Chapter 188 - Across a space to meet you

Yan QingChi thought for a while and said softly, "Before we meet, you should have investigated me, right?"

Jiang MoChen didn't expect that he would ask this, and wanted to admit it, but was afraid that he felt that he had violated his privacy in this way.

Yan QingChi smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous, this is a normal operation. If I am you, I will do the same."

"It's fine if you don't get angry."

"I'm not angry," Yan QingChi looked at him, "So, you should have found out, there are many differences between the information I investigated and your investigation."

Jiang MoChen nodded.

"Aren't you curious why?"


"Then you don't ask me?"

Jiang MoChen looked at him and said softly: "Because you have the right to keep your privacy."

He held Yan QingChi, his speech was clear and there was a trace of tranquility and peace, "Everyone has their own privacy. Since you hide this side of you and don't want others to see it, then there must be your own truth. If you want to, if I can know, you will always tell me. Or if we spend a longer time together, old husband and old wife, if you talk about these things, you will be willing to let me know. For me, As long as it's clear, you won't hurt me. You and me are not for another purpose. If you like me, it's enough. The rest is your right as an individual as Yan QingChi, and I respect your right ."

Yan QingChi looked at him and felt that he could have such thoughts, which is also very powerful, "You can see it really well."

Jiang MoChen smiled, "Honestly speaking, I am not a very curious person. I care more about the results than the reasons for many things. Just like we don't know why you have YanYan now, but I don't care. Why? I only know that we have YanYan. This result makes me very happy."

He looked at Yan QingChi, "You are not a coy person, many things, even if I do not ask, you are willing to share with me, and this matter, you have not told me why, then prove that it is not you A secret that can be shared easily. The two of us, including this year, are the fourth year we know each other. This time is neither long nor short. It is not long enough to make me feel that I have the qualifications. Ask something you want to hide. It's my own secret. If we get along a little longer, in the sixth, eighth, and tenth years, I might ask you if you would like to tell me, but now, I don't think I am qualified. "

"You are so strict in self-discipline, you really surprised me." Yan QingChi thought to himself, "If it were me, I might wait for you to tell me one day, but I definitely won't feel that we don't have enough time to get along. I just feel that I don't have enough for you to trust. I hope that one day, you can trust me completely."

"This is normal," Jiang MoChen looked at him, "So you are Yan QingChi, and I am Jiang MoChen."

Yan QingChi nodded, "You are right."

He tapped Jiang MoChen's leg and asked him, "Are you still holding it? Are you tired? I'll go down when I'm tired."

Jiang MoChen hugged him tightly and shook his hand, "Don't go down, don't you want to tell me your secret? Just say that, I'll listen."

Yan QingChi leaned into his arms obediently, "Then I said, don't be surprised."

"Say it."

"It's all this age, and you're an actor again, you must know the word crossing."

Jiang MoChen was surprised, "Are you not from our time?"

"Prepared to say, is it a person in your space?" Yan QingChi looked up at him.

He moved out of his arms again, straightened up, looked into his eyes, and said seriously, "You can understand it as a parallel space. I come from another space. It's similar to here, but there are no people like you. ——Like, you don't have me here."

Jiang MoChen did not speak.

Yan QingChi continued, "My name is also Yan QingChi, but this is the name my adoptive father gave me. After I gave birth to YanYan, I told you about his expectations, right?"

Jiang MoChen nodded.

Yan QingChi said, "That's it. I, as an orphan, grew up in an orphanage like QiQi, but I am not as lucky as QiQi. QiQi met you very early and was taken away by you. It's very enviable to leave his home alone. I was almost eight years old when I left the orphanage. I was taken away by my adoptive father. My adoptive father is very powerful. If you want to compare the current world, his status , Equivalent to the current chief of the Wei family."

Jiang MoChen nodded and said in his heart, it's no wonder that YanYan was born at the time. When he said YanYan's last name, Yan QingChi would say that you have not been adopted, so you don't know how sensitive and scared the adopted child is.

Yan QingChi's tone is very calm, with a hint of happiness in reminiscing the past, and there is unconscious warmth in his words, "My adoptive father is a very cultivated person, if you just look at his appearance, you can't tell that he is actually I started in such an environment. My adoptive mother is very gentle and beautiful. She is a lady of everyone. They are very good to me. They taught me to love and be loved by their own actions. I also learned from my adoptive parents. Many, because I like them, I want to make myself very good in everything. I'm very smart, so I almost did it."

"Later, my adoptive parents had children. They were surprised and surprised, but they were afraid that I would mind. I said that my adoptive mother was very gentle, so she asked me if she wanted a younger sibling. If you don't want to, then she doesn't want it. She also comforted me that at her age, she is no longer suitable for giving birth. It would be better not to have a baby. But I was reluctant. I said it's okay. It's okay to have a younger sibling at home. . She promised me that I will always be her favorite child."

Yan QingChi lowered his head and chuckled, his eyes a little sour, "You always said that I am more good at raising children. In fact, I learned from her. I have experienced all QiQi. I have experienced QiQi. I looked at QiQi, like Looking at me when I was young, so I want to be nice to QiQi, I want to take care of his mood, because, when I was young, I hoped so. My hopes come true, so I hope that he can also be like me Similarly, from me and you, learn how to love and be loved, and grow up healthy, confident, friendly, and generous like a child in a normal family."

"Yes." Jiang MoChen whispered, "He already is now. You taught him very well. He is much better than the children of many families."

He looked at Yan QingChi, only felt that fate was indeed a very strange thing. For Yan QingChi, when he was a child, he felt love from his adoptive parents and learned to love and be loved. After that, he came here and met QiQi who was also adopted, so he personally What I learned was given to my children without reservation.

It is like a complete closure, more like the inheritance and continuation of love.

Yan QingChi nodded, "Where did I say it, I remembered, I have a younger brother. My younger brother is very cute, really cute, he has been very sticky to me since he was young, and he likes listening to me singing." Yan QingChi said I smiled here and looked at Jiang MoChen, "You don't know how badly he pitted me. When he was a child, he clapped his hands and laughed every time I sang, even if I was crying, I sang a few words, he would not I cried and started to look at me. So I always thought I sang very well, until my parents listened to it, and my dad reminded me tactfully that I should try my best to sing at home in the future. No, this kid is lying to me."

Yan QingChi said that his younger brother is obviously more emotional, "My younger brother is different from me. He has a personality like Wei Lan. He is simple, cute, childish, and also very lively. He is obviously very smart, but he does not like to learn. , If you don't look at him, he always wants to go out to play, but every time I take an exam, I get good grades. When I was at home, I didn't do anything every Sunday night, so I was responsible for staring at him doing homework. He just pretended to be pitiful, while slowly writing his homework." Yan QingChi sighed, "I don't know if I am no longer here, if he is still like this. I told him before. Looks like, how to inherit Daddy's company in the future? He just said that there is a brother you, now I can't help him share the burden, he can only grow by himself."

Yan QingChi squeezed Jiang MoChen's fingers, and said softly, "I actually, really, can't bear them."

Jiang MoChen took him into his arms and kissed him on the forehead, "I know."

Yan QingChi gave himself a minute, quietly missed his family, then sighed, cheered up, "You will know later, I don't know what happened to wear over, become this Yan QingChi, took over him My body, I know you, that's it."

He did not say that Jiang MoChen was a character in a book he read, nor did he say that this world was created by a book. It is unnecessary. The trend of this book has long been broken by him. The current world, right As far as he is concerned, it is just a parallel world. If there is anything different from the parallel world, probably Jiang MoChen as the protagonist will always enjoy some protagonist benefits, such as YanYan.

But these don't need to be told to him, because it is not necessary. For Jiang MoChen, he lives with pride and self-esteem. He will definitely not hope that he is just a character written by others, so there is no need to let him know these unpleasant things.

Yan QingChi looked at him, "I said, do you believe it?"

Jiang MoChen nodded, Yan QingChi said very clearly, clearly and vividly, and beautifully answered all the doubts he had found in him. Although this matter sounds unscientific, if both men and men can have children, then What kind of science do you insist on?

So, even though this answer is very mysterious, Jiang MoChen can understand and accept it. He hugged Yan QingChi tightly, and said softly: "I believe it, and I am very grateful that you have come here and come to me. If we come to not belong A space that spans such a long distance to get to know each other, then I think this may be the so-called fate. This fate may not be fair to you, and it makes you leave your hometown and your family, but it is true to me. It is a kind treatment. It brought you from another dimension and sent it to me, letting me know that there is such a person in the world."