Chapter 119 - Yan Qingchi refuses the new play contract, Jiang Mochen turns the tide behind

When Jiang MoChen went home to cook in the evening, Yan QingChi told him about it. Jiang MoChen was taken aback, then smiled, "This is a coincidence."

"Yes, since Guan Mei has already talked to Director Fu, I'll see her tomorrow."

"Well, let Zhang Quan take you there."

"it is good."

Fu Minzhi chose a coffee shop. When Yan QingChi went there, there was no one. The owner of the coffee shop was a little girl. She looked like she was in her twenties. When she saw him coming in, she asked and took him upstairs. . Yan QingChi had just arrived on the second floor and found that Fu Minzhi had arrived. At this moment, he was sitting on the sofa by the window looking at the drawings.

The little girl gave him a please gesture and left by herself. Yan QingChi took out her mobile phone and checked the time. He was indeed not late, even 20 minutes earlier, but Fu Minzhi arrived earlier.

He walked over and sat down opposite Fu Minzhi, only to realize that what Fu Minzhi was looking at was the short story he drew for QiQi.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be to mr.q," Fu Minzhi saw him sitting down, and he was not polite, and went straight to the subject to talk about painting. "To be honest, knowing that it is you, I feel a little more relaxed."

Yan QingChi smiled and did not speak. Of course he knew what Fu Minzhi meant. He was an actor, not a very powerful actor, but Fu Minzhi was a director, a very powerful director.

"So, I want to invite you to paint again. Your agent should have told you that I have a new movie about to start. You can audition for my male lead. If it is not suitable, I can also give you a supporting role. ."

This is indeed a very attractive condition. Not all directors will audition publicly when choosing roles. Sometimes they already have suitable candidates in their hearts, and all will only issue audition invitations to candidates they think are suitable. Now that Fu Minzhi gave him this invitation, Yan QingChi found it really tempting, especially since the other party promised that even if it was not appropriate, he could give him a supporting role.

However, Yan QingChi was a little helpless, "I'm sorry, first, since you already know that I am to mr.q, you should know who this mr.q represents. All of my paintings are for QiQi, and I painted for me. So, I can't paint for other children. It's against my original intention. Second," Yan QingChi smiled sadly, "The conditions you opened are indeed very attractive, and I am very My heart is moving, but I won't take any drama appointments this year, so even if I want to participate in your movie, this schedule is really inappropriate."

Fu Minzhi didn't understand, "What are you going to do this year? Why can't you film?"

"I feel a little sick, so I need to rest for a year this year."

Fu Min looked at him up and down, "With all due respect, I think you look much healthier than me."

Yan QingChi smiled, "Do you think it is necessary for me to lie to you on this matter? What is your identity? If it were not for a last resort, why would I refuse to accept your play appointment?"

Fu Minzhi didn't speak any more, Yan QingChi said these words correctly, she knew her position too well, so she felt that this matter was easier to solve after learning that the other party turned out to be Yan QingChi. After all, it may not be easy for a director to impress a freelance painter, but it is much easier for a well-known director to impress an actor who has just debuted. Therefore, if Yan QingChi is not really unwell, then there is no reason to reject himself. ——Rejected her, next time, I don't know when, there will be a leader willing to give him this kind of guarantee.

Fu Minzhi felt a little annoying, and at this time, the coffee shop owner brought the coffee up.

Yan QingChi whispered when she was about to let go: "Sorry, I don't drink coffee."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, as if she did not expect that he would refuse directly, "This is the sign of our shop."

"Thank you, but I really don't drink coffee, just give me a glass of boiled water."

The little girl took the coffee back and nodded, "Okay, please wait a moment."

Fu Minzhi saw that the people were gone, and then continued to speak, "Well, let's not talk about the movie. I am just the mother of Yanyan. Please create a story for my child. Can't you really agree? His birthday is coming soon. He really likes the stories you painted. I also think your paintings are very educational and full of childishness. So if you want to give him a birthday gift, can't you really agree?"

"Actually, if you want to give Yanyan a birthday gift, why don't you paint it yourself?" Yan QingChi didn't understand, "Even if your paintings are not beautiful enough, but for Yanyan, you must paint him better than mine His paintings make him like it more."

"I don't have this time." Fu Minzhi said, "You know, our circle is always very busy, especially since I am also responsible for a studio. My time is fully arranged. I just sit here today and You speak, it's the time I squeezed out, so I can't help it."

"Then you can record the story you want into an audio file for him and listen to him as a bedtime story. Isn't it great?"

Fu Minzhi smiled and shook his head, "I haven't touched children's books for too long, so I don't have this concept in my mind. I can't think of what is appropriate to record for him."

"Since you think he likes my paintings, you can record the stories in my paintings to him."

Fu Minzhi was stunned for a moment, as if he had never expected this to happen before.

"You and Bofeng are divorced, and they are usually very busy. I can't see you but I must miss you very much. Therefore, recording some bedtime stories for him as a birthday present can make him happy and make him feel When it comes to your care for him, isn't it good to be able to let your voice accompany him when you are not by his side in the future?"

This is really good, and it will not take long. Fu Minzhi thinks this is a good idea. The most important thing is that she has not been with Bo Yan for a long time, and Bo Yan can listen to her voice, and it is indeed a different one to him. A kind of company.

"You're right, thank you." Fu Minzhi looked at the person in front of him. Yan QingChi was still the way she was when she first saw him, with a gentle smile, calm, and not because of the generous offer she made. Too happy, and not too sorry for missing this opportunity, this calm and gentleness is indeed in line with the male protagonist of his next movie, but he has no schedule.

Fu Minyi was also a little sorry. When she didn't know Yan QingChi at first, she didn't have any deep impression on him, but she felt that he was very good-looking and popular, out of her disinterest in Xiao Xianrou, and He didn't want his movie to be linked to him, so he refused the recommendation of his friends.

However, in the two subsequent meetings, whether in his home or now, he always spoke the most appropriate words and did the most appropriate actions. He will not violate his principles because of his fame, nor will he keep lobbying himself because of inappropriate schedules. Even, he gave good suggestions.

At this moment, Fu Minzhi took off the prejudice against him. Although Yan QingChi did not know how Yan QingChi's acting was, Fu Minzhi felt that his attitude in speaking and doing things was very good. Whether he was an actor or a Father, his attitude was the same. well.

The two people didn't talk for too long, so they said goodbye happily.

Yan QingChi strolled in the street for a while before picking up QiQi and returning home.

Before going to bed in the evening, Jiang MoChen asked him about the results of today's conversation with Fu Minzhi. Yan QingChi said roughly, when the schedule was inappropriate, Jiang MoChen stretched out his hand to embrace him.

Yan QingChi was afraid that he would regret for himself and comforted him, "Anyway, Director Fu didn't just shoot such a movie. Now that she has this idea, she might still consider me when filming other movies in the future."

Jiang MoChen let out an "um", turned his head and kissed him without speaking.

At noon the next day, Fu Minzhi was recording a short story for Bo Yan, but his phone rang.

She paused the recorder, answered the phone, "Hello."

On the other end of the phone, Jiang MoChen was holding his mobile phone, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Director Fu. It was only when I went home yesterday that I found out that you met with QingChi, and that your new play was about to give him a chance. You I also know that a director like you missed one, and I don't know when the second one will meet again. So, is it possible that your new play can delay the start?"

Fu Minzhi leaned back in the chair and asked him, "Yan QingChi asked you to ask me?"

"Of course not, I want to ask you myself. QingChi needs to recuperate due to physical reasons this year, but I also need to pay half of the responsibility for this result. So I feel a little guilty and want to ask if I want to ask. You, don't get me wrong."

Fu Minzhi thought for a while, and said truthfully: "My play is expected to start in October, and it is already investing in it. I postpone it for a few months. There is actually no problem, but I can wait and invest. The business will not wait for me, so this is not my decision."

Jiang MoChen heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, "Then you don't have to worry about it. If you need to invest, Nancheng can, no matter how bad it is, Jiang's can also. I believe that your movie will definitely not worry about investing in sponsorship."

Fu Minzhi smiled, "Jiang MoChen, you can really speak, but how do I know if Yan QingChi is worthy of me waiting for him?"

Fu Minzhi looked at the calendar on his desk, "Just giving him an audition opportunity and a special postponement just to wait for his schedule. This is not a concept. Give him an audition opportunity at the right time. If he is not suitable, I can As far as I am concerned, there is no loss in using other people. But it is only for him to postpone. If he is not suitable, I will use other people when the time comes. Who will be responsible for the losses during this period?"

"When is Director Fu planning to arrange an audition?"

"It's the end of March, almost the beginning of April."

"Well, you can ask QingChi to go to the audition first. If it is suitable, you will consider whether to wait for him or not. If it is not suitable, you naturally don't have to wait for him."

Fu Minzhi did not speak.

"Let's do it," Jiang MoChen said, "QingChi will audition first in early April. You can first see if he is suitable. In July this year, "Lost" will be released, and QingChi will also appear in it. You can watch his Performance, then make a decision."

"He also starred in "Lost"?" Of course, Fu Minzhi knew about this film, and the work directed by Wang Yiyang was also rushing to win awards.

Both Fu Minzhi and Wang Yiyang are directors focusing on literary and artistic films, but Fu Minzhi has more awards, so the status is higher. But after all, she has some understanding of Wang Yiyang's movies, and she also knows that he is not the kind of person who chooses actors casually, so she is a little more optimistic about Yan QingChi.

"Well, let him audition first, and talk about the rest later."

"Thank you Fu, then." Jiang MoChen thanked.

Fu Minzhi chuckled lightly, "Jiang MoChen, if you have worked so hard to think for him, you are not afraid that he will fly higher and farther away from you. In the end, can you not hold him?"

Jiang MoChen didn't expect her to ask this, but he was not a coy person, so when he heard her say this, he just smiled, "Although sometimes, I do want to hide him and let him be. At home, I don't let others see it. But I know better than anyone that he is not the canary I raised, and my cage can't hold him, so I let him fly. He is a very good person, so naturally he should Being seen and appreciated by more people, I have never seen him, but he always remembers the way home, so no matter where he is or what he meets, he will always come back to me. In this world, It's good to be able to bless the other person and become his world, but walking side by side is another kind of happiness."

As Fu Minzhi listened, his heartstring was slightly moved, and after a long time, he smiled slightly.

She hung up Jiang MoChen's phone, leaning on the back of her chair, thinking of her and Bo Feng's past, and thinking of Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi, she couldn't help but feel a little envious.

She and Bo Feng are imaginary, Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi are a few years old, but they are not as clear as they are. Bofeng wanted to watch her, she wanted to fly high, she didn't give Bofeng a sense of security, and Bofeng didn't give her trust. In the end, the two parted ways and went to each other, but they suffered a lot of research.

Fu Minzhi sighed and the phone rang again. She glanced at it. It was from Bo Feng. Fu Minzhi planned to hang up, but he hesitated at the moment when she was about to hang up. Then, she swiped down. , Answered the phone, "Hello."