
In the next few months, I was basically a zombie. Walking about with no purpose, all I had in my mind was my little sister.

Was she eating well, how about when she cries, I wouldn't be there to Calm her down.

My mind was in pieces because I kept telling myself that it was my fault for not being there, maybe I could have stopped the adoption or went with her instead.

But seeing this nuns looking at me with pity, reminded me that they were the ones who sent her away.

It was their fault, they could have stopped it. So I blamed them instead, I cursed them in my mind.

This kept on until a certain special night, you see this night was special because in exactly 60 seconds my little sister would be two.

But it didn't matter because I wouldn't be there to celebrate it with her, because they replaced me with strangers in her life.

They would become her new family, but that's not the way it should be, it was not the way it was meant to be.

I was the only one left, I was her last family and no one, No one would replace me in her life.

I had to find her, but first those who tried to tear us apart, they must be punished. No they must die for they tried to separate us.


I found my way into the kitchen, I took a knife and walked into her room, "the mother superior ".

I stood over her and there I thought to myself.

Yes this was the one who separated us, this was the one who wanted us unloved.

I could slit her throat so easily but I wanted my face to be the last thing she ever saw. I wanted to see the light fade from her eyes, I wanted to hear the blood gurgle in her throat, I wanted to feel her heart stop beating in her chest, I wanted her to suffer.

So I shook her awake and when she opened her eyes. When I knew that she had seen me.

Uttering only one word I brought down the knife on her throat.
