Chapter 186 - The shock and bewilderment of celebrities and fans

At this juncture, Wei Lan will always take the lead, "Spread flowers, blessings, it will take a long time."

As an insider, Sun Xun is friends with Jiang MoChen, and Yan QingChi is a resident guest who used to record the show together, so the second one sent his blessings, "It's too much to spread dog food at this time."

Chen Xuanlang was a little confused, and sent a WeChat message to Yan QingChi, "Are you two together?"

Yan QingChi returned to him, "En."

Chen Xuanlang felt a little illusory, "When did it happen?"

Yan QingChi said in his heart that I saw Chen Xuanlang asking him, "Could it be that you two recorded "Best Partner" a while ago?"

Yan QingChi sent him a tight round face expression.

Chen Xuanlang: "...You are so good at hiding!"

He finally reacted at this moment, "No wonder I always think you and Jiang MoChen are very familiar. It turns out that you two have this kind of relationship!"

Yan QingChi:...Then you misunderstood, the two of us are not just such a simple relationship.

"Forget it, your personal questions, I won't ask too much. Jiang MoChen is a good person, and it is suitable for you to be with him. I hope you can keep getting better."

"Thank you."

Driven by Wei Lan and Sun Xun, other stars began to send blessings to the two of them one after another. As a common fan of the two of them, Li Mo, although faintly guessed about this before, really saw them openly. Now, there is still some emotion in my heart.

Li Bozhong looked at her, "What is your expression?"

"Sads and joys are mixed."


"Excellent boys are all with boys. As a girl, I am very worried about my future!"


"My two elder brothers are so good, of course only they can match each other well. How can an ordinary girl like me be with such a good boy!"

Li Bozhong: ...I don't understand the thinking of young people today.

But Mo Xiaoxiao and Zhang Ningwei stunned each other for a second.

Mo Xiaoxiao, "So Brother Yan and Brother Jiang are together?"

Zhang Ningwei, " should be so."

Mo Xiaoxiao thought about the answer that Yan QingChi gave her when she asked Yan QingChi Jiang MoChen what type of girl she liked at the time. Thinking about it now, not every one corresponds to him.

Mo Xiaoxiao would be wrong in an instant, "I remember, didn't I ask Brother Yan, what kind of girl does Jiang like?"


"The answer that Brother Yan told me, thinking about it now, fits him perfectly."

"and so?"

"You haven't seen this yet, it must have been a vague hint from Brother Jiang to Brother Yan before, but Brother Yan didn't realize that Brother Jiang liked him, so Brother Jiang took the initiative to chase him."

Zhang Ningwei made an "ah" expression and thought about it carefully, "I don't think so."

"No?" Mo Xiaoxiao asked back.

Zhang Ningwei thought of the time when she bumped into the two of them and whispered. Yan QingChi's reaction was obviously greater than Jiang MoChen's. "I think they both realized that the other party liked them, but they were not sure. Don't want to be discovered by others. So, when you ask, he answers you this way, probably guessing that you ask this question, it means that you or someone around you like Brother Jiang. They have no certain relationship, so he can't tell you Jiang. Brother already has a boyfriend, and it's even harder to tell you about Jiang's sexuality, so I have to answer that way and tell you that Brother Jiang likes to take the initiative so that you don't waste your time on this matter."

Mo Xiaoxiao thought for a while, "It seems that what you said is possible. Thinking about it now, isn't Jiang Ge always being proactive with Yan Ge?"


"Then Weiwei, are you uncomfortable?" Mo Xiaoxiao asked carefully.

Zhang Ningwei carefully understood her feelings, "I don't seem to be uncomfortable."

"Don't you like Brother Jiang?"

"But, I just have a one-way crush." ​​Zhang Ningwei returned to her, "I was persuaded by you before I had time to chase her, so I didn't pay and didn't get his response, so I still treat him like him. Male stage. And, to be honest, if I let myself choose a lover between me and Brother Yan, I would choose Brother Yan too. So, I think they seem to be quite suitable together."

Mo Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Zhang Ningwei would not be able to accept it, and she planned to persuade her. She didn't expect that she could digest well by herself, "That's good, I thought you would be angry, so I'm not allowed to be with you from now on. Mention them both in front of you."

"No," Zhang Ningwei looked open, "If Yan Ge knows that Jiang Ge likes him, but doesn't tell you, and watch me go chasing Jiang Jiang, I might be a little angry and think he is not like this. Too kind. But when he told you, he made it clear that he didn't want me to give in vain, he was already thinking of me, so I had nothing to be angry and uncomfortable, I am very grateful to him, and I wish them both. If every pair is ambiguous Lovers can be like the two of them. At least there will be no outsiders like me who don't know anything. They think they are still single. They stupidly want to chase one of them, but they inexplicably get involved in other people's feelings. Not to mention the embarrassment, but also to make a name that destroys people's feelings."

"En, you are right, so you are also very lucky. If you are so lucky, you will definitely meet someone who likes you soon." Mo Xiaoxiao encouraged her.

Zhang Ningwei sent her a hug expression, "Let's cheer duck together!"

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen's love affair is open, and there is no doubt that the whole forum has become lively again. One second before eating melons, the crowd was still discussing that Yan QingChi's award is unscientific, and after one second, they started collectively. When were we together.

"Irresponsible sorting out the emotional line of the city, come in and see if you are interested, discuss harmoniously, and refuse to be forced"

"Declare in advance that the host is not a cp fan, but is more concerned about their passers-by, so I understand both of them better, and I will arrange the relationship line for everyone irresponsibly, and welcome everyone to discuss."

"Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen first knew it should be the filming of "Lost". During the filming of this scene, something happened, that is, Jiang MoChen was almost hit by a dropped flowerpot, and Yan QingChi threw him down. Avoiding Jiang MoChen's injury, this should be the cause. After that, they participated in "Come on! Friends!" Yan QingChi did not shy away from letting Jiang MoChen water, Jiang MoChen became the first to win a card from him The person who is the only one is the only one. Then there is the Golden Guild Awards Ceremony. The two people wore the red carpet of the same brand, and Jiang MoChen arranged the brooch for Yan QingChi in the backstage. Finally, everyone knows the "Best Partner" Recording, the two people are sweet to the end. They are not a couple but sweeter than the couple next door. Now it seems that they were either already together or about to be together at the time, so it was so sweet."

"The general direction is this. Are there any others? Welcome to add."

"Original, you really just sorted out the timeline, without going into details!"

"I can see that the host is not a cp fan. I haven't mentioned many things. Let me add. After "Lost" Yan QingChi rescued Jiang MoChen, the two people secretly watched the movie together and were filmed, and the forum discussed it. Later, Yan QingChi took a one-year break due to physical reasons. When the reporter interviewed, Jiang MoChen was also defending him the whole process. Then there was the Mo Jianying incident in "Martial Arts in the Mist", Jiang MoChen posted a special tweet on Weibo for the first time. Bo. After that is the "Best Partner" that everyone knows. This show now seems to be really, it's almost like vaccinating fans in advance!"

"If it's really to vaccinate fans in advance, I actually think Jiang MoChen is quite caring..."

"Let's stop talking upstairs, Little House Sister is probably already crying in the toilet. Aren't you piercing people's hearts?"

As the owner of this floor said, the sister of the little house is indeed about to cry and faint. They came to think that today is not a big day. After all, the Golden Goose Award has nothing to do with them, but, after Yan QingChi won the award, Jiang MoChen came. After such a show, the little sisters who hit the little house were caught off guard, and even a little confused.

However, after stunned, the little house sister felt that, as if it were not so unexpected.

The salad should be sweet, not salty: "Is it because the city powder jumps in front of me every day? I am not particularly surprised now?"

One second before Jiang MoChen posted on Weibo, Yiren received a private message from Xiao Liu to herself, saying that Jiang MoChen might have a big move today, and hoped that she could help stabilize the fan group. She was also about to ask Xiao Liu what kind of big action Jiang MoChen would do. As a result, Jiang MoChen posted a Weibo. Yi Ren almost cried on the spot, what a big move, this is simply an atom/bomb! They finally waited until this day!

Yiren almost immediately held a meeting in a small group built by him and the administrator. The theme of the meeting was only one, "You must stabilize the fans in the group. Fans in other places cannot be controlled. Other people will take care of it. But the members of our group, especially the big fans, must be steady, and then everyone will act on their own."

The administrators in the group said, "EnEn, first stabilize the girls in the group, let's talk about the others."

So when I saw that the salad should be sweet and not salty, the Yiren immediately took the conversation: "After all, President Jiang is also a 30-year-old, and he should have a stable target.

The girls in the group were shocked, "Is my brother already thirty? Isn't my brother only twenty-eight?"

"Twenty-eight is two years ago. This year, it's 31st birthday, but my brother's birthday is small. It hasn't happened in December."

"Oh, that should indeed be an object." Jiajia immediately answered.

"But, why is Yan QingChi?"

"If it's not Yan QingChi, is there any more suitable online?"

"Why can't my brother find someone who is not online? Isn't it good to find an offline Bai Fumi?"

"It shouldn't be felt. It's not said that President Jiang is rich in his own family and has a very strong background, so he should just choose what he likes when he is in love."

"So he likes Yan QingChi like this?"

Yi Ren is on the water side, "Yan QingChi is okay, the works have always been good, and the popularity is also quite high. Now I have won awards. The new drama I just shot also looks promising. The prospects are promising. The most important thing is that I watched before. "Best Partner", he really has a good temper, and he has always been in harmony with his brother."