Chapter 206 - QiQi, YanYan and YanYan Picking Up Rabbits & Mr. Jiang Learns to Meow

The potato that successfully escaped from prison was lying on the foot of the slope at this time. QiQi took YanYan down the slope, bent down to pick it up, and put it in the frame, "Okay."

"Alright." YanYan said happily as he watched the potatoes being picked up.

QiQi looked at him, then looked at the wide road in front of him, and said to him, "YanYan, let's race and run, brother runs first, you chase him, okay?"

YanYan nodded.

QiQi said the beginning, and then ran forward. Yan Yan chased him with his short legs. QiQi was afraid that he would fall, so he didn't run very slowly. He ran while looking back at him.

YanYan chased him, shouting as he chased, "Brother, slow down, wait for me."

"I'm already very slow, hurry up." QiQi beckoned at him.

YanYan speeded up and ran to him. He ran a little fast. He didn't stop in front of QiQi. He couldn't stop in time. He ran into QiQi's arms directly. YanYan hugged him and said happily, "Catch up. Catch up."

QiQi hugged him and praised him, "YanYan is really amazing."

YanYan was tired from running, grabbed his clothes and acted like a baby in his arms, "Brother hug, hug."

QiQi raised his hand to let him look at the basket in his hand, "Brother wants to carry the basket and can't hold you. Will you wait for me to hold you again?"

YanYan speaks very well, "Then go back and hug."

"En, go back and hug." QiQi responded and touched YanYan's hair. "Are you tired, brother?"

YanYan nodded.

QiQi looked around and took him to a stone, "Then let's sit here and rest for a while, then wait a while before leaving."

"Okay." Yan Yan sat down.

QiQi asked him, "Are you hungry?"

"Is brother hungry?"

QiQi was really hungry. He looked at the basket, took out the pastry given by the old man, handed one to YanYan, and took one by himself, "Let's eat something first, and go back to eat." He said, look. After looking at the remaining pastries, there are two more, just so, I can give my own Daddy and Father one for each.

YanYan took a few bites and felt full. He stretched out his hand and handed out the pastry again, "I'm full, brother, you eat."

QiQi took it, YanYan got up and bounced on the spot, QiQi teased him, "Are you not tired now, are you good?"

YanYan smiled "hehe", suddenly looked to one side, pointed to a distance and said, "Tutu."

QiQi was a little surprised. Looking in the direction he was pointing, he saw a rabbit lying quietly on the ground not far away. The rabbit was small and shrunk into a ball, and it was fluffy and cute.

QiQi "hush" at Yan Yan, and Yan Yan immediately covered his mouth. QiQi walked over, YanYan followed him carefully, he squatted down/over, picked up the rabbit, YanYan looked at him in surprise, QiQi smiled, "Now I can talk."

Yan Yan immediately put his hand down, yelling "I want to touch, I want to touch", and reached out to touch the rabbit.

The little rabbit is very good, and the hair is very soft. Yan Yan touched it and said happily, "Brother, let's take it back."

QiQi looked around and didn't see anyone else. He looked at the rabbit in his hand, "Did someone accidentally lose this rabbit?" He was a little worried, "In case he comes back to look for it, he can't find it. How to do?"

Yan Yan doesn't understand it very well.

QiQi thought for a while, "Let's wait here to see if anyone comes back to find the rabbit, and if there is any, we will return it to him, if not, we will bring it back."

YanYan nodded, reached out and pulled the little rabbit's ears, "His ears are so long."

QiQi teased him, "Will you have such long ears?"

YanYan covered her ears and shook her head, "Don't don't, YanYan don't have ears."

QiQi smiled and looked at him, "It's funny, YanYan doesn't have long ears, YanYan is so cute like this."

YanYan snorted and said dissatisfied: "Take me again."

QiQi bent over and touched his forehead, "Because you are cute."

YanYan reached out and hugged his neck, played a game with him, kissed QiQi, then touched the little rabbit again, "The little rabbit is so cute and soft."

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen didn't know that when they missed a hare, QiQi and YanYan picked up a little rabbit. However, this little rabbit obviously cannot be used to add meals to the family. The two of them followed the villagers all the way, picking some wild fruits and vegetables from time to time. Yan QingChi felt that there were quite a lot of wild fruits in this mountain. He and Jiang MoChen had already picked several kinds. There are also a lot of wild vegetables, cold, soup, stir-fried, everything.

Yan QingChi looked at his small back basket and felt it was almost done. He was afraid that QiQi and Yan Yan would come back early and waited for them at home. So he said to the fellow, "Let's go back."

Several people returned the same way, and when they were approaching the foot of the mountain, they met Bo Feng and Fu Minzhi. Yan QingChi saw Bo Feng half-supporting Fu Minzhi and asked him, "What's wrong with Fu?"

"Ankle is broken." Bo Feng said.

"is it serious?"

"It's not serious," Fu Minzhi replied, "he just made a fuss."

Yan QingChi gave a meaningful "Oh", and Fu Minzhi who was straight "Oh" pushed Bofeng to walk independently, Bofeng was very strong, "You have been like this, how can you be strong, then I will hug you directly That's it."

Seeing this, Yan QingChi quickly closed his voice and said winkingly, "Then you go slowly, Jiang MoChen and I will go first."

He said, pulling Jiang MoChen to walk forward fast, Fu Min looked helpless, Bo Feng was very satisfied, and continued to help her walk slowly down the mountain.

Yan QingChi took Jiang MoChen and walked very fast. When he encountered a downhill, he simply took Jiang MoChen and ran down. Jiang MoChen smiled, "Are you as far as you are? And Bofeng's speed can't catch up with us."

"Am I to prevent them from catching up? I want to play by myself." Yan QingChi looked at him, "Why don't you have any childlike innocence."

"You just have to have it. There are already two babies in the family, plus you, a big child with innocence, three babies, enough."

Yan QingChi looked at him, "That's really hard work, Jiang Daddy took care of us."

"You're welcome, Daddy's pleasure." Jiang MoChen smiled.

Yan QingChi reached out and hit him, "Take advantage of me."

Jiang MoChen grabbed his hand, bowed his head and kissed him, "This is just taking advantage of you."

Yan QingChi was stunned by his sorrow, and then laughed, helplessly said, "In broad daylight, you are still playing a hooligan."

"Legal couple, legal rights." Jiang MoChen took his hand, "Let's go, go home."

Yan QingChi looked at him, smiling slightly.

The fellow behind him looked up at the mountain not far away, pretending that he hadn't seen anything.

The two went home together. Seeing that the baby hadn't come back, they washed the wild vegetables and wild fruits in their hands. Jiang MoChen saw that Yan QingChi liked to eat the wild fruits here, and fed him while washing, until the end, Yan QingChi was surprised to find, "Wait, this fruit in your hand is about to be eaten by me?"

Jiang MoChen looked down at the stainless steel basin with wild fruits, "There are two more."

Yan QingChi looked at the two conspicuous red fruits in the basin, there were really only two, not the approximate two, but the actual two. "What should I do now?"

"What else can I do." Jiang MoChen put the fruit on his hand into his mouth, "Don't do it or stop, eat it all."

"Are you leaving QiQi and YanYan?"

"Isn't there any other wild fruits? Let them eat others. There are only two left, and there is not enough for them to eat, so they can taste it."

"It's okay to have a taste, let's save some for the kids, they have not eaten them yet." Yan QingChi carefully put the two red fruits together, "You, don't touch it again."

"All right." Jiang MoChen put the pot down, "Then should we make cold dishes now or wait for the baby to come back?"

"Wait for the baby to come back." Yan QingChi said, he was a little puzzled, "Why don't you come back?"

QiQi and YanYan were still waiting for the little rabbit's owner to come and look for it, but they watched as they waited longer and longer, the little rabbit's owner still did not come. YanYan shook his arm and said to him, "Brother, I want to go home."

QiQi wanted to go home too. He looked down at the little rabbit in his arms, and thought that they had waited so long, but no one came. He felt that if he waited, there might be no one. He got up, gave the rabbit to Yan Yan to hold, and picked up the basket by himself, "Let's go, let's go home."

Yan QingChi and Jiang MoChen were waiting for their children, and they were so bored that they had already begun hopscotch. Yan QingChi drew the house on the ground, showed it to Jiang MoChen, and asked him, "Have you seen it?"

"I'll see, but Teacher Yan, you are really childlike. This game is for children to play." Jiang MoChen looked at the house on the ground and felt that this game was not played at their age.

"Yeah, you have learned it now. When QiQi and YanYan come back, the four of us happen to be playing together."

"Then they two should like to play this."

"Hey..." Yan QingChi was about to say "Hope", when he heard YanYan's lively voice, "Daddy, Daddy, we picked up a little rabbit."

Yan QingChi turned his head and saw Yan Yan was running towards him, QiQi following him.

YanYan quickly ran up to Yan QingChi, holding his little rabbit to show him, "Daddy, look, the little rabbit my brother and I picked up."

QiQi nodded and added for YanYan: "I picked it up when YanYan and I asked for vegetables. We waited for a long time and wanted to wait for its owner to find it, but its owner never came, so we brought it back. "

Yan QingChi didn't expect that they would be able to pick up a rabbit once they went out, and then thought about the hare that ran away on the mountain. Fortunately, they didn't catch it, otherwise QiQi and YanYan would really be reluctant to eat it.

"Then you should raise it first," Yan QingChi touched QiQi's face, "The little rabbit has feet and can run away. The place where you picked it up may not be the place where it was dropped in the first place, so you Can't wait for anyone."

"Then how can we find his master?" QiQi asked him, "If the little rabbit is lost, will he be anxious?"

"Daddy will help you ask other people, help you find his master, okay?"

QiQi said "En" and touched the little rabbit in YanYan's hand. "If no one raises it, then YanYan and I will raise it."

"it is good."

"Look, Daddy," QiQi raised his basket, "We asked for a lot of vegetables, and we have to gather them all. A grandfather gave me and my brother a few pieces of pastry. My brother and I ate a piece of cake for you. I left a piece with Father."

Yan QingChi thought of the wild fruits that he had eaten, and was a little ashamed. He secretly glanced at Jiang MoChen, and saw Jiang MoChen's face arrogant, as if he was not the root of the person who just said that "do nothing but never stop".

"It just so happens that you and I, Daddy, also picked some wild fruits for you. You can eat some."

QiQi and YanYan were very curious when they heard that there were wild fruits. They ran into the house and looked at the fruits in the pots on the table.

Yan QingChi reminded them, "What to do before eating?"

"Wash your hands." The two babies said in unison.

YanYan ran up to him and handed him the little rabbit, "Hold it, Daddy, YanYan goes to wash your hands."

Yan QingChi took it and looked at the little hair ball in his hand. He teased the rabbit. The rabbit's ears flicked. Yan QingChi asked Jiang MoChen to see, "Is it a little cute."

"Not as cute as you." Jiang MoChen said.

"Am I a rabbit?"

"I'm not a cat, don't you treat me like a cat too?"

Yan QingChi smiled, "Then I will listen to you meow."

Jiang MoChen looked at him, lowered his head and leaned close to his ear, "Meow~"

Yan QingChi didn't expect that he would actually meow to himself. He only felt that his ears were a little hot, so he gave him a smile.

Jiang MoChen asked him, "Does my cat sound good?"

"I didn't hear clearly, you meow again."


MoChen raised his eyebrows to look at him, Yan QingChi smiled, "Really, I promise to listen well this time."

Jiang MoChen felt that this statement was not credible at all, but he didn't expose it. He was very cooperative and "meowed" in his ear again.

Yan QingChi thinks Jiang MoChen's voice is really nice, especially when he whispers the word "meow~" in a low voice in his ear, the voice is like a small hook, and the hooker wants to get close to him.

Jiang MoChen asked him, "Did you hear clearly this time?"

Yan QingChi smiled without speaking.

"Does it sound good?" Jiang MoChen kissed his ear.

Yan QingChi looked back at him, Jiang MoChen smiled and said, "Doesn't it sound good?"

"It sounds good." Yan QingChi is very honest.

Jiang MoChen chuckled lightly, "It's almost the same, okay, I'm meowing, it's time for you to learn how to call a rabbit."

Yan QingChi raised the rabbit in his hand and asked him, "How is the rabbit called?"

Jiang MoChen was taken aback, this really stopped him asking, "Can rabbits bark?"

"No?" Yan QingChi asked rhetorically.

Jiang MoChen was helpless, "Whether it is or not, we two don't know how it is called anyway."

"So I don't have to learn." Yan QingChi rushed to answer.

Jiang MoChen looked at him, "If you want to be beautiful, I will listen to you meow."

"Wait for next time." Yan QingChi said.

"Why wait for next time?"

Yan QingChi looked at Jiang MoChen and pointed his finger directly in front of him. Jiang MoChen turned his head and was shocked instantly. He saw QiQi and YanYan sitting on the chair, holding his face in both hands and staring at them.

He looked at Yan QingChi, and Yan QingChi shrugged.

Yan Yan asked them naively, "Daddy, don't you eat Guoguo?"

Jiang MoChen:...

Yan QingChi looked at him, "Let's go, Mr. Jiang, eat Guoguo with your son."

Jiang MoChen: ...I don't really want to eat it! Don't want to eat at all! Thank you!