Chapter 155 - Sweet time of catching fish and water fights & President Jiang’s gentleness

The surrounding expedition time ended in a short while, Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen returned along the same route. Yan QingChi is in a good mood. He hasn't come out to play like this for a long time. For a while, it seems that he has returned to his school days and can't stop being happy.

Jiang MoChen listened to him and even hummed a song quietly, and asked him, "So happy?"

"Yes, I actually like to come out and play, but I don't have time."

"We can come out often in the future."

"Forget it, just our work, where's the time."

"Time is like water in a sponge, there is always a squeeze." Jiang MoChen pulled him, "We are a company, I am the boss, you are the boss, let Wu Yuan and Guan Mei adjust our Work arrangements can always allocate part of the time to play."

Yan QingChi looked at him, "Really?"

"Yeah." Jiang MoChen nodded.

Yan QingChi smiled and said, "Well, from next year, you will remember."

"Yes." Jiang MoChen responded.

Yan QingChi looked at him and smiled lightly.

The two quickly returned to the place where the tent was set up along the original road. When the director saw the two of them coming back, he was relieved and ready to go to bed.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen entered the tent, Jiang MoChen took out the food in the bag, handed him a piece of bread, and took a piece of bread by himself, "Eat something, you should sleep after eating."

Yan QingChi quickly ate the bread and opened the sleeping bag. Jiang MoChen watched him get in, lowered his head and asked gently, "My dear, the mountains are so cold, why don't we just squeeze a sleeping bag?"

Yan QingChi relentlessly stretched out his hands and compared him with a cross. "Don't even think about it. I don't want to see such an amazing picture when I open the tent tomorrow. You should use your sleeping bag reasonably, Jiang Mr."

Jiang MoChen sighed, "Madam is really hard-hearted."

"I am not only hard-hearted, but also very cold-blooded and cruel!" Yan QingChi said plausibly.

Jiang MoChen couldn't, so he opened his sleeping bag and fell asleep next to him, "Aren't you going to sleep for your relatives?" he asked.

Yan QingChi thought for a while and kissed his face, "Good night."

"Good night." Jiang MoChen kissed him too.

The next morning, the sky was bright, the sparrows on the tree flapped their wings and flew to the sky, Yan QingChi and the others also got up, packed up and saluted, washed briefly, and walked forward while eating.

Yan QingChi looked at the map and pointed the direction. The two girls, Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei, didn't understand this, so they didn't talk much the whole time, just followed him.

When the sun gradually rose and the two girls were a little tired, Yan QingChi looked at his watch. It was already past 11 o'clock. He discussed with Jiang MoChen and decided to rest in place.

Zhang Ningwei breathed a sigh of relief instantly, found a stone, and sat on it.

Yan QingChi felt that he heard the sound of water, so he touched Jiang MoChen and motioned him to follow him.

Jiang MoChen asked him, "What's wrong?"

"I seem to hear the sound of water."

Jiang MoChen listened, but did not hear clearly, but he knew that Yan QingChi had always been more sensitive than him in this respect, so he didn't ask any more questions, and walked forward with him.

Sure enough, there is a river ahead.

Yan QingChi took a look at Jiang MoChen with joy, and ran over quickly.

The river is not very wide, the water is very clear, and the bottom of the river can be seen vaguely. Under the noon sun, the sparkling waves are like a smart girl.

However, Yan QingChi is not in the mood to appreciate its beauty. He looks at the river, concentrates, and is full of questions. Are there fish in this river?

He bent down and stared at the river for a while, but saw nothing, Yan QingChi was a little frustrated, "It seems that there are no fish."

Since Jiang MoChen grew up in Jinyiyushi, he doesn't know much about this natural situation. He doesn't know whether it is normal to have fish or not to have fish in this wild river. He was a little helpless, if it were in the city, he could still buy a few fish to let people secretly put it in the river, so that Yan QingChi would be happy. But it happened to be in this deep mountain and old forest, where would he go to change a few fish for Yan QingChi to make him happy.

Jiang MoChen even wanted to ask Yan QingChi, either you look at me, do you think I am like a mermaid?

But before he had time to say this, he saw a figure flashing under the water. Jiang MoChen was startled and pointed to the bottom of the water and said to Yan QingChi, "QingChi, I seemed to see one just now."

Yan QingChi has been staring at the water, and naturally saw that one.

"The fish came from upstream, I will go upstream to see." He said.

"I'll go with you." Jiang MoChen immediately followed.

The cameraman reluctantly carried the camera and also chased up.

Yan QingChi followed the river all the way up, and when he reached the upper reaches, he discovered that there were four or five fishes here.

Yan QingChi was overjoyed, he broke a few harder branches from the tree next to him, took out the knife prepared by the show crew from Jiang MoChen's backpack, and cut the branch into a temporary harpoon.

Yan QingChi raised his harpoon, looked at it with satisfaction, turned his head and said to Jiang MoChen, "We can eat grilled fish at noon today."

"Okay." Jiang MoChen saw him happy and laughed himself.

Yan QingChi took off his shoes and socks by the river, rolled his trouser legs, and walked into the water. The water here is not very deep, but the river in the mountains is a bit cold. Fortunately, it is now May, and it is still noon, so the cold river water actually makes people feel a little comfortable.

He enjoyed the comfort of cold water for a while in the water before he aimed at the fish in the river and prepared to attack.

With a "pop", the water splashed all over, Yan QingChi took the harpoon from the water and looked at it, as expected, no fish was inserted. He wasn't discouraged, after all, it has been a long time since the sport of fish insertion. The last time he went out with his adoptive parents and a family of four with his younger brother. The younger brother was too young to experience the fun of fishing, so he had to pull himself to accompany him to fish. When the fish was inserted to the end, it became two people fighting in a water fight. They were playing in the river, and their parents watched on the bank. When the fish was almost grilled, they called them to come over for dinner.

Yan QingChi raised the harpoon in his hand and inserted it again. While inserting the fish, he sighed with emotion. It was really a good time.

Yan QingChi hasn't caught a fish for a long time after all, so three times in a row, he didn't get a fish. Jiang MoChen looked on the shore, somewhat surprised. He thought that Yan QingChi wanted fish in the river so much because he was a master fish catcher, but he didn't expect it to be.

"Do you want me to help?" he asked.

Yan QingChi waved his hand, "You wait for me for a while." He said.

He looked at the fish in the river, once again raised the harpoon, and then inserted it fiercely. This time, Yan QingChi felt a different feeling from before. He took the harpoon from the water, and sure enough, the fish A fish is stuck on the fork.

Yan QingChi smiled at once, turned his head to look at Jiang MoChen, and shook the harpoon in his hand at him. He walked to the shore and handed the harpoon to Jiang MoChen, "Here."

Jiang MoChen took it and asked him, "Do you want to continue?"

Yan QingChi looked back at the river, and saw that he was so tossed about it, the other fish had no idea where they were going, "Forget it," he said, "There is no fish, let's taste it. ."

"it is good."

Yan QingChi said, he was about to go ashore, but suddenly thought of something and said to Jiang MoChen, "Come down."

"What are you doing?" Jiang MoChen was puzzled.

"Come down, I can still harm you."

Jiang MoChen had to put down his backpack, took off his shoes and socks, rolled his trouser legs, and got into the water. As a result, as soon as he entered the water, he saw Yan QingChi bend over, scoop a handful of water and splash it towards him.

In an instant, his clothes were a little wet.

Yan QingChi is in the water, with his back facing the sun, smiling very beautifully with his eyes bent.

Jiang MoChen feels that he has a childish temperament, but he feels that when he rarely has such a childish temperament, it is worth cherishing. So he also bent down, scooped a handful of water and splashed it towards Yan QingChi.

Yan QingChi hurriedly bent down/splashed water at him, and the two people kept splashing water in the river, slapped one after another. In the quiet mountain, it seemed very lively.

In the end, Jiang MoChen stretched out his hand to hold him, "Okay, don't play anymore, our clothes should be soaked when we play."

Yan QingChi smiled and nodded, stretched out his hand to habitually want to hug him, but reacted at the moment when he was about to meet him-they were still recording the show at the moment, so he changed his posture to applause abruptly, "Yes. It's reasonable, and it's reasonable."

Jiang MoChen was amused by his abrupt turn and laughed, and slowly let go of him, "Let's go, go back to the shore." What he thought of, said to Yan QingChi, "You are in the water first, don't Come up, wait for me to come."

Yan QingChi said "Huh?" He was a little puzzled, but according to what he said, he was obediently in the water, basking in the sun.

Jiang MoChen got on the shore, pulled out the paper prepared by the program group from his bag, took Yan QingChi's sports shoes, and walked to the shore.

"Come here," he said.

Yan QingChi walked to him, "What are you doing?"

Jiang MoChen held a tissue, bent over and raised one of his feet to help him wipe his foot. Yan QingChi was so scared that Yan QingChi intercepted his bent body, "Brother Chen, I am not injured. Don't worry, I Just come by yourself."

Just kidding, if the little house sisters saw Jiang MoChen wipe his feet, he probably wouldn't need this foot.

As he said, he took the tissue from Jiang MoChen's hand.

Jiang MoChen looked up at him helplessly.

Yan QingChi nodded firmly at him, "Thank you Chen Ge for the paper."

Jiang MoChen knew that he must be worried that if this paragraph is retained and seen by his fans, it will blow up again, so he reluctantly let go, "Then pay attention to yourself and tell me if you need to, I will help you. "

Yan QingChi nodded, "Don't worry, where is your side, do you need my help?"

Jiang MoChen squinted his eyes and smiled. He wanted to say something that he needed, but he was afraid of Yan QingChi's fans to tear him up. After all, he is a fan of Yan QingChi, how can he be Yan QingChi's fans? Shaking, he was just afraid that Yan QingChi's fans would think too much, and felt that he was bullying Yan QingChi.

So, public travel is not good at this point. If there are only the two of them, it's not all you want to do.

Jiang MoChen thought about it for a while, then replied, "Okay."

Then, he walked back into the water, washed his feet, wiped with a tissue, and was about to put on his shoes. Yan QingChi helped him at this moment and said warmly, "Be careful."

Jiang MoChen saw that he had put on his shoes and was on the shore, so he borrowed his strength and went directly to the shore. He asked Yan QingChi to support himself, quickly wiped his other foot clean, and put it on. Took another shoe.

Yan QingChi just let go and picked up the fish on the ground, "Let's go, let's go back, it's time to have lunch." He raised the fish in his hand.

Jiang MoChen asked him, "Just this lunch? Is it enough?"

"Of course not, there are also foods issued by the program group, ah," Yan QingChi looked at the fish in his hand, "just taste it, don't take it too seriously."

Jiang MoChen picked up the backpack on the ground and smiled: "Let's go then."

Yan QingChi suddenly thought of something, and was a little surprised and said to him, "Have you noticed that our wheat quality is pretty good? We forgot to unload the wheat just when we were in the water fight, but now, it seems that there is no impact."

"That shows that our program team is careful, and the staff are very responsible."

Yan QingChi nodded, turned to look at the camera brother, "Thanks for your hard work."

Suddenly he was a little confused by the cue cameraman. After a while, he said, "It's not hard or hard, it's all we should do."

Yan QingChi smiled at him

He turned his head and continued to walk back with Jiang MoChen. He looked at the fish in his hand and asked Jiang MoChen, "Do you like grilled fish? Can we cook grilled fish? Otherwise, there is no pot for me to make fish soup. ."

Jiang MoChen reached out to cover Mai, leaned close to his ear, and whispered, "I like everything you do."

Yan QingChi smiled and said shamelessly: "I guess so."