Chapter 167 - Fei Jingyu provokes Yan Qingchi, Jiang Mochen: "I am not partial to him, I am partial to whom"

Yan QingChi shook his head, he thought it was funny, "I never did this when I was learning dancing when I was a child. Now that I have grown up, I stepped on my feet again and met my head again."

"That means you have grown up."

Yan QingChi glanced at him squintly, and after Guangzhong, he saw that other people on the square had already jumped to the end, and the girl turned around in the hands of the boy.

Yan QingChi quickly patted Jiang MoChen, "Quickly, I can do this, let's try this."

Jiang MoChen glanced at his side and raised his arm high, Yan QingChi took his hand and turned around, then looked at Jiang MoChen, "I won't be behind."

"I will." Jiang MoChen pulled him back into his arms.

Yan QingChi looked at him suspiciously, Jiang MoChen looked at him, bowed his head and kissed. Yan QingChi said to his heart that it was indeed this trick. He thought so in his heart, but the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and gently bit Jiang MoChen's lips, and then, he gently responded to his kiss.

When the music ended, they ended kissing, Jiang MoChen let go of him, took a step back, still bowed, "Thank you very much, a great dance."

Yan QingChi thought he was a little cute, looked at him with a smile in his eyes, and felt a little sweet in his heart.

The dancing, music, and fountain stopped, and the people in the square gradually dispersed.

He asked Jiang MoChen, "Are we going back?"

Jiang MoChen nodded, "Otherwise, Teacher Li and the others should come to us soon."

Yan QingChi just gave birth to some thoughts of being intimate with him, and I want to go back at this moment, thinking that after going back, the two people have to pretend to be just good friends, not too close, and a bit reluctant to be rare. He sighed and opened his arms, "Come on, hold one before going back, otherwise there will be no chance."

Jiang MoChen walked over and hugged him, and whispered, "Who said that there is no chance, I will hug you when I sleep at night."

"Then let go."

"Am I this kind of person?" Jiang MoChen looked at him, "It's all in my arms, there is no reason to let it go."

Yan QingChi tweeted twice, "A profiteer."

"It's not a profiteer who got the money to marry you. Don't worry, the profiteer has half your assets." Jiang MoChen took his shoulders, "Let's go, let's go back."

When Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen returned, Li Mo and Li Bozhong were already waiting for the two of them. Li Bozhong was relieved to see them both coming back.

"Where did you two go?" he asked.

"There were too many people in this area just now, so I went to a place with relatively few people." Yan QingChi said.

Li Bozhong nodded, "Then let's go back."

"it is good."

Li Mo followed Li Bozhong, passing by Jiang MoChen, and asked him, "Am I doing well?"

"it is good."

"Can I add a signature?"


"Yes!" Li Mo was very happy, "I will do well next time." She patted her heart and assured Jiang MoChen.

"Then I am very optimistic about you." Jiang MoChen said.

Li Mo smiled and happily returned to Li Bozhong.

Yan QingChi looked at him, "What ugly deal did you two have reached?"

"Want to know?" Jiang MoChen asked him.

"Do you still want to hide from me?"

"How dare I go back and tell you."

"This is pretty much the same." Yan QingChi whispered.

The group returned to the house where they temporarily lived in the car. As soon as they entered the living room, they saw Yue Ziming sitting on the sofa reading a book. Seeing them back, Yue Ziming asked, "Is the lighthouse beautiful?"

Li Mo nodded vigorously, "It's so beautiful, it's a show of light and shadow."

Yue Ziming smiled, "Is that right? I would have gone with you if I knew it."

Li Mo remembered everyone's performance during the meal. Yue Ziming clearly wanted to go, but Fei Jingyu didn't want to, so she didn't go with him. Li Mo really couldn't figure out what Yue Ziming liked Fei Jingyu? Fei Jingyu is arrogant and petty, and he is not even willing to accompany her to where she wants to go. Yue Ziming likes him, so what does he want?

But she also knows that men and women in love can't listen to each other's bad things, especially she and Yue Ziming are not familiar. So she changed the subject, "Why are you reading here? Still not going to sleep?"

Yue Ziming sighed, "Yu Xiaoyu has a sprained ankle and is crying in the room. I plan to wait for her to cry before going back to the room to sleep."

"Huh?" Li Mo was a little shocked when he heard this. "What did you say to Yu Xiaoyu? Sprained her foot? How did she sprain it?"

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen are also puzzled. Didn't she go out in the house? How can I sprain my foot?

Yue Ziming explained to them, "Shortly after you left, she said that she also wanted to see the lighthouse, so she had to go out. Xiaoxiao and the others persuaded her that it was dark. She was a girl and she didn't have a mobile phone. , Don't go out. But Yu Xiaoyu was unwilling and insisted on going out. Wei Zhihang, Yang Xinhe and Yu Haoyuan couldn't persuade her, so they went with her. But not long after they left, she was backed by Yang Xinhe and said yes I didn't pay attention when I walked down the stairs at the intersection.

"Is it serious?" Li Bozhong asked.

"It should be okay. Yu Haoyuan seems to understand this better, saying it's okay, it's not serious, Yu Xiaoyu clamored for an ice pack, so she also gave her ice pack, she felt pain, so crying in the house. I was upset by her crying , I'm out to read the book."

Yan QingChi heard from her and felt that things were really impermanent, so Yu Xiaoyu actually sprained her ankle after all they had done.

Li Mo secretly cursed in his heart: Retribution! Let her talk nonsense again, deserve it! She did not express the slightest sympathy, "Well, then I go to bed first, and you should go back to bed earlier."

Yue Ziming nodded, "You go and rest. I will go back when she sleeps."

Li Mo pulled Li Bozhong upstairs.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen also went upstairs. The two of them quickly finished washing, changed their pajamas and lay together and talked for a while. Yan QingChi thought that the time they had just danced still felt very romantic, and couldn't help but rubbed in his arms, "After we go back, let's practice dancing."

"are you at home?"


"Will you just dance at home after you practice?"

"If you encounter an occasion like today, you can also dance outside."

"Okay." Jiang MoChen smiled, "Actually, it's also good to dance at home. Let's decorate the room and put some candles, which is also very romantic."

"It's still not going to happen," Yan QingChi looked at him, "As far as we are at this level, if a candle is kicked down, it will be a fire."

Jiang MoChen: "...Mrs. Jiang, don't you realize it, sometimes, your cold field skills are also unique."

"That's because sometimes, you need to be calm and calm."

Jiang MoChen looked down at him, Yan QingChi poked him in the face, Jiang MoChen held his hand.

"The way you are, reminds me of when we first met."

"Compared to that time, I am already a lot gentler."

Jiang MoChen recalled that when the two people got along at the beginning, he always had to sigh with emotion when Yan QingChi said that he was speechless, "You are right, now you are really kind to me. ."

"Right," Yan QingChi looked at him, "I know it well in my heart."

Jiang MoChen smiled, let go of his hand, hugged him, bowed his head and kissed his forehead, "Okay, go to sleep, it's going to be the game tomorrow."

"Are you nervous?" Yan QingChi asked him.

"Of course not, how about you?"

"I'm not nervous, I even look forward to it."

"Then go to sleep, get up tomorrow morning and it will start."

"OK, good night."

"good night."

The two said goodnight to each other and closed their eyes.

The next morning, everyone had breakfast and was about to go out. Yu Xiaoyu sat on the chair and said that she would not go, her feet were still aching.

As a tour guide, Li Bozhong has to take care of everyone, so he asked, "Is it serious, or should we accompany you to the hospital?"

"No." Yu Haoyuan said, "It's not serious. I have experience in this area. She probably didn't have a sprain before, so this time she felt particularly painful. After waiting for today, it will definitely not hurt."

Seeing his swearing appearance, Li Bozhong didn't say much, but looked at Yu Xiaoyu, with a gentle and gentle tone, "Then you can rest at home, and we will come back early."

Yu Xiaoyu gave an "um", which was regarded as an agreement.

Li Bozhong felt that he should choose someone to stay here to take care of her, but he didn't know who to choose. He himself was a tour guide and could not be absent. Other people didn't know who wanted or not.

He called everyone outside and asked everyone, "Is anyone willing to stay at home with Yu Xiaoyu? She has a sprained foot now, which is not convenient. If we are all gone, we will leave her alone. Isn't it not too good?"

Li Bozhong was very careful in what he said. He really understands Yu Xiaoyu's character, so he also knows that there are not many people willing to live in the same room with her. He doesn't want to kidnap other people morally, so he just asks.

At this time, it is reasonable to say that Yu Xiaoyu's partner Wei Zhihang stayed, but Wei Zhihang was unwilling. Wei Zhihang was not even willing to carry her back after her sprain last night, let alone stay to take care of him now.

Others are also unwilling, because they are a group of two. If one person stays, should the other person in the group stay together?

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Bozhong thought about it, then forget it, there is no way, he can be regarded as trying his best. He was about to say, then forget it, let's go, but suddenly heard Fei Jingyu say, "Then I will stay."

Yue Ziming looked up in surprise.

Fei Jingyu looked at Li Bozhong, "Don't you need to stay alone, I will stay."

Yan QingChi looked at Jiang MoChen and said to his heart, where is this singing.

Jiang MoChen knew clearly in his heart, he turned his eyes back to tell you later, and continued to watch the show.

Yue Ziming asked Fei Jingyu puzzledly, "You want to stay?"


"then what do I do?"

"Just go and play with them."

"We are a team."

"Then you stay with me?"

Yue Ziming frowned, really can't figure out why Fei Jingyu wanted to stay.

Fei Jingyu looked at her frowning, wondering why she was so stupid and so simple. Yu Xiaoyu stayed in the house, and the program crew will definitely edit the comparison between Yu Xiaoyu and other people who are out in the future, which means that Yu Xiaoyu will definitely have shots here.

Fei Jingyu is not stupid. He knows that Jiang MoChen has the highest value and the biggest coffee position among them. This means that Jiang MoChen has the most shots, plus Li Bozhong is a tour guide, so his shots are not few. Then the remaining shots, on average, in their group, Mo Xiaoxiao's group, and Yang Xinhe's group, everyone will not have many shots. Maybe, it might be better than Yu Xiaoyu who stays at home alone has more shots.

He went on this show for the sake of being popular. Without the camera, what kind of popularity? So he was willing to stay and split the shots of Yu Xiaoyu's side, instead of taking the shots outside Jiang MoChen and Li Bozhong together with the remaining groups.

Seeing that he insisted on staying, Yue Ziming had to stay with him.

Li Mo thinks she is really pitiful, and her boyfriend never considers her mood and thoughts when doing things. However, Fei Jingyu and Yu Xiaoyu did not go, it was indeed a great thing for her to come, so she said nothing, quietly waiting for others to speak.

However, others have nothing to say, after all, this is their own choice.

Finally, Li Bozhong told them a few words and left with the others.

Fei Jingyu opened the door and returned to the house with Yue Ziming.

Without Fei Jingyu and Yu Xiaoyu, everyone had a lot of fun after playing. Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen took photos in many places. Li Bozhong laughed and joked that his camera skills have improved a lot in the past two days.

To play the last attraction, everyone asked an uncle passing by to take a group photo for them, and then reluctantly walked back.

Yan QingChi thought that Yu Xiaoyu, Fei Jingyu, and Yue Ziming were at home. It was good not to quarrel. He didn't expect to wait for them to open the door. Yue Ziming happily told them that she just cleaned the house with Fei Jingyu at home. After a while, she washed the fruits for everyone and put them on the coffee table.

"You and Fei Jingyu?" Li Mo felt that he was hearing a hallucination. Will Fei Jingyu clean up?

"Yeah." Yue Ziming smiled.

"Where is Yu Xiaoyu?" Wei Zhihang asked.

"She went back to the room to rest early, and she is still in the room now."

Yan QingChi didn't expect things to go this way, he and Jiang MoChen went back to the house,

Before turning on the camera, Jiang MoChen asked, "What does Fei Jingyu do?"

"Show the audience how good he is." Jiang MoChen said, "Tell everyone that he is not only caring and willing to take care of his left-behind companions, but also willing to sacrifice his time for cleaning when other people are out to play. Feeling warm."

Yan QingChi has an expression of indescribable expression.

Jiang MoChen smiled, "What else can he do if he doesn't clean it? He stayed for the shots. Isn't he doing anything and sitting on the sofa, can the program crew give him this shot for 20 minutes? No. So he needs to do something to get the shots for himself and win the favor of the audience at the same time. Cleaning is the easiest way."

Jiang MoChen sighed, "Let me say that before he came, he still didn't prepare well. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to clean. What's so good about cleaning, it's better to cook. The audience now likes to watch Cooking, you can not only show off your cooking skills, but also gain a wave of favorability, and you can kill two birds with one stone."

"666, let's stay next time." Yan QingChi looked at him, "give you a chance to show yourself."

Jiang MoChen leaned close to him, "Give us a chance to be alone."

Yan QingChi patted him on the shoulder, "Hey, Xiuxiu, it's time to turn on the camera."

After two days of traveling, we officially entered the competitive link.

The host rang the doorbell early in the morning of the third day and appeared in front of everyone. He looked at the people who had already put on sportswear before him and praised, "Very well, it seems that you are ready today."

Mo Xiaoxiao raised his hand, "Actually, I'm not ready yet."

The host shook his head, "That's a pity, you have no other choice but to bite the bullet."

Mo Xiaoxiao let out a long sigh, and his head fell.

The host started today's rule explanation, "Welcome six groups of guests to the partner match-up session. In this session, each group of guests has three rounds of project selection every day, and each round of project selection can be based on their own situation. , Choose a or b project and challenge. After the challenge is completed, the teacher in charge of the project will give a judgement, if you pass, you can get a task card from the teacher to the second round of the project; if you fail, you need to continue to challenge Until the teacher thinks it is qualified. Finally, the three-round project challenge is successfully completed, and the first guest who returns to Uncle John's pizza restaurant in the city center is the winner of the game of the day. The winner will have the priority to choose pizza and the right to unlimited supply ; The second to fifth place will only enjoy two nine-inch pizzas, and you can only choose from the prescribed flavors; the last one, unfortunately, you will only have two seven-inch pizzas together. And you can't specify the taste. Uncle John is free to play."

Yang Xinhe and Yu Haoyuan couldn't help but look at each other. They stretched out their fingers and compared two. Yang Xinhe said, "Two nine-inch pizzas, I can eat two by myself."

"What if I don't have enough food?" Yu Haoyuan asked.

The host looked at him with a look of helplessness, "That can only be hungry."

"What if there is no project challenge?" Wei Zhihang felt that their group is likely to face this problem, so he asked in advance.

"Then count as the last one."


"What do you mean?" Yu Xiaoyu was dissatisfied, "Do you think I will hold you back?"

Wei Zhihang smiled and said nothing.

Yu Xiaoyu gritted his teeth and looked at him, "Don't worry, as long as you don't hold me back, I won't hold you back!"

"That's the best." Wei Zhihang said.

"Any other questions?" the host asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

The host took out six envelopes from his pocket and handed the envelopes to the six groups of guests. "This is the address and content of the two projects of ab in the first round. You can choose what you want to go according to your actual situation. Project. The money you got in the testing session can be used in these two days. The tour guide's money has been collected by the program group, so you can rest assured."

Yan QingChi feels relieved, because he and Jiang MoChen are the richest among all the people present.

He opened the envelope and saw two items written on the card inside, "a, painting; b, pottery."

"Do you know pottery?" Yan QingChi asked Jiang MoChen.

"You know a little bit, I played it when I was young."

"Then we choose b." After all, the option a is his strength, but it is Jiang MoChen's weakness.

Jiang MoChen hesitated. He looked at the words on the card. "The criterion for painting is that the two people make a painting together, and the teacher will evaluate it. However, it does not require everyone to draw at least as many pens as we did before. That? If that's the case, is it more advantageous for us to choose this one? Are you good at pottery?"

Yan QingChi heard what he said and felt that what he said also made sense, "I have done pottery before, but I am definitely not good at painting."

The host reminded them, "You have five minutes. After five minutes, the game officially begins."

"Which one to choose?" Yan QingChi looked at Jiang MoChen, "Are you sure you want to choose painting?" For him, painting is of course easy, but for Jiang MoChen, it is not so easy.

Jiang MoChen was also a little undecided for a while.

Fei Jingyu paid attention to them. Seeing that they were still indecisive, he stepped forward and asked, "Brother Yan should choose painting? After all, didn't he win with it before?"

Yan QingChi looked at him, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Fei Jingyu smiled slightly and said: "I just want to choose painting. If Brother Yan chooses painting, we can have a try. I am very curious about who is better between the two of us."

Jiang MoChen chuckled, "It's not necessary."

"Brother Jiang, you are obviously partial."

"Yes." Jiang MoChen admitted generously, "I don't favor him, who do I favor, do you?"

Fei Jingyu didn't expect that he would admit it so directly, and for a while, he didn't know what to say.

Yan QingChi smiled when he saw this, "Okay," he said, "Since you want to compare with me, then I will choose painting."

"Brother Yan is so courageous." Fei Jingyu said with satisfaction.

Yan QingChi chuckled, "You are not too brave."