, "I have waited for you like this before."

"I know."

"But I'm tired, I don't want to wait for someone like this anymore."

"So now, I am waiting for you." Zhou Yixing said softly.

Yuan Mingxu didn't believe him very much, "Are you really starting to like me? Can you give up your colorful world for me?"

"Of course I can, Xiaoxu, I can't live without you. I have always been too accustomed to your existence, so I thought you would always be there. Until you left, I would regret it. Xiaoxu, give it to me. Is one chance?"

He looked at Yuan Mingxu and said sincerely. Yuan Mingxu relented, and he nodded in agreement, in exchange for Zhou Yixing's sincere smile.

They started dating and became lovers. But now, when Yuan Mingxu looked at him, he only felt that everything was so ridiculous, and Zhou Yixing's so-called like was nothing more than that.

"I actually thought you were willing to give up a forest for me. I was so stupid. Zhou Yixing, I really saw you through. You are a prodigal, the kind who will never look back. I thought I was special. Yes, it's your end point, but in reality? I'm just a small piece of leaves where you, a butterfly, stayed here. You stayed here for a while, and in a blink of an eye, you flew into the arms of others, you It really disappoints me."

When Zhou Yixing saw him say this, he was a little angry, "I won't look back? I've chased you for so long without looking back, and I have paid so much for you? I just came out with friends and had a drink, meaning Just play with them. Which of these bar women can sleep in my bed? Isn't it just a fun in the store and a play on the spot!"

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"They can't sleep in your bed. You can't look down on them, but what's the matter? This doesn't prevent you from kissing and kissing here, touching and touching, so you can't do things directly here."

"So I did it? I didn't! I just have fun with them, otherwise, what about it? I sit in the corner by myself with a glass of boiled water and just sit in the corner without paying attention, so you are satisfied?"

Yuan Mingxu doesn't want to talk to him anymore, what to say, what else to say.

"let's break up."

"Talking about breaking up again, do you think that I can't live without you now, so when something happens, you will only threaten me with breaking up? What you said before, saying that as long as I am willing to like you, do you think that I like you now? You are not enough. It is not enough for me not to mess with others. Can I even go out and play with my friends?"

"There must be a limit to play, is there you who play like this! Have you considered my feelings when you play like this!"

"This is the case of the rich people's circle. Look at which rich young master is not like this, you--"

"Jiang MoChen is not like this," Yuan Mingxu interrupted him and said angrily, "Let's talk about the different economic levels. I don't understand your circle, but I also met other people. Why didn't Jiang MoChen play? Don't play on the scene? You are the rich young master, so are you rich? Isn't the Jiang family richer than your Zhou family?"

With a "pop", Zhou Yixing raised his hand and slapped Yuan Mingxu severely.

Yuan Mingxu could hardly believe it. He reached out and touched his cheek. The place he was hit was hot. He didn't expect Zhou Yixing to beat him, only staring blankly at the man in front of him who made him feel strange, and he was shocked for a while.

Zhou Yixing said coldly: "I wanted to say it a long time ago, Yuan Mingxu, don't pretend Jiang MoChen before me, do you think I really don't know what you did after returning to China?"

He looked at Yuan Mingxu, his eyes were full of irony, "You are really amazing. You still say you like me on the front foot. When the back foot returns to the country, he starts to hook up Jiang MoChen. People Jiang MoChen gets married and doesn't want to care about you. Go to Jiang MoChen's wife, you are really shameless. Why? Do you think Jiang MoChen is better than me? It's too late. When he liked you back then, why didn't you stay with him? Now everyone is married , You just want to eat back the grass, and you have to see if others are willing, but it's a pity that he doesn't seem to want it."

Yuan Mingxu didn't expect Zhou Yixing to speak to him in this tone. He felt terrible, and his heart kept sinking, turning his head to leave. Zhou Yixing grabbed him, "Should take Joe in front of me, let me tell you, I like you now, I am worthy of you, it is to give you face, if you don't know what is good or bad, in the end, you will suffer."

Yuan Mingxu laughed, "You're so amazing. You have been a squat for so long. Now, don't you pretend? Continue to pretend that you love me?"

"Don't force me, Xiaoxu, I like you, but I don't like you comparing me to others. I am your best choice now. If you think about other people, you shouldn't."

Yuan Mingxu wanted to break free of his shackles, but Zhou Yixing's grip was too tight, and he couldn't shake it off. He glared at Zhou Yixing, Zhou Yixing sneered, and let go.

"Go home and rest, don't think about these things you shouldn't think about." Zhou Yixing smiled.

Yuan Ming snorted coldly, "We have Zhou Yixing, don't come to me again in the future."

Zhou Yixing squeezed his chin with a little force, Yuan Mingxu felt a little painful, "I said, don't think about these things you shouldn't think about."

He let go of Yuan Mingxu, gave him a warning look, and turned to the bar.

Yuan Mingxu was so flustered by him, some fear came out, and his body trembled unconsciously.

He walked to the place where he had parked, got into the car in a daze, sat in the driver's seat, but panicked unconsciously. Yuan Mingxu took out his cell phone and made a call to Jiang MoChen. He didn't remember until the voice prompt "The phone you dialed is in a call" came from the cell phone. Jiang MoChen blacked him out.

He drove home, but when he passed a small shop, he stopped the car and went on.

Wearing a mask and glasses, Yuan Mingxu entered the store, picked up the store's landline, and dialed Jiang MoChen's mobile phone number.

Jiang MoChen was cutting an apple for Yan QingChi. He had just cut it into one tooth and one tooth, and was about to put it on a plate, when he saw an unfamiliar call on his mobile phone.

He picked it up easily, "Hello."

"Hey, MoChen..."

Jiang MoChen "pop" hung up the phone.

He put the phone in his pocket, took out a plate from the cupboard, put the apple in it, and brought it upstairs to Yan QingChi.