Twenty five

She first approached me at the cafe, it was quiet just the way I liked it.

She sat down at my table uninvited and seemingly stared at me.

Any normal person would have been put off by such behavior but not I.

I simply ignored her and focused on my meal and book, which was proving to be really interesting.

The waitress walked up to her and asked for what she cared for, she asked for coffee.

Then she continued to stare at me.

I had half a mind to get up and leave but I was here first and I'm not running from a cop. Besides this was a good opportunity to see what they have been up to this Last few months.

Seeing that I was not about to acknowledge her presence, she decided to start by calling my name.

I ignored her, she called again and I still ignored her, after all I did not fancy unannounced visitors.

She used my full name which told me that time to play dumb bitch was over.

I was really irritated with her and when I lowered my book, she gasped and nearly fell over.

I don't know what she saw in my eyes but it must not have been pretty because she looked like she was about to flee.

All I know is that, I was nearly to the climax of the book I was reading and I didn't like being interrupted.