Chapter 110 - "I want him to never jump in front of me in this life."

Yan QingChi smiled, "Yes."

QiQi laughed suddenly, pulled his hand, and whispered, "Daddy, QiQi feels like a Le."

Ale is the protagonist in a cartoon that QiQi is watching recently. Ale is a rabbit. Every time a carrot is planted, someone will steal it, but Ale is very smart and can catch the carrot every time. people.

Yan QingChi knew that QiQi had misunderstood and mistakenly regarded the group of people as stealing their "carrots", but that was not bad. At least, in his memory, what happened today was just a live-action animation, and animation is always beautiful. .

"Then what is Daddy?"

"QiQi is Ale, then Daddy is Ale's Daddy, but Daddy is better than Ale's Daddy, Daddy is super!"

Yan QingChi couldn't help but rubbed his hair again, "My little QiQi is probably a little saccharine, and what he says is always so sweet."

QiQi reached out and held his hand, holding the bag, humming the song from the animation in his mouth, and happily walked forward with Yan QingChi.

When Jiang MoChen returned home, QiQi was sleeping, and Yan QingChi was reading at the desk in the bedroom.

Jiang MoChen took off his coat and walked in front of him, "What's the matter? Why did you go for a maternity check today? Is something wrong? Are you feeling sick?"

He stretched out his hand to help Yan QingChi up, looked up and down, and saw that he didn't seem to have anything wrong, then he was relieved and asked him, "What's the matter?"

Yan QingChi put the book in his hand on the table, comforting him, "It's okay, although something has happened, it has been solved, and the child is fine. But you, why did you come back so early?"

"You didn't say anything on the phone, you only said something, so I don't have the mind to do anything else. What happened?"

Yan QingChi looked at him, "I said you don't get excited, and don't worry."

Jiang MoChen heard this and instantly felt that this matter might not be a trivial matter, "You said, I will try my best."

"Then I said it." Yan QingChi said calmly, "When QiQi and I went to the supermarket downstairs at noon, we found that it was not open, so we drove to the supermarket near Rongsheng Plaza in front to buy things, pick up the car and prepare to return. When I was stopped, I was stopped. The other party was going to teach me a lesson, but you know, people who are always prepared to teach me will only be taught to be human in the end, so QiQi and I didn't suffer any injuries. I just seemed to move. I got fetal gas, so to be on the safe side, I went to Zhang Xiao's."

What did Ren Jiang MoChen think, he didn't expect Yan QingChi to say that something happened like this. This is called "dot"? Jiang MoChen only feels that his heart is a little bad, and his wife is too capable, such a big thing, when it comes to him, it is an understatement to meet something. Jiang MoChen felt that he needed to slow down, he reached out and turned Yan QingChi around, "Are you really okay? No injuries? They didn't hurt you? What about QiQi? What about QiQi?"

"It's okay, with me here, how could QiQi and my baby have something..." Yan QingChi didn't say anything, because Jiang MoChen hugged him, he heard Jiang MoChen's undecided voice, with some fear , "Scared me to death, okay, okay."

Yan QingChi patted his back, "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

"You are all fetal gas, you still have a sense of measure?" Jiang MoChen leaned on his shoulder and looked at him, "Awesome Yan QingChi, he was pregnant and his style was not reduced back then, and he still counts as a hundred."

Yan QingChi blinked obediently, and said innocently: "Then I can't help it, it's not that I took the initiative to provoke others."

Jiang MoChen looked at him, and had to put the person back in his arms again, soothing, "Don't blame you, you're fine." While slowly calming his mood.

He slowed down for a while before finally calming himself down.

"Have you found out who it is?" Jiang MoChen asked. He knows Yan QingChi too well. From what happened to the present, one afternoon has passed. According to Yan QingChi's character, he will not sit back and wait for him to come back. He was in his early days. ——Although Jiang MoChen felt he was very willing.

But Yan QingChi has never been an existence attached to him. He has always had his own principles of dealing with things. Facing the provocations of others, he also directly responded, using his own methods to make the other party no longer dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

"I found it, I asked Wei Lan to help-you know, this kind of gangsters, Wei Jia must have more channels than you, so I asked Wei Lan to check it for me first." Yan QingChi is afraid He asked Wei Lan to be jealous because he didn't find him at the first time, so he first explained the reason why he was looking for Wei Lan, and then said: "Yuan Mingxu asked someone to do it."

Jiang MoChen was a little surprised. "Yuan Mingxu?" He couldn't understand. "Where did he get such courage? Doesn't he know that this is illegal?"

Yan QingChi shrugged, "Who knows."

Jiang MoChen frowned, he looked at Yan QingChi, "I know, you don't need to worry about this, I will handle it later."

"Yes, but I'll confess something to you first."

When Jiang MoChen heard this, his heart was beating. He only felt that his heart might not be better today, "You said."

"Zhou Qiang, oh, he is the person Yuan Mingxu got to teach me. He called me, crying and crying and begging me to stop worrying and give him a chance to redeem my sins, so I gave it. He uses his own way to treat his body, and whoever gives him orders and what orders he gives will be returned intact. So Yuan Mingxu is expected to suffer, I will tell you first."

Jiang MoChen nodded, as long as he thought that Yan QingChi had encountered such a thing at this time, he even had a fetal gas due to it. QiQi was by his side again at the time, and he only felt that a heart had to stop beating. It's also because Yan QingChi didn't talk to him on the phone, otherwise he probably wouldn't be able to drive home well. This is really horrible, so terrible that Jiang MoChen can't understand it. Yuan Mingxu has a deep hatred for himself and is worthy of such a heavy hand. This time if Yan QingChi is not good at himself, he is simply an ordinary person. I didn't dare to imagine what I would face at that time-the wife who was seriously injured on the ground, the child who was still in the womb, and the other child who witnessed all this and left a psychological shadow.

Pooh, pooh, even though these pictures only exist in imagination, he still poked silently in his heart to drive away bad luck.

Jiang MoChen only felt that he had never been so angry, and never hated a person so much.

"He should fight." He said coldly, "If you don't teach him a lesson, he really thinks that he is the king of this world. He dares to think about everything and wants to do everything. It's easy to hit him. "

"So if you want to deal with this matter, then I have a request." Yan QingChi said.


"I want him to never show up in front of me from now on. I don't accept his apology, and I don't forgive him. I want him to stay far away. In this life, he will never be in front of me again. Jumping."

Jiang MoChen looked at Yan QingChi. When he said this, he was very serious, with a little indifference, no emotion, his tone was very cold, his words were firm, and he had no room for beating. He is not discussing with you, but simply expounding his request, which cannot be refuted.

At this time, Yan QingChi reminded Jiang Mo of the time he was almost hit by a flowerpot when they were filming the "Lost" crew a long time ago. Yan QingChi also looked at the woman in this way, removed the usual gentleness and casualness, only indifference in his eyes, without any emotional fluctuations, called the police on the spot, and didn't care about her crying and struggling.

Since he met Yan QingChi, he has always felt that Yan QingChi is a good-tempered person. At first, Jiang MoChen thought he was like this by nature, but later discovered that his good temper was due to his easy handling of most things, so he didn't bother to care about it, and was always calm and casual.

The only two times he lost his temper, showing a different indifference from the past, one was when he met black fans, and the other was now. That time, he was because of himself. This time, Jiang MoChen guessed, it was probably because of QiQi. At that time, the existence of QiQi was probably what he worried and feared most.

Jiang MoChen reached out and hugged him, "Don't worry, if you don't tell me, I will do the same. I can't bear today's thing for the second time. Just think about what you and QiQi have faced before, I can't wait Know him. I can't, and I won't, keep this bomb/bomb next to us."

"Okay, I believe you." Yan QingChi smiled.

When Yuan Mingxu got out of the car and was stopped by Zhou Qiang, he was a little surprised. He was about to ask him what was wrong, but when he saw Zhou Qiang face him, he punched him.

His punch was very fierce. Yuan Mingxu was beaten and bent over. He finally reset it, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Zhou Qiang angrily, "You are..."

"Hey", without saying anything, Zhou Qiang slapped him severely. Zhou Qiang pinched his chin and asked him to look at him, "Awesome, Yuan Mingxu, dare to yin Laozi, dig a hole for your strong brother. Jumping? What happened to you, Zhou Qiang? As for you to make such a cruel hand? You are still concealing information. You are smart. You are so smart. Why do you just think about yourself instead of your strong brother?"

Yuan Mingxu scratched his neck to look at him, "Zhou Qiang, you move me, does Zhou Yixing know?"

"I move you, Zhou Shao knows if I don't know. But if I don't move you, the little prince Wei Jia must know, Zhou Shao himself dare not offend Wei Jia, let alone a person like me. You say yes. ?"

Wei Lan? Yuan Mingxu suddenly felt hatred in his heart, and it was him again, every time, every time he jumped out to harm himself. He has avoided him like this, but why does Wei Lan still not let go of herself? Why always bad his good things!

Zhou Qiang patted his face, "Yuan Mingxu, I hate others cheating me the most in my life. If you cheat me, you can't expect me to treat you well, right? Brother Yan said, he doesn't want much. Whatever you tell me, I can deal with you. It's all on the road. It's not easy to eat. You are unkind, so don't blame your brother for being unrighteous."

Zhou Qiang talked, holding him just a few punches. Yuan Mingxu suffered from this kind of pain. He couldn't support his legs. He knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Brother Qiang, you let me go. I was wrong. I didn't mean it. Yes, you have a lot of adults this time, let me go."

Zhou Qiang patted his face, "It's late, at this moment, you can't help Brother Qiang say it, but don't worry, you didn't tell the brothers to fight to death before. This time, the brothers will not Beat you to death."

He said, kicking Yuan Mingxu and kicking him to the ground. Zhou Qiang looked at Yuan Mingxu who fell on the ground, waved behind him, and greeted his little brother, "Fight."

When Jiang MoChen saw Yuan Mingxu again, he was in the hospital. Yuan Mingxu was wrapped in bandages and his head was also bandaged.

He was beaten by Zhou Qiang and suffered multiple fractures and a slight concussion. Yuan Mingxu resented, but Zhou Qiang threatened him. If he dared to call the police, he would dare to tell the police the cause and effect. Zhou Qiang pinched his chin to warn him, "You asked me to beat Yan QingChi first, without your words. , I won't do it. If you want to report to the police, you can report to the police. If it's a big deal, we will go in together. Brother will take good care of you."

Yuan Mingxu knew what he was saying was true. People like Zhou Qiang could do anything to survive. Therefore, he cannot call the police. He is a public figure. Although the company has suspended his activities, he must not appear in court and Zhou Qiang's court. He can only bear it.

Yuan Mingxu looked at Jiang MoChen, his lips squirmed, with some crying, "Did you see it? This is what your current spouse did to me! He asked someone to beat me!"

Jiang MoChen sneered, "Really? Then I think QingChi is still too gentle, why didn't you smash your mouth!"

Yuan Mingxu couldn't believe it, "What did you say? Jiang MoChen, is your heart made of stone? How can you be so hard-hearted."

"My heart is made of stone? Then what are you? A sharp knife? If you don't stab me, you will not give up, will you?"

Jiang MoChen approached him and looked at him condescendingly, "I really can't figure it out, am I not good enough for you? When you debuted before, you didn't have resources, I gave you resources, you were not popular, I let you borrow Possibility. Even if I got married later, and you just returned home, I have met you and talked with you, but what about you? What have you done? Challenge my bottom line again and again, Yuan Ming Xu? Do I have hatred against you? Are you going to buy the murderer and directly attack my wife and children? Do you really think that if they are dead, can you live well?

"What kid? Why didn't I know you have children? I didn't want him to die, I just asked them to teach him a lesson."

Jiang MoChen felt ridiculous, "Just like that, you still ask me every day, can we continue to be friends? What is your so-called friend, is my unconditional contribution, do you ignore it? I have children, of course I have, I adopted A child I used to pay

Didn't I tell you? But you don't remember, also, things related to me, can you remember a few things, do you remember when we first met? Where is it? Remember when I first hinted at you when I liked you? Where is it? "

Yuan Mingxu didn't speak, just startled, "I, I didn't mean to forget."

"Of course you didn't intentionally forget, you don't remember when you are the root. But it doesn't matter, I don't remember it now. There is really no need to remember such unimportant things."

"No, it's not like this." Yuan Mingxu shouted strugglingly, "MoChen, it was my fault before, you give me a chance, I will remember everything about you, you believe me, okay? "

Jiang MoChen smiled, and he asked, "Why should I give you a chance? Do you think you are God? As long as you want, everything can start again. Why are you always so self-centered?"