Chapter 199 - Official announcement of "the family"

It was rare for Bo Feng to pick him up in person when he was out of school the next day. Bo Yan was a little surprised to see him, but he soon thought of what happened the day before, and the surprise of seeing Bo Feng was not so strong. Instead, a kind of awkwardness was born.

Bo Feng looked at him and saw that he had been at the door and not getting in the car, and asked him, "Why, are you planning to sleep in QiQi's house tonight?"

Bo Yan shook his head. He didn't intend to disturb other people's lives all the time. He was in a bad mood yesterday and didn't want to go home. He pulled the door and got into the car. Bo Feng turned his head and said to him, "Your mother bought you toys and cakes. She was waiting for you to go home yesterday, but you didn't go back."

Bo Yan was a little surprised, and immediately felt guilty, "I'm sorry," he said.

"You don't need to tell me to buy these for you. It is your mother who is waiting for you. Go back and talk to her."

"Is mom angry?" Bo Yan asked him.


"Then she is unhappy?"

"Why do you say "also"?" Bo Feng asked him, "Because you are not happy?"

He saw through his mind, Bo Yan pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Because we didn't promise to accompany you to that show, so are you unhappy?"

Bo Yan lowered his head and said nothing.

"So you were angry with us, and would rather sleep in someone else's house last night than go home."

Bo Yan whispered, "I was wrong, I won't do it next time."

Bo Feng turned his head to look at him, Bo Yan lowered his head, unable to see the color, only the dark hair top. He sighed and felt that Bo Yan's personality was probably a little bit more like Fu Minzhi, but anyway, he didn't resemble himself when he was a child. He was much more behaved than when he was a child.

"You are not all to blame for this matter. In the current situation in our family, the main problem lies with me and your mother, so although I think you are a little willful if you don't go home, I will not blame you either."

Bo Yan looked up at him, with obvious surprise in his eyes.

Bo Feng smiled, "Tell you good news, didn't you want to go to the show with QiQi? Your mother agreed, so, no surprise, our family can go with QiQi's family."

Bo Yan was stunned for a moment before reacting. He hugged the back of the front seat in disbelief, and said excitedly, "Really?"

"Yeah, are you happy?"

Bo Yan nodded and said excitedly: "Thank you Daddy."

"Don't thank me. Go back and thank your mother. She was reluctant to feel sorry for you, so she agreed."

"Then mom will be at home today?" Boyan asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, she is still waiting for you to go back."

"Then you hurry up and drive Daddy, let's go home quickly!" Bo Yan urged him.

Bo Feng smiled helplessly, "Who just didn't want to go home? You urge me now, you are really the same for a while."

Bo Yan smiled, "It's not me, I don't, Daddy, please drive."

Bofeng started the car, Bo Yan took out his cell phone and called QiQi, "QiQi, my Daddy said that my mother agreed, and our family can go to play with your family."

QiQi was pleasantly surprised, "Really?"


"That's great, you don't have to be unhappy now in the research."


QiQi hung up the phone and said happily with Yan QingChi beside him, "Yanyan said that his mother Daddy agreed to go to the show, and he can play with us."

"That's great." Yan QingChi looked at him.

QiQi leaned into his arms and said, "Yeah, so Yanyan can be a little happy. Yanyan has been unhappy yesterday. When I saw him in the morning, his eyes were swollen. I guess he had cried secretly."

Yan QingChi said in his heart, it is no wonder that Bo Yan was not willing to go home with Bo Feng yesterday.

"It's fine now, we can go out to play together, it's great."

"Yes, your two little friends can play together again." Yan QingChi echoed him.

QiQi smiled happily and couldn't help thinking about the scene when they went out to play together, "I really hope to get there sooner."

"The Family" is a phenomenal large-scale parent-child interactive variety show that has been popular all over the country. The candidates recorded every year are everyone's attention. Looking at the new season of recording, netizens are looking forward to it. I am very curious about which families will be chosen this season.

The program group of "the family" never thought that I would be so lucky this season. I got the three trump cards of Jiang MoChen, Yan QingChi and Fu Minzhi, and couldn't help but whet everyone's appetites. They only said that the season will have two major weights. Please wait patiently for the official announcement.

Netizens have speculated about which two families will it be? Everyone looked at the online celebrities, counted the families with children, carefully analyzed the possibility of joining, and some people boldly assumed that it would be Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi, don't they also have children? But they were all rejected by passers-by who were careful to verify, "Impossible, I don't think "the family" is such a big deal, if you really invite Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen, this ratings will be very popular."

"I also think it's impossible. There has not been a same-sex couple or family in a variety show in China. If "the family" can really invite them both, not to mention their popularity, just the topic of same-sex family. Every degree can set off a round of discussion."

The explosion that netizens can predict, Jiang MoChen and Bo Feng can also naturally see it. Jiang's Group has a wide range of coverage. After some discussions, Jiang MoChen and Jiang Xingchen chose a new electronic product of the group and went to talk about exclusive sponsorship with "the family".

"The Family" is a very smart program group, and is willing to give Jiang MoChen this face, so the naming rights are not set very high, which is regarded as a friendly mutual benefit.

Bo Feng was not interested in naming rights. He chose to sponsor and asked Fu Minzhi to think of a slogan for him. It was really the first time that "the family" encountered this kind of shooting situation-the program has not been recorded yet. With the name and sponsorship, I don't have to worry about investment. This is really a bit subtle.

In May, the program team officially announced that from Monday to Friday, one family a day. The official announcement on the first day was the retired singer Lu Wenjing and his wife and daughter, everyone said. The next day the official announcement was the actor couple Cao Xizhe, Chen Nianlei and their sons. Everyone said they knew. On the third day, the official announcement was the retired young flower Guo Ziying, her rich husband and daughter. Everyone had some interest in this family and some expectations.

"The first three are average. Except for Guo Ziying, I don't feel that the other two are so looking forward to it."

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow should be the focus. Didn't we talk about two big families before?"

"But looking at the first three, I don't think the latter two are very good."

"Look forward, mainly these three babies, don't feel like they don't poke me."

"Guo Ziying is also pretty, why doesn't his daughter look so good?"

"It's normal too, Guo Ziying's husband looks just so-so."

"By comparison, I think Lu Wenjing's daughter is a little cute."

"I hope the remaining two are boys, otherwise there are already two girls. If there are two more girls, there will be more girls."

"Then the sons of Cao Xizhe and Chen Nianlei are very happy, Jia Baoyu, hahahaha."

"Hahaha, double-click 666 upstairs."

In the expectation and discussion of everyone, on the fourth day, the official "the family" announced Fu Minzhi, Bo Feng and Bo Yan. Weibo and forums exploded. No one thought that "the family" would invite Fu Minzhi.

With the majority of domestic directors being male, Fu Minzhi, as a female director, has succeeded in gaining a foothold in the director circle and reaching the top of the industry pyramid by virtue of her pursuit of art, control of the camera, and many award-winning works. She is beautiful and strong in business ability. Many girls feel that she has lived out the most independent and strong side of women, and they admire her very much. Although she is a director, she has many fans.

Now the official announcement of "the family" directly exposed her family, and everyone was surprised to find that Fu Minzhi, who had always thought to be single before, was not single, not only that she had a son!

"Fuck! I am even more surprised that Director Fu is not single than Director Fu participated in "The Family"!!"

"Speaking of it, Dao Fu didn't seem to say that she was single, but everyone always assumed that she was single."

"Only I am curious about the identity of Fu Dao's object?"

"After checking, it seems that he is a tall, rich and handsome man. From the official announcement poster, I can confirm that Gao Heshuai is real."

"Hahahaha, yes, Dao Fu's son is also very handsome, little handsome guy, he must be the school grass when he grows up in the future."

"It should already be, elementary school grass!"

"I am still shocked that Dao Fu is already married. Is this a hidden marriage?"

"Director Fu is a director, not an idol. It is her personal business whether to marry or not, and she doesn't need to explain it to everyone."

"That's true."

"Compared to this, I'm even more curious about which group it will be tomorrow! Which group can defeat Dao Fu and decipher it at the end, my God, I feel very capable!"

"Ahhhhh, I have a terrible idea."

"No, upstairs, you have no idea!"

"It really doesn't feel like there are too many people who can overpower Director Fu."

"I want to travel to tomorrow and see which one it is."

In the speculation and curiosity of everyone, at 9 o'clock on Friday morning, "the family" officially announced the last family-Jiang MoChen, Yan QingChi, QiQi and YanYan.

This time, the sensation caused by Fu Minzhi was much bigger than yesterday's official announcement. After all, although Fu Minzhi is a big player and has a lot of fans, it can only be regarded as insignificant compared to the popularity of Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi. The fans of "the family" watched the official announcement Weibo posted by their official Weibo, and they almost lost their breakfast in fright. Fuck! ! The show team is bloody! We even invited this one! This is simply an explosion of ratings!

Like the fans of "the family", other netizens have the same idea. They were preparing to comment, but found that Spicy Chicken Weibo broke down again! ! ! How come every time it encounters such a major event, it only knows to collapse! ! ! After so many years, it is already a mature Weibo, can't it survive this strong? ! !