Chapter 203 - Choose House & Change House

The host took out five cards and showed five different houses. Yan QingChi lowered his head and asked QiQi and YanYan, "Which one do you like?"

QiQi asked him, "Which one does Daddy like?"

Yan QingChi answered him honestly, "Daddy likes the third one, the house that looks the best."

"Then QiQi likes the third one too."

"YanYan likes the third one too." YanYan hugged his leg.

Jiang MoChen gave a final word, "Okay, then the four of us will work hard to win that mansion."

"Come on Daddy." Yan Yan made a cheering gesture for him.

Jiang MoChen rubbed his head, "YanYan also come on."

The host quickly said the rules of the game: within the specified time, the Daddy mothers of the five families will play the game of guessing the idiom you guessed than I guess. According to the number of idioms guessed, from more to less, select the room where the recording lives. .

Several babies took turns to the host to draw lots. Yan Yan took the note in his hand and waved at QiQi, "2."

Bo Feng was surprised, "YanYan already recognizes?"

"I recognized some numbers and simple Chinese characters, QiQi taught him." Yan QingChi explained to him.

Bo Feng nodded, "That's great. When the research and research is such a big one, he still knows nothing."

Bo Yan said he jumped up and wanted to cover his mouth, "Don't say Daddy."

"Look, I'm still shy."

I was so angry that Boyan took his hand and stuffed the note in his hand fiercely, "You are 1, you and your mother are the first to play."

"Ah? Why are you so lucky, why did you draw a 1, I..." Bo Feng looked at the 1 on the note, and felt a sense of powerlessness. He and Fu Minzhi played better than I guess? It's the first one. That's it. The last one is scheduled.

He looked at Fu Minzhi, and Fu Minzhi didn't expect that after the two people bite the bullet and beat the gongs and drums by the host, they started to feel embarrassed than I guess.

Bo Yan watched the two of them talk with the duck, and he couldn't guess what was right. He covered his eyes in despair and couldn't bear to look at it.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen looked at them, but felt that this game was good, not as difficult as they thought.

"The time has come to test us, Mr. Jiang." Yan QingChi glanced at Jiang MoChen.

Jiang MoChen is very confident, "rest assured, we must be much better than Bo."

"Then your request is really not high." Yan QingChi looked at Fu Minzhi, who was constantly gesturing on the court, and Bo Feng, who was stunned opposite her, "Misery."

"The last one is scheduled."

"Come on, we have to take the first place and choose that mansion." Yan QingChi reminded him.

Jiang MoChen saluted him, "Yes, ma'am."

Soon, the time came, Fu Minzhi and Bo Feng went off, Jiang MoChen and Yan QingChi played.

"I'm better than you guess." Yan QingChi looked at Jiang MoChen and said.

"Okay." Jiang MoChen was right across from him.

QiQi and YanYan were not far from them. YanYan leaned on QiQi and shouted, "Come on, Daddy, come on, Daddy."

Yan QingChi glanced at him with a smile, waiting for the host to sound the gongs and drums.

The first word is southeast, northwest.

This is simple, Yan QingChi said in his heart. He gave Jiang MoChen a left-hand gesture: "Four words, to describe the direction, you can use it when you look at the map."

"Southeast, Northwest." Jiang MoChen said.

"Yes, next one."

The second word is to stand out from the crowd.

Yan QingChi raised one foot and made a golden chicken independent posture.

"The Golden Rooster is independent?"

"The second word is right, you put it in the third place."

Jiang MoChen nodded, and secretly said: What is it?

Yan QingChi pointed to himself, "I, such a height."

Then he squatted down again, "Others, this height."


"Yes, next one."

"Fuck, they are so fast." Bo Feng said with emotion.

Fu Minzhi glanced at him, "While recording the show, don't talk dirty."

Bo Feng was stunned for a moment, only to realize that what she said was the word "Fuck", "That's an auxiliary word that emphasizes the tone and expresses surprise!"

Fu Minzhi felt that his statement was beyond his language proficiency, "It is not easy for you to be able to say the four words of modal particles."

"Look at people, you didn't know my grades when I was in school."

Fu Minzhi was said by him, but he recalled the time when the two of them went to high school together. Bofeng's grades are really good. He is smart and his brains turn quickly. He just doesn't study well. He hangs around all the time. She is more active than anyone in fighting. She was a study committee member at the time and Bofeng's deskmate, chasing every day. He handed in his homework. But I never thought, chasing after, two people lost their positions, Bofeng not only did not need her to chase and hand in homework every day, but also began to actively ask her how to write this question, how to do that question, and encounter After school, the lecture time is too long, and when it gets dark, Bo Feng will take the initiative to send her home.

Fu Minzhi now thinks about it, this one after another is the trap that Bofeng gave herself, but even so, she also admitted that Bofeng was very gentle to herself at that time. They also like each other very much, young and frivolous, talking about love under the eyes of their parents and teachers, for every heartbeat of holding hands and kissing.

It's just that, all passed.

Fu Minzhi sighed and unconsciously raised his head and glanced at Bo Feng beside him. Bo Feng was looking at Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen. From Fu Minzhi's point of view, his profile was very handsome. Fu Minzhi blinked and lowered his head slowly.

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen have reached the fifth word: Ziqi Donglai.

Yan QingChi looked at Jiang MoChen, "Four words, the first one is red orange, yellow, green, blue..."


"Yes, the second word, you pay attention to me."

He put his hands on his hips, "How do you describe my action in one word, what is it?"

Jiang MoChen looked at him with his hands on his hips, feeling that he hadn't seen Yan QingChi doing this action very much, and he was a bit cute, "Stupid."

Yan QingChi was stunned, "What did you say?" He looked at Jiang MoChen and couldn't believe it, "This is what you tell me every day that we have a good heart? It's too plastic, right."

Jiang MoChen smiled, "The main reason is that you are really cute like this, but the foolish one is complimenting you."

Yan QingChi "snorted", "Really? Then I think you are really stupid now!"

Jiang MoChen is preparing to return to him, all of a sudden reaction over, "gas, angrily right?" He quickly linked to the first word, "Purple East to?"

"You are not stupid anymore." Yan QingChi put his hands on his hips down.

Jiang MoChen smiled, "So don't be angry."

Yan QingChi "hum", "Next question."

The two of them cooperated very tacitly and successfully guessed fifteen words within the specified time and got the first place.

Yan QingChi patted QiQi, "Go to the host uncle and choose the house you like."

QiQi walked over, pointed to Room 3, and asked him, "Can you uncle?"

"Of course." The host said.

QiQi said happily, "Thank you." Holding the card in room three, he returned to Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen, and handed the card to Yan QingChi.

Fu Minzhi and Bo Feng did not become the last ones like Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen guessed. Although they did not cooperate with each other tacitly, but fortunately, they were highly educated. They caught one or two keywords and reported the name of the dish. , I can always get a few of them right. In general, Guo Ziying, who is not well-educated, became the one at the bottom. She watched that Dr. Yan chose a relatively good house and left the worst house to herself, and she felt very depressed.

But when her daughter Du Lili saw that she was going to live in the worst house, she quarreled on the spot, "I don't want that house, that house is too broken, how can I live."

Guo Ziying hurriedly coaxed her, but Du Lili didn't listen. She raised her head and asked her, "Can't we change with other people? How can I be a girl in that kind of house? That kind of house should be a boy."

Seeing that she didn't listen to her words, Guo Ziying turned to her husband Du Haopeng for help. Du Haopeng symbolically persuaded Du Lili, Du Lili stamped her foot to express her unwillingness, Du Haopeng stopped talking. He looked at several families present, saw Cao Xizhe and Chen Nianlei from Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen, and finally chose Cao Xizhe and walked towards him.

"You have also seen that my daughter doesn't like the number five room very much, so can we change it and do me a favor." Du Haopeng looked at Cao Xizhe, his face calm, he could not see any begging posture, but he was somewhat used to it. Sexually condescending.

Cao Xizhe didn't expect that he would encounter such a problem when he started recording. Change it, they will live in the worst house; if it doesn't change, the other party will ask him about it and it is not easy to refuse. He didn't know how to answer for a while. Chen Nianlei next to him reacted very quickly, thinking that more is worse than less, and the environment is almost close. Anyway, he only lives for three days and two nights. There is no need to conflict with Du Haopeng over this matter.

So, she said gently, "Okay, so Lily won't have to be sad."

"Thank you." Du Haopeng said calmly, as if he were routine.

Seeing that she didn't need to live in the worst house, Du Lili finally stopped making noises and was quiet by Guo Ziying's side.

Guo Ziying reminded her, "You are going to say thank you to others."

Du Lili did not move, just said: "Daddy has already said."

"Then you should go and say it again."

"Daddy just said it." Du Lili looked at Guo Ziying, "Are you annoying."

Guo Ziying had nothing to do with her, sighed and said nothing.

Yan QingChi watched quietly, lowered her head close to QiQi's ear and whispered: "If the host uncle asks all of your children to play together, remember not to play with her, okay?"

QiQi nodded. He thought Du Lili was a bit fierce and didn't like her very much.

Yan QingChi reminded him, "But you can't tell others, Daddy told you."

"En." QiQi responded.

Yan QingChi smiled, scratched his nose, then raised his head and looked at Du Lili again. He also has his own selfishness. QiQi and YanYan only have a play mentality for the recording of this show. When they come out, Yan QingChi hopes that they can have a good time, so it is a visible trouble like Du Lili. Yan QingChi does not want QiQi and Yan Yan to contact her. He looked at Du Lili, only hoping that she could also take the initiative to stay away from QiQi and YanYan.

The crowd chose their own house, holding a card with a corner of their house, bid farewell to the host, and began the journey of finding a house. It was the first time YanYan came to this kind of countryside. It was very strange to see everything. He stretched out his finger to QiQi and pointed here and there, and QiQi responded to him very cooperatively.

Yan QingChi looked at the road sign, and after turning a few times, he finally came to his third room.