Chapter 180 - The decision to raise a dog & new script

Yan QingChi steamed rice and fried several dishes while waiting for Jiang MoChen to return home. Jiang MoChen stopped by to pick up QiQi from school. QiQi saw him coming back and was very happy to hug him, nestled in his arms and told him about his recent school affairs. He also said that the paintings he painted the previous two days were as good as those in the class. First place.

QiQi opened his schoolbag and took out the painting and handed it to Jiang MoChen. He painted puppies playing with each other in the sun. Although the paintings are still immature, they are better than childlike innocence. Jiang MoChen looked at the painting and felt that QiQi was not their own, but it was unexpectedly like Yan QingChi from the perspective of painting alone. He thought that this might be the so-called fate.

"QiQi is awesome." He boasted, adding, "Like you Daddy."

QiQi bent his eyes and smiled, and asked softly, "Then can I have a puppy?"

"QiQi wants to keep a dog?"

QiQi nodded, "Dogs are so cute, can they be raised?"

Jiang MoChen thought for a while, "It's okay, but not yet."

QiQi blinked at him with some doubts.

Jiang MoChen explained to him: "YanYan is still young and needs family care, so if you have a dog, you may not be able to take care of it. Moreover, our family lives upstairs. The space is not very large. It is good to have a puppy. , In case you like big dogs, then it's not very convenient. When you move in the future, can you keep dogs at that time?"

QiQi nodded, "It's okay." He just wants to raise a dog, as long as he can raise it. As for now or in the future, QiQi doesn't care so much.

Jiang MoChen touched his head, "QiQi can first see what kind of dog he likes, and then Father will take you to choose."


When Jiang MoChen and QiQi returned, Yan QingChi just fry the last dish out of the pot.

QiQi leaped over and said to him, "Daddy, I am the number one in the painting competition in our class."

"Really?" Yan QingChi said in surprise, "QiQi is so powerful, wait for tomorrow Daddy to celebrate for you."

"How to celebrate?" QiQi asked him.

"How do you want to celebrate?"

QiQi thought for a while and said honestly: "I want to go out to play, let's go to the playground."

"Okay." Yan QingChi touched his hair, "What are you painting? Let Daddy have a look."

QiQi found out his painting, handed it to Yan QingChi, and whispered to him, "I just told Father, and he said, in the future, I can keep a dog."

Yan QingChi looked at his painting, it was the puppies fighting each other, he nodded, "Okay, let you pick a puppy you like."

"I like the white one, the small one, I want to call it a snowball."

"You even figured out your name."

"I just thought about it in the car." QiQi said cheerfully.

Jiang MoChen saw the two of them talking about raising a dog, went upstairs to change into a house coat, and then went to see Yan Yan. YanYan is playing with Aunt Zhang. Although Aunt Zhang doesn't know that YanYan is the biological child of Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi, she has always taken care of Jiang MoChen and grew up, and later took care of QiQi, so she has feelings for Jiang's children.

Seeing Jiang MoChen coming in, she smiled and said, "Master is back."

"En, thank you very much."

"What's the matter." She looked at Jiang MoChen, "In a blink of an eye, the young master is already married and has a child. Time flies."

Jiang MoChen also felt that time really flies too quickly, and in a blink of an eye, he actually has two children.

He picked YanYan up from the bed, YanYan let him hold him obediently, and looked at him with his eyes open. Jiang MoChen hugged him and shook him up and down, and he danced happily.

Aunt Zhang looked at him and smiled, "This kid is more lively than QiQi, and a little more active than QiQi. He has complementary personalities and is also suitable for being a brother.

Jiang MoChen thought for a while when he was a kid, he didn't seem to be so lively. He felt that he might be more like Yan QingChi. He couldn't help but feel a little more divided. He always felt unfair to failing to make YanYan and Yan QingChi surnames. Now I see YanYan. More like Yan QingChi than myself, I think it is another comfort.

After dinner, QiQi went to play with YanYan as usual, and Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen watched the drama "Waiting for Spring" sent by Li Bozhong, directed by Kang Sheng.

Unlike most military dramas that Yan QingChi has seen, Yan Ling, the hero of "Waiting for Spring", is not traditionally loyal, honest, hardworking, and has grown from a small figure to a generation of soldiers. Yan Ling's image is more like a Young genius.

Yan Jifeng's Father Yan Jifeng failed and was injured in the selection of special forces, and later retired and returned home. Therefore, from when Yan Ling was young, he hoped that Yan Ling could become his dream and become an excellent special soldier. Yan Ling is a man with outstanding appearance, indifferent personality, a little high-ranking, but very vicious tongue. He has been trained by Father since he was a child, and he is very skilled, and he has known since childhood that he will enter the army in the future. But because he has been growing up in this environment, he has always been confused and doubtful about whether he should really join the army.

Of course, Yan Ling entered the army according to Father's wishes. Because he was the most delicate recruit among the recruits in the same period, he was ridiculed by the stabbing squad right after joining the army. It's a bully. When he was in the dormitory, he deliberately asked him to help wash his clothes and socks, but Yan Ling fell down on the spot and buttoned all the dirty clothes on his head.

Yan Ling became famous in the first battle, and attracted the attention of the outstanding recruits. Several people who tried to challenge him in private were also knocked down by him after provocation. There is no doubt that he is the best among the recruits.

Yan Ling was even more confused about the significance of entering the army in such successive victories. Until their squad competed with the second squad, Yan Ling met Ma Jun, the first person in the army who had an influence on him. Ma Jun comes from the countryside, and serving as a soldier is the best choice for him besides going to college. Ma Jun's academic performance is not good enough, so he put all his efforts on serving as a soldier. He is serious, hard-working, and hardworking. Compared with Yan Ling who doesn't know whether he is right or wrong to join the army, his life goal is clear and clear.

The two of them were opponents in the first friendly match. As the finale, Ma Jun always has a very good personality. He laughed a little stupidly, but he shot very hard. Of course, he has never beaten Yan Ling, who was strictly taught by Father since he was a child, but he has been trying to turn the tide at the last second. Yan Ling encountered such an opponent for the first time and was a little moved.

After losing, when Ma Jun had time in private, he always secretly came to Yan Ling to discuss with him. Yan Ling was reluctant to pay attention to him at first, but later felt that he was too honest, so he would try several tricks with him. Ma Jun asked him, "Why do you always look unhappy?"

Yan Ling asked him, "Am I not happy?"

Ma Jun said, "It's not happy anyway."

Yan Ling thought, there is nothing to be happy about.

They kept in private contact, and Ma Jun also lost to Yan Ling again and again. However, in the second and second class match, Ma Jun unexpectedly won Yan Ling.

Yan Ling was surprised when she lost for the first time. He compared with him again when Ma Jun came to look for him in private again, only to find that Ma Jun's progress was far beyond his imagination.

Yan Ling felt panic. It was a panic that could not dominate the overall situation and was about to fall from the top. He carefully reviewed his period of time, only to find that everyone is improving, only he has been staying in place, because he has been at the top from the beginning, and he knows that he is the strongest among these recruits. Yes, so he has always watched all this indifferently, never thinking of progress.

Yan Ling felt the first crisis in Ma Jun, and finally began to get serious. He trained seriously and strengthened the intensity of his training. Soon, he once again distanced himself from Ma Jun. This is normal, Yan Ling knows herself, after all, he is very talented in this area.

Soon, the recruits were tested and reclassified. Yan Ling and Ma Jun were allocated to the same class. Ma Jun is a group, has a good temper, and is about the same level as everyone, so he quickly became one with everyone. Yan Ling is tall and venomous, even if he is only training with everyone, but he is still superior to everyone. Everyone jokingly calls him a genius, and it is normal that he is better than himself.

Yan Ling quickly realized the difference in his class. He won, as it should be. He lost. He must have failed to play well and will win next time. No one will put more energy on him, even if he has already begun to work hard and want to mingle with everyone.

To compete in the company, each class needs three people. Their class is him, the monitor, and Ma Jun. This competition is very important. The three of them practice every day. He watched the monitor encourage and praise Ma Jun in the daily training, and he was happy for Ma Jun's progress. The gap in his heart became stronger.

He asked the monitor, "Why do you never encourage me?"

The monitor replied in a daze, "You are already very good, you don't need my encouragement and you are very good."

Yan Ling asked him expressionlessly, "So, should I be ignored?"

The squad leader did not expect that he would think so, and quickly explained that he is different from Ma Jun, Ma Jun is like a pump, you press it down, and he will produce water, while Yan Ling is a well, already full Jing Shui, he knew that Yan Ling would have no problem, so he paid more attention to Ma Jun.

Yan Ling did not speak, the monitor said that he would not be anymore and would pay attention to him in time. Yan Ling said that he did not need to.

He has always been like this, duplicity, what he wants, and will not admit it, he still participated in the competition in Lianli, and won, but in the end, when the class was celebrating, the monitor also talked to everyone with Ma Jun and laughed. . Yan Ling felt that he was not suitable for this place.

Yan Ling wanted to leave. He had just won the match in the company and got the company commander's attention, so where was the company commander willing to let him go. Yan Ling said that it was meaningless to stay here. The company commander asked him, why did you enter the army in the first place? Yan Ling remembered his Father's life dream. He said that he wanted to be a special soldier. The company commander said, "Wait, wait, the special forces will be selected soon."

Yan Ling stayed for this reason and participated in the selection of special forces. He was selected very well and started a new journey.