Chapter 112 - "I want a Nezha."

Yan QingChi feels that he is really one of the top two recently. Since the Yuan Mingxu Zhou Qiang incident, Jiang MoChen's tension on him has instantly increased eightfold. The specific manifestation is that he is assigned a driver to let him go wherever he goes. Wherever, I always remember to let the driver follow, and the good name is to drive him, but Yan QingChi looked at the muscles of the other person, and knew where the driver was. He was clearly a bodyguard!

What can Yan QingChi do? Yan QingChi listened to Jiang MoChen's cautious wording. He couldn't wait to revise a sentence eight times before saying it. He could only nod his head and said, OK, OK, the driver is the driver, and you are happy.

Immediately afterwards, he received a call from his mother, saying that he would come and see him, so Yan QingChi naturally did not refuse. However, Yan Mu's look at him was not just a simple glance, she took care of Yan QingChi for three days. While telling him that eating this is good for the child, while telling him that you can't touch these, sleep more and surf the Internet less, and said that, Yan QingChi pinched the net.

Yan QingChi: ...The girls are not as squeamish as I am when they are pregnant?

As soon as Mother Yan left here, Mother Jiang's mother over there came here as soon as she heard the news, and she plausibly said, "Xiaochi, everyone is a mother. You can't just let your mother go and not let me go, then Your family should feel that our family doesn't value you anymore."

Yan QingChi said no, our family thinks that your family is pretty good, but he just said it in his heart, and he had to smile and ask her, "When will you come, mom?"

Jiang's mother hung up the phone and came, while asking him about the recent situation, he asked the driver to give it to others and buy it by himself. In short, a lot of supplements were brought in by Yan QingChi.

When the driver moved, Yan QingChi looked at the bird's nest, abalone and ginseng in front of him, with an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, in the next second, Jiang's mother's words confirmed his thoughts, "Xiaochi, this bird's nest was given to me by someone else. It is a good choice, very tonic, and good for the baby. Eat more."

Yan QingChi nodded.

"I heard from my friend that his son's daughter-in-law ate abalone during the early pregnancy period. The baby born was clever and cute. I bought some for you, but you can't eat more of this. You can eat according to the order I will give you later. what."

Yan QingChi continued to nod.

"Ginseng is also a good thing. My friend is a doctor. She said that if pregnant women eat some ginseng before pregnancy, it can improve immunity and prevent colds. The weather has been so dry these days without rain or snow. If you catch a cold, If you can't take medicine, you should take some ginseng to prevent it."

Yan QingChi said heartily, I think my physique is not bad, I should not catch a cold so easily, but he can only nod mechanically.

So Jiang's mother also introduced other things she had brought. Yan QingChi heard it all round, and only felt that Jiang's mother should be well-connected, and there were quite a lot of friends. Every friend recommended one thing to her. The arrangement is clear.

That night, Jiang MoChen went home and saw his mother cooking soup and his daughter-in-law in the bedroom listening to music with her eyes closed.

Jiang MoChen was also a little surprised about this. His mother was busy with business when he was young, thinking how women in the new century could be restrained by the stove, so Ji didn't go to the kitchen very much. When his sister took over the company later, his mother felt that both her face and hands needed maintenance at her age. Coupled with the fact that she had an aunt who specializes in cooking, she would not be able to cook.

At this moment, he even started cooking for Yan QingChi in their home, Jiang MoChen felt that this was really strange.

"I haven't seen my mother cook in many years. This time I really touched you." Jiang MoChen sighed deeply in the melodious piano music. "By the way, why do you hear piano music?"

Yan QingChi turned to look at him with a calm face and helpless tone. "Mom said this is called prenatal education. It cultivates the child's love for music in advance and stimulates his musical potential."

Jiang MoChen was amused by his helplessness but could only admit his fate. He lifted the quilt and sat in, put his arm around his waist, and asked him, "Do you know how to play the piano?"

"Yes." Yan QingChi nodded.

His adoptive mother likes to play the piano very much. For this reason, there is a piano room in the family, but she likes it, but she doesn't play very well. Every time she lamented this, the young Yan QingChi would retort, "No, mother plays very well."

She smiled gently at Yan QingChi, rubbed his head and smiled, "It's fine if Xiaochi likes it."

Yan QingChi wanted to get close to her, so she asked her to teach herself piano. He was talented and learned the piano for a few years. On the contrary, he played the piano much better than his adoptive mother. His adoptive mother was very happy about it and felt that she had not done it. Things, his son did it, and it was a wish.

Only now, these are all past.

Yan QingChi did not stay in the memory for long, he has always been a sensible and forward-looking person,-those past days are gone, no matter how much he misses, he can't go back. Therefore, rather than being sad in the memory, it is better to cherish the present. After all, he is also very happy now.

Jiang MoChen seemed to be a little frustrated with everything, and reluctantly said, "I will too."

"Then you should be better than me, I just play casually."

Jiang MoChen looked at him, "So, what can't you do?"

"Doesn't the people of the whole country know this?"


"Sing." Yan QingChi helplessly, "Since I participated in "Come on! Friends!", my attributes have been completely exposed?"

Jiang MoChen almost forgot his magical rhythm. When he said this, he remembered the time when they sang love songs. In fact, he felt a little cute about Yan QingChi's not good at singing. After all, he could Enough is enough, this kind of shortcoming will make him appear more real.

Jiang MoChen teased him, "You said, what if the baby inherits this characteristic of you?"

"Can't you just want him to order something good? For example, he inherited my intelligence and wit, and inherited my handsomeness. Why do I have to inherit my singing? I don't choose so many advantages, do I have to choose this?" Daddy, Yan QingChi is dissatisfied.

Jiang MoChen smiled, "Okay, inherit your cleverness, wit, handsomeness, and decathlon. It's all right now."

"It's almost the same, alas," Yan QingChi was a little worried, "this kid won't really inherit my singing."

Jiang MoChen couldn't help but laughed, "Baby, you are really cute like this."

Yan QingChi squinted at him, "Darling, you are really a bit nauseous like this."

"Occasionally sesame, like seasoning, is a necessity of life."

Yan QingChi felt that he was quite good at talking, smiled, did not refute.

"How is today? Is there any discomfort?" Jiang MoChen asked him.

Yan QingChi looked out the door, "My mother is here, how can I feel uncomfortable, I feel like the prince pea, pampered, pampered, superior..." Yan QingChi couldn't think of the beginning of You. The meaning of the idiom, so he turned to look at Jiang MoChen, "Excellent..."

Jiang MoChen didn't expect that, how could he start idiom solitaire while chatting? Excellent... Indecisive? Enjoyable? Survival of the fittest? Jiang MoChen thought for a while, suddenly blessed from the heart, reached out and touched Yan QingChi's belly, "Prenatal and postnatal care!"

Yan QingChi: " won."

Jiang MoChen smiled and couldn't help but touch it twice, Yan QingChi was speechless, "How old is he, what can you touch out?"

"Then can you feel him?"

"To be honest, I don't feel much." Yan QingChi said calmly.

"QingChi, have you ever thought, do you want a boy or a girl?"

Yan QingChi thinks this is too difficult for him. From the perspective of being a parent who wants to have children, of course he hopes to be a girl, and put together the word "good", but from the perspective of two men raising children, he thinks rationally , The boy would be more suitable. Perceptual and rational pulls have always been a transcendence question, so Yan QingChi thought for a while and answered seriously, "I want a Nezha."

Jiang MoChen: "???"

Yan QingChi looked at him, plausibly, "Isn't Nezha bad? You can go up to the sky, go down to the sea to fight dragons, martial arts strong, sensible, cute, or lotus root body, no gender, you like a boy, he is a boy, like a girl, you You can treat him as a girl, right?"

"Then you are going to be pregnant for three years?" Jiang MoChen couldn't bear it.

Yan QingChi is very open-minded, "Anyway, I was pregnant anyway, I was pregnant for one year, and I was pregnant for three years. I was pregnant with him for three years. He was three years old when he came out. It just happened to be the sweetest period of the child, and it was worth ."

Jiang MoChen:...

"What do you think?" Yan QingChi asked him.

Jiang MoChen feels a little tired, where can he find a Nezha to stuff Yan QingChi in? He is giving Yan QingChi a meatball now. After three years, can he harvest a meatball?

Jiang MoChen patted his daughter-in-law's hand, "Wake up, it's time to eat. Nezha is probably gone. If you have a girl in the future, you can still get a pierced head."

Yan QingChi sighed, opened the quilt and got out of the bed, and continued his daily routine of the pregnant woman in the fat house.

It took five days for Jiang's mother to leave reluctantly, and before leaving, she also instructed Yan QingChi to call herself if anything happened, and instructed Jiang MoChen to take good care of Yan QingChi. Jiang MoChen nodded repeatedly, and Yan QingChi also fully agreed.

QiQi was at the door, waved to her cleverly, "Goodbye grandma."

Listening to his soft childish voice, Jiang Mu didn't want to leave, but worried that she was here for too long and would make Yan QingChi uncomfortable. Then she bent down and asked QiQi to kiss herself, and couldn't help it. Fucked him, reluctantly left.

Jiang MoChen saw that his mother was gone, and finally he was relieved. He stayed at home with Yan QingChi for a few days. He deeply felt that the life of Prince Pea was not easy. This is not good, that is not allowed. If you want to eat, you have to Think about it, whether it will affect your baby.

He looked at Yan QingChi, "Either I will tell my mother, or don't come in the future, it's too restrictive. I know what your mood is when I usually take care of you."

Yan QingChi laughed when he heard the words, and patted him on the shoulder, "It's okay for you, you only care about my activities, no matter what I eat, drink or play."

"Yeah, I care about your activities, my mother and your mother care about your eating, drinking and having fun, your life is indeed a bit pitiful."

Yan QingChi laughed loudly, "If my mother and your mother heard this, it should be said that we two are ignorant, and we don't know the blessing in the blessing."

"So, either don't let them come first? I don't think it's an ordinary person carrying a child, and there are not so many taboos. Don't you still give birth to the child?"

"Am I an ordinary person pregnant with a child?" Yan QingChi asked him, "In my mother's words, can you find another example of a man becoming pregnant? Don't be careful."

Jiang MoChen sighed deeply, "Then I can only wrong you."

"I'm actually okay." Yan QingChi said: "Although I feel that you are going through nervousness, I am a little strict, but I can understand that it is all for my own good, otherwise why don't you care about others. So you don't have to Care, they like to come, just let them come, they feel so happy, you make them happy. Anyway, it is for the good of me and the children, I restrain myself, and it's ok."

"You are so sweet." Jiang MoChen said, and couldn't help kissing him. "It's likable."

Yan QingChi glanced at him, smiled, did not speak.