
You know they say "respect your elders so your days may be long", but right then; at that particular moment I didn't care.

What i wanted to know was where my little sister was.

I stomped over like an enraged bull to the mother Superior's office.

On a normal peaceful day, I would have knocked but today wasn't normal. I was angry "no scratch that ", I was beyond livid.

I barged straight into her office and without wasting a single breath I screamed out, "Where is my sister !!!".

You should really learn some manners young man, was her immediate reply.

I felt more enraged, was this bitch kidding me. My little sister is missing and she was talking about manners.

I was so freaking mad that you could hear the gnashing of my teeth as I stared her down.

I took a deep breath, smiled and yelled out again, "where the hell is my little sister? ".

She immediately touched her rosary, whilst making the sign of the cross.

Her reactions to my plight was truly pissing me off, then she opened her mouth and uttered three life destructing words to me.

         She was adopted.
