Chapter 176 - End of vacation & variety show broadcast

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen spent a total of four days on the island, playing on the beach during the day, and going back to the hotel to sleep in the evening. While feeling wasted and playing things, they were always happy and satisfied. Yan QingChi finally saw the sunrise. On the morning of the third day, he leaned on Jiang MoChen and watched the sun rise slowly from the sea, feeling satisfied and happy.

He turned his head to look at Jiang MoChen, "The sunrise on the sea and the sunrise in the mountains are really a bit different."


"But they are all pretty."


"It's great to have a vacation," Yan QingChi lazily, "I really want to keep going on vacation. I want to spend my honeymoon now. When that happens, we will make the honeymoon time longer."

"Well, when the time comes, the two of us will free up time and go out for a good time."

"We can choose a few more countries, go to a few more places, and also go domestically, from home to abroad."


"I really want to go now." Yan QingChi looked at him.

"Then we will make it public as soon as possible, and then we can get married as soon as possible and have a honeymoon as soon as possible." Jiang MoChen suggested.

Yan QingChi voted vetoed, "Let's do it step by step, for my good and for your good."

Jiang MoChen hugged him and sighed, "I hope my fans can understand your hard work." He looked at Yan QingChi, "That's you. If someone else marries me, I'm afraid to wait. Until now, I will make it public early. Only you, considering the mood of the fans every day, don't worry at all."

"So they are not suitable for you. Yan QingChi smiled, "You are such a big coffee, and you are not a small star of the 18th line. You really don't say hello, just announce it casually. How can fans accept it? , Maybe there is an overreaction, and then the society will criticize and chase stars again. Why bother? We are all together, so what can't wait? Why rush to this time? Why not give each other some time so that they can accept it a little bit, so that I can also achieve some results. The best of both worlds, why not? "

"If it wasn't for you to prevent you from being labeled as me for whatever you do in the future, I would have long wanted to make it public." Jiang MoChen frankly said, "The time I celebrated my birthday, you suddenly showed up. When I asked the director for leave, I just wanted to tell him that my love came, but the words came to the lips. The last WeChat sent was my family member. At that time, I was thinking, one day, I will tell everyone, between us Relationship-after you already have your own grades."

Yan QingChi laughed, "I said it seems like I have achieved some results now."

"There will be," Jiang MoChen is sure, "There will always be, I believe you."

"I also believe in myself." Yan QingChi said without humility.

Jiang MoChen kissed his forehead, took him into his arms, and continued to quietly look at the place where the sun rises with him.

When he left, Yan QingChi was still a little bit unwilling. He sat on the boat and looked at the slowly disappearing hotel and the small island gradually away, and suddenly said, "This time, it cost a lot of money?"

Jiang MoChen didn't speak, but smiled slightly.

"It's worth it." Yan QingChi commented, "Praise you."

"I thought you would find it too wasteful."

"That's not my philosophy," Yan QingChi said chicly, "I am not a diligent and thrifty person. The purpose of making money is to improve the quality of life. You are so rich, and of course there is waste. Besides, we are not. It's a good time to play, and the money is worth it."

Jiang MoChen nodded, "I think so too."

Bid farewell to the private island and return home. Jiang MoChen didn't stay for a few days, just because of the previous play, he was away for a month.

"This time it won't be very long, just help to play an important supporting role, and I will be back soon." Jiang MoChen said to Yan QingChi while packing his luggage.

"Okay, go, I have nothing to do recently, so I can just accompany the child and wait for you to come back by the way." Yan QingChi helped him install the daily necessities and patted him, "Come on, take a good picture."

Jiang MoChen kissed him and said softly: "Okay."

Yan Yan is very interested in sports recently, but due to his age and physical limitations, his sports can only be crawling all over the floor. Jiang's mother was afraid that he would bump, so she wrapped up all the furniture in the house and carpeted the floor.

Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi were cleaning up, they saw Yan Yan crawling in, followed by QiQi who was playing with him.

QiQi saw them packing their luggage and asked them, "Are you going out again?"

Yan QingChi took YanYan into his arms and said to QiQi, "Only you, Father, will go out. I will not go out. I will accompany you at home."

QiQi sat down beside him and asked Jiang MoChen, "When will Father be back?"

"A month later." Jiang MoChen touched his head.

QiQi nodded, moved to hug him, and said softly, "Then Father, come back soon."

"Okay." Jiang MoChen kissed him, "I will come back to accompany you when I am busy."

Yan Yan waved a small hand and said, "fei i, fei i."

QiQi corrected him, "It's back."

"Fei i." Yan Yan repeated.

Yan QingChi was amused by the two of them, and raised YanYan's hand and waved, "Say goodbye to Father, goodbye."

YanYan waved his hand, "For nothing, for nothing."

Jiang MoChen reached out to hold his little hand, Yan Yan retracted his hand, and looked at him with a pair of eyes.

"Hand." Jiang MoChen stretched his hand in front of him, "Hand, YanYan."

YanYan held his hand and thought for a while, then slowly handed it out and put it in Jiang MoChen's hand, "White, white, Daddy white."

Jiang MoChen directly hugged him into his arms and let him swing up and down to play with him on his lap. Yan Yan giggled with laughter, babbling and yelling, waving his hands.

QiQi sat and watched them playing, smiling happily, leaned over to tease Yan Yan, Yan QingChi watched them as three playing together, did not speak, but his eyes were very gentle.

Soon after Jiang MoChen left, at the end of June, "Best Partner" was aired on Mangosteen TV. Because Jiang MoChen joined this variety show, it was highly anticipated from the beginning. On the day it was officially broadcasted, it was directly on top of the hot search. Many viewers were waiting in front of the TV to be broadcast.

Yan QingChi stayed idle and watched the pilot film at home. From this look, he understood why he and Jiang MoChen did not want to be the first in the testing session. They were playing all the way. With little time, it turned out to be the first person to pull the flag. There is no other reason, because in so many groups, the two of them are the most tacit and even the most accommodating to each other.

For the six groups of guests, get rid of them and the group of Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei, who did not know the way and had no concept of life in the wild, and followed them all the way. For the remaining four groups, Yang Xinhe and Yu Haoyuan are both young and energetic, have their own ideas, and when they encounter differences in roads, both of them firmly believe that they are right, so they are not willing to compromise. They are often forced to obey the other. One side, but if you choose the right one, or the wrong one, you will receive constant complaints from your teammates. It may even be because this is the first appearance, and both of them want to express themselves, so they will continue to explain their ideas, trying to make the other party listen to them, and thus have a small conflict with each other.

The group of Fei Jingyu and Yue Ziming first teamed up with Li Mo and Li Bozhong. Later, because Fei Jingyu had better physical strength and wanted to win, he chose not to wait for them when Li Mo and Li Bozhong were resting. Go on the road with Yue Ziming. Yan QingChi thinks things must be more than that simple, otherwise Li Mo would not help but blurt out complaining about Fei Jingyu after the first test. The program editing should cut some clips that are detrimental to Fei Jingyu's image, so it was broadcast. Fei Jingyu parted ways with Li Mo and Li Bozhong just for better results. Although it is not righteous, he cannot be blamed too much.

It's just that they were out of luck, and after leaving Li Mo and Li Bozhong, they went the wrong way. On the contrary, Li Mo's luck was very good. Li Bozhong guided most of the directions, while a small part was uncertain. Based on his instinct, Li Mo turned out to be fourth.

As for the group Yu Xiaoyu and Wei Zhihang, they attracted everyone's attention on the day of the broadcast, because they were the only group among the six groups that failed the test. Yu Xiaoyu complained since entering the jungle, and from time to time she wailed that she couldn't walk. If Wei Zhihang responded to her, she would ask for a rest; if Wei Zhihang did not respond to her, she would complain to the camera about Wei Zhihang's indifference. On the morning of the third day, after they took the wrong path, Yu Xiaoyu was completely emotionally broken, crying and screaming not to leave, saying why he had to suffer this crime. Wei Zhihang persuaded her for a long time, but couldn't persuade her. After reaching the deadline, he announced his abstention.

Yan QingChi looked at Yu Xiaoyu in the camera and felt that she had edited a lot of negative clips, otherwise Yu Xiaoyu could not just cry, and Wei Zhihang would not persuade Li Bozhong to say leave Yu Xiaoyu alone in their rowing boat. She persuaded her more and more.

However, even after editing, Yu Xiaoyu's actions still aroused the irritation of netizens. They felt that she was too acting. With so many girls, she was tired every day and finally gave up. Wei Zhihang's fans were even more angry. Whose idol was not held in the palm of the hand by his own fans. At this moment, Yu Xiaoyu didn't hold Wei Zhihang. It was enough if he didn't cooperate well, and it dragged him down. Wei Zhihang persuaded her, but she didn't respond , The bad Wei Zhihang took the last one in the lead film.

The angry Wei Zhihang fans rolled up their sleeves and went to pinch Yu Xiaoyu. Passers-by also felt that Wei Zhihang was a bit pitiful. When he met such a partner, he felt a little distressed about him. No one helped Yu Xiaoyu speak, just watching Yu Xiaoyu successfully become the "Best" "Partner" is the first person to have a black post.

Although Fei Jingyu's move to leave Li Mo and his daughter behind was understandable in principle, it did make people feel a little uncomfortable in reason, so he recruited a wave of black. However, Fei Jingyu is not a newcomer like Yu Xiaoyu. He has no fans. He has his own fans, so his fans desperately defended, "Everyone is not a group. This is a competition. Don't kidnap morally, okay?" , It didn't make much splash.

The real biggest splashes are Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi.