Chapter 127 - The little bun was born. His surname is Jiang and Yan.

Yan QingChi felt that his ignorant appearance was soft and cute. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his face. QiQi was so tempered that he let him rub it, not angry, and even smiled at him.

He laughed like this, but made Yan QingChi embarrassed, and softly coaxed: "The little baby is still sleeping."

"Then when can he come out to play with me?" QiQi said, tapping his belly lightly with his finger, and asked, "Can you hear me? Baby?"

He is still a baby himself, and calling someone else's baby now, Yan QingChi couldn't help but laughed, and replied softly, "Wait a few days later, he can come out to play with you."

"Then what does he like to play with? I can give him my toys."

Yan QingChi looked at him tenderly, "He likes you," he said, "So whatever you want to play with him, he will be happy."

QiQi was a little shy when he heard him say this, and stepped forward and kissed him on the belly, and whispered, "I like him too."

Yan QingChi suddenly felt very warm, a little touched, some warm, and even a little grateful. He gave a soft "um" and touched QiQi's head.

On September 7, the children of Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen finally came to this world.

When the effect of the anesthetic subsided and Yan QingChi woke up, Jiang MoChen was sitting on the chair next to his bed. Seeing that he was awake, he finally showed his usual smile.

Yan QingChi smiled at him and whispered softly, "It makes you worried."

Jiang MoChen bent over and kissed his forehead, and said helplessly: "Why do you always grab me? I haven't had time to tell you the hard work."

"Then you talk now." Yan QingChi is very cooperative.

Jiang MoChen smiled, "Thank you."

Yan QingChi teased him, "Serve the people."

Jiang MoChen saw that he still had a good joke with him, and finally felt relieved, and reached out and took his hand.

"It's a boy, and the child is very healthy. Now my parents are watching. I have already figured out my child's name before, but I haven't told you it. It's called Yan Zhi Shu, which is the same as QiQi. Calligraphy and painting book."

Yan QingChi also thought about the name of this child before. What he thought was that according to Jiang MoChen's naming method, this child might be called Jiang Zhishu, but he guessed the name correctly and the last name was wrong. but...

He shook his head, "It can be called Zhishu, but it can't be named Yan. You still have to be named Jiang."

Jiang MoChen wondered, "Why? We now have two children, one with your last name and the other with mine, isn't it great?"

Yan QingChi disagreed, "Have you ever thought that the two children have different surnames. When they grow up a little bit, they know a lot, how can I explain it to them?"

"Just like the other kids, tell them one is the last name of Daddy and the other is the last name of their mother."

"If QiQi is my own birth today, then of course we can explain it this way and we can do this. But QiQi is not. This is very sensitive. I don't want to be like this."

Jiang MoChen did not understand, "You are afraid that QiQi thinks that he and his brother are not the same surname, so do you think he is different from his brother? QiQi is still young, and he can't think of so much."

"But he will always grow up."

"Then he will understand."

Yan QingChi shook his head, "Jiang MoChen, you are not an adopted child, you have not been adopted, so you don't know how sensitive and scared the adopted child is. A slight difference will make him unable to help but think more. He has unnecessary worries. I know you love me and think about me, but I don't care about it. To me, the surname Jiang and Yan are all our children. I don't care, but for the children, two A child's last name is undoubtedly the best choice."

Jiang MoChen thinks what he said is a bit strange, what does it mean that he has not been adopted, so I don't know how sensitive and scared the adopted child is? Hasn't Yan QingChi himself been adopted?

He only regarded Yan QingChi as careful, so he couldn't help but think about QiQi. It's just that he had already thought about the child's surname as Yan QingChi. He didn't even say it, just to give Yan QingChi a surprise. As a result, because of QiQi, this surprise would be abandoned for no reason.

Jiang MoChen couldn't bear it. He watched Yan QingChi become pregnant, and watched him give up his rising career to raise a baby at home. Yan QingChi's mentality was very good, and there was no regret or unwillingness. He even opened up a new career for himself and achieved impressive results in painting, but this does not mean that his sacrifices were justified.

These are the children of the two of them, but it is Yan QingChi who bears the psychological pressure and physical pressure of a man's pregnancy, and this child deserves his surname.

"QingChi, I don't think QiQi thinks so much." Jiang MoChen tried to persuade him, "Look, isn't he accepting the fact that there will be another child in the family well now?"

"That's because he hasn't realized the difference between birth and adoption. No one in the family told him about it, and outsiders didn't know that I was pregnant, so he thought he was the same as this child. Of course he was the same as this child. Either he or this child, they are all my children. I don't want QiQi to think more about unnecessary things like surnames in the future."

He looked at Jiang MoChen, "I know you are for my good, and I am also very happy, but if he doesn't share my last name, is he not my child? Will it affect my position in the family?" Yan QingChi shook Shaking his head, "No, so, you can take my mood into consideration and let the child bear my last name. I am very happy, but I still hope that he can have your last name."

Jiang MoChen looked at him, his heart was full of distress, he reached out and touched Yan QingChi's face, "Can't you think more about yourself? If you love your child, what about your own rights? This child is your hard work. It's natural to be born after ten months of misery, and your last name is natural, but you don't want it?"

Yan QingChi smiled and shook his hand, "Didn't I have you? You have thought of everything for me, think about it, you naturally won't wrong me, just love me."

Jiang MoChen only felt that his heart was sour by his words, like lemons in salt water. He bent down, leaned over and hugged Yan QingChi, thinking that he might be the greatest Father in the world.

"Then call it Jiang Zhiyan. You gave him a hard time. I will never allow it. Your last name will not appear in his name."

Yan QingChi saw him give in and heard him say so, he couldn't help but laughed. He looked at Jiang MoChen and thought he was really a good lover. He beckoned, Jiang MoChen lowered his body and moved towards him, Yan QingChi Reached out and hugged his neck and gave him a kiss.

"you are so nice."

Jiang MoChen smiled and looked at him, "Didn't you tell me, I have to hurt you."

Yan QingChi nodded, "Jiang MoChen, don't think that I am too concerned about QiQi, so I disregard your wishes. You want him and my surname, I'm very happy, if QiQi is also our own child, then that's good , Our family of four is very good. But QiQi is not, we will inevitably need to take care of his emotions, because he is still a child, in his world we are his most important person, is his all. But we In this world, it's not just him, we still have each other, don't we? We come to have more and more mature than him, so naturally we need to accommodate him, right?"

Jiang MoChen nodded. He always knew that Yan QingChi was delicate, but he didn't expect that he was so delicate in some things. He was worried about QiQi's mood, and at the same time, he was afraid of hurting his kindness, so he had to keep on Explaining, for fear of making any of them think more.

He helped him by the shoulders, let him lie down again, held his hand and kissed him, warmly said: "I know, I just feel sorry for you, but this family is the master, what you say is what you say. We will do what we say. You are right. The child and the last name are not important. The important thing is that both of them are our children. That's good, and you are happy."

Yan QingChi smiled, feeling that he is full of happiness now.

"Then I have one more thing to say." He said.

"You say, what you say, we do."

"The word yan sounds good as a last name, but as a name, especially a boy's name, it's not appropriate. I don't want my baby to call this yan."

"Then which yan do you want?"

Yan QingChi thought for a while, "Have I told you the origin of my name?"

Jiang MoChen shook his head.

"When my parents gave me a name, they took the meaning of "Yi Yan QingChi". I hope I can be a literate, well-educated, and knowledgeable person, so my name is Yan QingChi. Since you want this child to be named It's related to me, and decided to use the pronunciation of yan, then use this inkstone, inkstone with pen, ink, paper and ink.

"Good." Jiang MoChen agreed, "Then I hope that when he grows up, he can become a person like you, gentle and considerate, tolerant, with his own persistence and ideas, and live a smart life."

Yan QingChi smiled, "Are you flattering me?"

"I'm telling the good expectations of my children. It just so happens," he said. "This inkstone is also matched with the book. Isn't the pen, ink, paper and inkstone used by the ancients when they read."

"Then his nickname, shall we just call him Yanyan? In fact, Nezha is also very cute. When I was pregnant with him, I wish he was Nezha."

"Baby, you can only choose one of Yanyan and Nezha."

"That's still called Yan Yan, the provincial baby grows up and hits me."

"He doesn't dare, you are the head of the family."

Yan QingChi smiled, "You can really speak."

"Then I have one more thing I want to say." Jiang MoChen said as he had just said.

Yan QingChi nodded, "You said."

"Do you know what the'inkstone' in Jiang Zhiyan means other than homophoning your last name and hoping that he will be like you?"


Jiang MoChen looked at him gently and attentively, "It means that you are Yan QingChi of Jiang MoChen, and this child is the inkstone of Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi."

Yan QingChi listened and thought of explaining the meaning of the word "之" to QiQi a long time ago. He told QiQi that Jiang Zhiqi means QiQi of Jiang MoChen. That night, Jiang MoChen expressed his gratitude to him very seriously, saying that he liked this explanation very much, but unexpectedly, one day, this explanation would be used on him.

He was a little touched for some reason, Jiang MoChen shook his hand, the gentleness in his eyes pouring out, "So, I now have three of you, and I am the richest person in the world."

Yan QingChi held his hand instead, pulled to his mouth and kissed him, smiled and agreed, "Yes."

Yan QingChi stayed in the hospital for a few days, and when the incision was completely healed, he went home. Yan Mu came to the house and circled several times, and even let Yan QingChi sit for a few days for confinement. Although it did not follow the strict regulations of "no air conditioning, no hair washing, no brushing, no mobile phone", but Yan QingChi still sat with a depressed expression this month, and felt that this was unnecessary. But he couldn't hold the soft and hard foam of Yan Mu, so he had to sit obediently.

Fortunately, Yan Mother only stayed for a week and then left. Yan QingChi went to the ground immediately, and she was a hero again.

Jiang MoChen has been busy replenishing his body these days, cooking soup for him in a different way. Yan QingChi looked at his various soups and felt that Jiang MoChen's cooking skills had been advancing by leaps and bounds during the year he was pregnant. Is a qualified chef.

The child Jiang ZhiYan is still sleeping. He is the most popular celebrity of the JiangYan family recently. His grandparents and aunt always come to see him, teasing him, and expressing emotion that this child is so cute.

Wei Lan heard that he had been discharged from the hospital and went home, so she ran over to watch the little boy on the bed around the crib, and asked Yan QingChi, "Can you poke?"

Yan QingChi felt that his cautious appearance was a little cute, so he nodded.

QiQi reminded him next to him, "Be lighter, my brother is still very young."

Wei Lan turned around and poked him in the face, "You are not too big."

QiQi proudly said with a small chest, "I'm much older than my younger brother."

Wei Lan rubbed his head, "Small."

He rubs QiQi and then pokes the crib

In Jiang Zhiyan, the child's skin was soft and flicking. Wei Lan only poked, but she didn't dare to poke any more, for fear of hurting him.

But Jiang Zhiyan didn't have any special reaction, he just looked at them with innocent eyes with big eyes like black grapes.

QiQi saw that Wei Lan poked his brother in the face, so he poked it with his hand, and then whispered to Wei Lan, "It's so soft."


QiQi poked his face, "QiQi is also soft."

"Yes, you are a little baby too."

QiQi tried to poke his face with her feet on her feet. Wei Lan bent down very cooperatively. QiQi poked and said in surprise: "Uncle's is also soft."

"That's because my uncle has good skin." Wei Lan said, before realizing, "No, you have to call me brother, not uncle."

QiQi yelled obediently: "Brother."

Yan QingChi looked helpless, "Are we both of the same age? Call me Daddy, call your brother, this generation is messed up."

"Then I am also an elder brother. You are married and have two children. I am still single. Those who are single are all older brothers."

Yan QingChi was simply defeated by his fallacies, watching him raise his chin, "Come on, QiQi brother, call Uncle QingChi to listen."

"Yan QingChi, you take advantage of me!"

"It's not your shameless pretense."

Wei Lan let out a "hum" and looked at QiQi, "Remember, I'm an older brother."

Although QiQi didn't understand what he was talking with his own Daddy just now, but he also heard QiQi's words, so he shouted generously: "Brother."

Yan QingChi:...My silly good baby, too silly...