Chapter 169 - Fei Jingyu succeeded in face slap, three rounds of competition easily crush

Yan QingChi looked at the paintings on the table for a while, thought about it for a while, and started to write. He painted very quickly. One is that he paints often and he is already proficient, and the other is that he has conceived before painting. Ok the whole picture. After a while, Jiang MoChen saw a shy girl appeared on the drawing paper with her head slightly lowered and her eyes staring upward.

Yan QingChi drew the girl's clothes and accessories according to the boss's drawing, and then began to paint the boys. The boy was obviously the one who confessed. He looked at the girl in front of him with anxiety and expectation, clenched his fist, and waited for her answer.

Yan QingChi painted the main characters, added street lights to Jiang MoChen's vertical line, and then connected the horizontal lines together, modified it, and drew it into a bench.

He approached Jiang MoChen and whispered, "You can draw anything on this piece of paper, choose the one you are good at."

Jiang MoChen was a little worried. After thinking about it, he drew a swallow looking up at them on the ground where the boys and girls were sitting.

Yan QingChi almost didn't laugh, but when he looked at him, he felt familiar. Yan QingChi recalled it for a moment, and then remembered that the appearance of this swallow in Jiang MoChen's painting was not the same as when he came to visit the class and asked himself to help him draw , Said it was a swallow for QiQi.

Yan QingChi looked at him, but he didn't expect that he actually went back to practice, and he painted quite a portrait.

Jiang MoChen painted swallows and felt that this was what he was best at. After all, in order to design the shape of the wedding ring at that time, he painted all the swallows painted by Yan QingChi with paper rubbings. Facts have proved that although this method is stupid, it is indeed effective. At least he has painted swallows very well now.

So Jiang MoChen drew another swallow on the bench.

He looked at Yan QingChi and said that he had done his best. Yan QingChi also knows that Jiang MoChen is the same as his singing in this respect, basically it is impossible to save, so he took the brush and added some details, and the painting was finished like this.

He looked at Fei Jingyu next to him and saw that he was still painting, so he took out a piece of drawing paper and repainted a picture of a girl confessing to a boy. The girl pursed her lips and her eyes were wide open. The boy Somewhat surprised, but unconsciously smiled.

Jiang MoChen didn't quite understand how he drew another one, and the boys and girls in this painting were different from those of the boss. He asked Yan QingChi, "What is this?"

"Be prepared for a rainy day, just in case."

"speak English."

Yan QingChi looked at him helplessly, "Prepare for no trouble, special for face beating."

Jiang MoChen felt that he still didn't understand. Hasn't the boss already said the rules of the game? Why did he paint one more set, and he didn't follow the rules at all.

However, Yan QingChi didn't give him a chance to ask questions again. He raised his hand and said, "We are done drawing."

Fei Jingyu was taken aback, looked at him in disbelief, and quickly lowered his head and drew the last two strokes, not to be outdone, "We are done too."

The boss looked at the time and was surprised and said, "Have you learned before, so fast?"

"Yes," Fei Jingyu vaguely understood the English sentence and couldn't help showing off. "I have been learning painting since the fourth grade of elementary school, and I have participated in some competitions and won some awards."

"Oh." The boss exclaimed, "Then you must paint well, I'll see you first."

The boss walked over, looked at the drawing paper on the table between him and Yue Ziming, and picked it up. Fei Jingyu felt that his painting was pretty good. Although he was a little rushed in the end and didn't have time to fill in some details, he was still very good overall.

The boss looked and put his painting down, "It's okay," he said.

Fei Jingyu took a proud look at Yan QingChi and replied, "Thank you."

The boss didn't speak, and turned to Yan QingChi's side. Yan QingChi pushed the picture he drew as required in front of the boss. The boss picked it up and looked at it carefully.

Yan QingChi waited for the boss to comment, but the boss didn't speak, he looked up at the boss a little strangely.

Fei Jingyu saw that the boss hadn't spoken yet, and felt that the boss should be dissatisfied, and instantly felt a sense of victory.

He looked at Yan QingChi and deliberately said: "Why the boss hasn't spoken for so long? Is there something wrong with your painting? Brother Yan, if we have assessed for a while and you haven't, then we can leave first. However, you didn't just win the street painting competition two days ago. It should be fine, right?"

The last sentence is obviously sarcastic.

Jiang MoChen glanced at him calmly, "The boss hasn't spoken yet, it's your turn to talk more here."

Fei Jingyu hurriedly pretended to say, "Am I not worried about you?"

Yan QingChi was just trying to save him. He heard the boss finally speak. The boss sighed and asked him, "How many years have you studied painting?"

"Forget it," Yan QingChi said, "I started painting when I was a child. I forgot how old I was, but I didn't have a system professional study."

He actually remembered that it was at the age of nine, one year after he was adopted. It's just that Jiang MoChen is here. Yan QingChi didn't know if the original owner would paint when he was nine years old, so he had to lie and forgot.

The boss nodded, "You can paint like this without a systematic and professional study. You are very talented." He said, "You paint very well. If I could paint a picture like you in the past, then I And my girlfriend will not miss it for three years."

Yan QingChi is a little confused.

The boss smiled, "I just lied to you. The picture you saw was painted by my girlfriend. He asked me to return her to a painting. I didn't see her thoughts, so I just drew it casually. Then, she left. It was not until after she left that I kept looking at the painting and realized what the answer she wanted was, but she was gone."

"But you met again three years later?" Yan QingChi asked.

"Yes, I found her, and she is still single. I organized all the paintings about her that I had painted in the past three years after she left into a picture album, gave it to her, and confessed to her. Together."

The boss pointed to the girl on the painting, "She looks very similar to the painting, isn't she very beautiful?"

Yan QingChi nodded, "It's really pretty."

The boss was very happy and commented: "You paint very well, your paintings are very emotional, just like watching a real-life story, the lines are also very smooth, the composition is neat and delicate, are you a professional painter?"

Yan QingChi shook his head, "I am an actor."

"Then you must be a good actor," the boss praised. "Your painting is very emotional, and you must be very emotional when you act."

Yan QingChi chuckled, "Thank you."

"Wait," Fei Jingyu didn't understand why it suddenly became like this, why did Yan QingChi talk to the boss?

He doesn't understand large sections of English, but can only understand scattered words, so he doesn't know what they are talking about. He simply walks up to the boss and asks him, "We two, who paints better?"

The boss pointed to Yan QingChi and said, "Of course it is him. Your painting is only okay, but your painting is just a painting, without emotions, no soul, very empty." He looked at Fei Jingyu, "You are not painting The scenery is a pair of men and women. They are people. People have emotions. Therefore, the people in the paintings also need emotions. Your paintings are out of space."

Fei Jingyu didn't understand. Yan QingChi looked at him with a dazed expression and translated it for him. Fei Jingyu glanced at him. On the one hand, he was dissatisfied with him in this regard. On the other hand, he was unwilling to believe, "My Why don't the characters have feelings?"

The boss showed Yan QingChi's painting to him, "Your painting is only two people, two people have no emotions of their own, and they cannot see the mood of the person who confessed, nor the mood of the person who was confessed. You talked about it. Are you in love? Have you ever confessed or been confessed?"

Yan QingChi continued to translate, but Fei Jingyu did not speak.

The boss walked over and took his painting, put it together with Yan QingChi's, and stood in front of him, "You look at the paintings of the two of you carefully, your brushwork is very rough, and the transition in many places is not natural enough. You are from elementary school. How can you make this kind of technical mistake when painting? Your entire painting is only painting, and you can't see what is after the painting. Moreover," the boss pointed to the boys and girls on the painting, and said in not fluent Chinese, "you The protagonist in the painting has a different face than the protagonist in the painting I gave you."

"Painting is a process of self-expression, not a process of imitating, and I am not an imitator, how can it be exactly the same as what you painted." Fei Jingyu said.

Yan QingChi translated the words into English and told the boss for him.

The boss frowned and pointed at Yan QingChi and asked Fei Jingyu, "But he just asked me if I want to paint according to the painting. I said yes, you should have heard it. Then, why not paint according to the rules? Is it because You don't know how to imitate other people's paintings, you can only paint your own? A mature painter should be able to imitate other people's paintings as vividly as possible, but can also draw your own original works, right?"

Fei Jingyu heard Yan QingChi's report and was very unconvinced, "Do you think my painting is inferior to his painting because of this?"

Yan QingChi was a little speechless, "Didn't the boss just say it? Your soulless, emotional, rough brushwork, unnatural transition, these are the key points."

"These are based on the fact that you imitated his character paintings, but I didn't. If you didn't, he would think you won?"

Yan QingChi guessed that if Fei Jingyu did not paint like him, he would have come to such a hand, so he reluctantly picked up the second painting on the table and showed it to Fei Jingyu.

"How do you think my painting compares with yours?"

Fei Jingyu was shocked. He looked at the painting in Yan QingChi's hand and couldn't believe it, "Did you draw two?"

"Yes, two pictures. I'm afraid that if you don't have the portrait I painted, you will blame the problem on this aspect, so I spent one more picture."

Fei Jingyu couldn't understand. He didn't have enough time to paint one picture, and finally finished hastily. How could Yan QingChi have time to paint two.

"Where did you come from?"

"The same time as you, but I paint often, so I paint smoothly than you, and I paint faster than you." Yan QingChi looked at him, "Fei Jingyu, in the square before, I said, Everyone has different understanding of painting. I am interested in painting. I simply think painting is fun, so I will paint from time to time. But for you, it is just a tool you use to win honors in competitions, so you I'm bound inside. You haven't drawn for a long time, so after writing, the smoothness of the line can't be guaranteed. Is this what you call a profession?"

He looked at Fei Jingyu's paintings, "If a painting is good, it's not only for experts, but also for laymen. Sometimes it's easy to tell, because people's feelings are very direct. IMHO, your paintings will win prizes. Not many times, right?"

Fei Jingyu did not speak.

Yan QingChi smiled, "So I won, it is us who must leave first."

Yan QingChi said, turned to look at the boss, and asked him, "Can our group leave?"

The boss smiled and said, "Of course you can. Your drawing is great. This is your task card."

He took out the task card given to him by the program group from his pocket and handed it to Yan QingChi.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen said thank you, and left directly.

Fei Jingyu watched them leave and looked at the boss. The boss was a little dissatisfied with his tampering with the appearance of the characters in the painting. He asked him to repaint the appearance of the characters and paint some more likes.

Fei Jingyu had no choice but to take back his painting and paint again. He is not good at imitating, but he did not expect that Yan QingChi not only drew a picture imitating the characters painted by the boss in the same time as him, but also painted a new picture. Moreover, both paintings have a higher degree of success than their own.

Fei Jingyu always felt that he was the best painter among them. Yan QingChi said that he was not a professional, so he believed it. He also felt that Yan QingChi couldn't paint better than himself. I didn't expect it, the fact. But slapped him severely. He held the pen and felt that he was like this, which was really shameful.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen certainly didn't know his thoughts at the moment, and even after leaving, Yan QingChi didn't take him to heart anymore. He is casual and open-minded by nature, if it weren't for Fei Jingyu's repeated provocations, Yan QingChi wouldn't pay attention to him.

He looked at the task card in his hand, pointed to the swimming and gymnastics on it and said, "Let's choose swimming. I am not weak in your strengths."

"Okay." Jiang MoChen agreed.

The two arrived at the swimming pool according to the route on the task card. Yan QingChi asked the coach in charge of their assessment if anyone else had done the task before?

The coach shook his head, Yan QingChi was a little surprised, and said to Jiang MoChen, "Did you hear that? We may be the first place now."

Of course Jiang MoChen heard it, and even he felt that what Yan QingChi said was probably right. In the first round, only he and Yan QingChi, Fei Jingyu and Yue Ziming chose to paint. The others chose to do pottery because they had never studied painting. And now entering the second round, swimming and gymnastics, he feels that at least a combination of boys will be more inclined to swim. There is no reason for him, just because gymnastics is a bit unfriendly to boys. However, it seems that only a group of them arrived at the swimming pool.

Then, it is very likely that other people are still doing the first round of tasks and have not had time to get here.

This time the challenge is to swim five laps in a relay between the two within the specified time. Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen changed the swimming trunks that the coach had prepared for them, got into the water to warm up, and were ready to challenge.

He discussed with Jiang MoChen. Given that of the two of them, Jiang MoChen has the advantage in this respect, Jiang MoChen is on the starting point and he is on the finish line. Jiang MoChen swims first, then high-fives him, and he swims. Calculating this way, Jiang MoChen will swim three times, he only swims twice, which is easier to pass.

Jiang MoChen agreed and let Yan QingChi go to the finish line to wait for him.

The coach called to start, Jiang MoChen swam out quickly, Yan QingChi looked at his swimming style in the water, waiting for him to hand over with himself.

Undoubtedly, they passed the customs at one time, and the coach was a little surprised and applauded them, "very good, very good" praised them.

Yan QingChi felt that this was mainly due to Jiang MoChen. After all, he really swam too fast. When the last lap swam, there were still nearly two minutes before the prescribed time.

When they left, they saw Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei running in. Seeing them both, they asked in shock, "You already did it?"

Yan QingChi nodded, "Go ahead, no one is there yet."

Mo Xiaoxiao hurriedly thanked Zhang Ningwei and ran over.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen looked at the newly obtained task card and chose to make a cake in the third round of the project.

Jiang MoChen actually doesn't know how to make cakes. During the year of Yan QingChi's pregnancy, he learned hard-core cooking techniques, and he has not dabbled in pastry. But Yan QingChi said, "I will, I will teach you later."

So the two people happily prepared to make a cake for themselves.

The person responsible for assessing their project is a fat female teacher of about fifty years old. The teacher first demonstrated the steps to them, and then asked them to do it by themselves. Within the specified time, make a cake, the taste of the cake and All appearances must be qualified before customs clearance.

Yan QingChi has made cakes before, and he is very familiar with it. He directs Jiang MoChen while busying himself, and the two of them proceed in an orderly manner. After Yan QingChi put the finished cake embryo in the oven and bake it, he decorated the cake with Jiang MoChen and asked the teacher to come and check it.

The teacher looked at their cake and was very satisfied. He picked up the cake knife on the table and cut a piece, then took a small bite with a fork and put it in his mouth to taste.

"Delicious." She said, "Congratulations, you passed the level. As a reward, this cake belongs to both of you."

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen felt that the two of them were really lucky. The three rounds of missions were so easy to pass all levels.

Yan QingChi was a little happy, looking at Jiang MoChen, "Or shall we eat cake here and go back?"

Jiang MoChen naturally agreed to him.

The teacher brought them two cups of black tea, and let them drink with cakes.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen thanked them and drank black tea while eating cake.

Jiang MoChen has never liked sweets, even cakes. After eating a piece, he put down his fork and watched Yan QingChi eat it.

Looking at it, I couldn't help but dab the cream on Yan QingChi's face with his fingers. Yan QingChi was helpless, "You do this again!"

"Can't help it."

Yan QingChi stretched out his hand and wiped it on him. Jiang MoChen was about to fight back, but Yan QingChi grabbed his hand, "No more spoiling my cake."

"It's our cake."

"Then it's not to be spoiled."

Jiang MoChen saw him looking like a food protector, so he had to give up and wiped his face with his hand, "Small cat."

"You didn't draw it yet."

"So I want to paint a few more."

"No, you don't want to!"

Jiang MoChen: ...I immediately understood Li Mo's mood at that time.

And Li Mo, who was chanted by him, finally walked into the cake room at this time, ready to challenge the cake making.

As soon as Li Mo entered the door, he saw them both as soon as he turned his head. He shouted in surprise, "Brother", without saying a word, and ran over, "Who won?" She asked curiously, "Brother, you won. Is Fei Jingyu yet?"

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen were stunned by the question she had thrown out. Then Yan QingChi said, "You won. I didn't expect you to care so much."

"Of course I care, I know you will win."

Yan QingChi smiled, "Thank you then."

"You're welcome, brother, have you already done it?"

Yan QingChi nodded and pointed to the cake on the table, "This is our achievement."

"Why are you two so fast? It is estimated that you will be the first one this time. Then I won't tell you anymore. I have to hurry up and do the task, bye."

"Okay, you work hard!"

"Yeah," Li Mo said with a smile, "I only made cake baking with my classmates last year. This won't bother me, don't worry."

She said that she ran away in an instant. Yan QingChi watched Li Mo leave and looked at Jiang MoChen, "Let's go too."

"What about the cake?"

"Ask the teacher if you can pack it."

Jiang MoChen asked the teacher and got an affirmative answer. He said goodbye to Li Bozhong and Li Mo and his father and daughter with the packed cake, and he was going to Uncle John's pizza restaurant with Yan QingChi.

"Target pizza restaurant, red duck!" Yan QingChi pulled Jiang MoChen and ran forward quickly.

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