My foster parents were what you would call part of the middle class society.
Earning just about enough to keep them comfortable and away from prying eyes.
They had a very young daughter, she was 3 years old when I came into the picture.
Their family was what I would call peaceful, it was nothing like mine.
It didn't have anything to do with the fact that they were Asians.
Imagine that an Asian family with a white kid for a son.
Most kids would feel pressured by society if found in such a situation but not me, I wasn't here to make bonds.
2 years into my coming into the family, the wife got pregnant with a boy .
I was declared some kind of good luck charm because the doctors said she couldn't get pregnant again.
Don't get me wrong they were nice people and having a little brother to dote would make anyone happy.
But not me, I knew what would make me happy and they weren't her.
I got through kindergarten by being invisible, staying out of trouble and keeping my head low.
Ways to search for my sister was also being devised.
But being a kid the amount of information you can get your hands on is limited.
Kindergarten was eventful but I'm not giving up till I have her back.