Yennefer November

I can feel everything leaving me.Every memory turning to the great one point that I was not and never will be a November.But I can hear a song unknown to me,it was stronger than the grasp of the man who calls himself 'the Umbra'.I know the meaning of the word,it is another word for shadow,the shadow in which we are travelling.The song ringing in my ears is like the whistling wind,it was mostly like this

My dear,you'll feel the wrath

Of the child you raised


My dear,you'll feel the wrath

Of the child you raised


My dear,you'll pay the price

Of the child you


But I can't fill the


Bought by your


One day I'll bring the peace

That would shatter


Recollect...that I would bring

My wrath upon all who

Despised me....

But I loved some too much

How can I tear down

The ones I love....

But one thing that I despise is


I don't remember reading or even hearing such a poem but the song seemed to be familiar as the back of my hand.What that pulls me away from all this is when the shadow covering us disappears and we land in a dark alley.I pulled myself away from 'the Umbra' and demanded

"I won't come with you unless you tell me where are we going and what your real name is"

He looked at me with the same stare he had yesterday and answer

"We are going to somewhere where we belong but I can't tell you my name"

And he grabbed my hand and started towards a wall.When we reached the wall he raised his slender palm and touched the wall,a shadow appeared and the wall departed sideways.I stood there staring at the open space where the wall was and entered a dark tunnel.We walked almost 25 blocks when a large door appeared in our sight and again the man touched the door and it opened obediantly.

What that I expected inside was a quite hallway but what I entered into was a brightly lit hallway with hustle and bustle everywhere,but it all stopped and the room fell silent at my arrival.I looked around and asked loudly

"What are you all staring at?I am no peculiar than all of you are,as I have deduced since all of you are here,you are up to no good just as me"

'The Umbra' chuckled softly next to me and led me to another large door and stood in front of me and said

"Listen,what we are stepping into is highly confidential as much as your powers so if any of this gets out everyone in here will be butchered so watch your mouth if you don't fit in"

I looked at his golden eyes and nodded.He opened the door and there was almost twelve men and women in the room,they all turned and looked at me as I entered.Just as I step inside a young lady of 16-18 years old rushed to me and took my hand and said

"Its really great to meet you,we have been waiting for a long time for your arrival"

I looked at her skeptically and asked

"Why would you be waiting for me?"

She looked behind her and said

"Sorry for my rudeness,I am Chiara"

When she said her name they got up and walked to me and one of them,a boy with curly dark brown hair and a veil in his face spoke up

"Yennefer,as Chiara mentioned we are very pleased to meet you,but you are here for a bigger..larger purpose,today we have revealed on of the most reticent society of Eustace,but we also wish that it stays that way,at first may I ask you a question?"

The boys voice was suprisingly deep but I managed a nod and he asked

"Do you know what your father do?"

I smirked at this and answered

"He works with the government some kind of prevention of trafficking or something"

He noded at this and said

"And you believed that,didn't you?well the truth is he is appointed to capture and publically murder peopke like us"

I took a step back at this and I know that it was true but I didn't want to believe it and I asked him

"What do you mean by 'people like us'?

He answered

"Like you and me and everyone in this room,people with abilities"

I snapped and asked

"And why should I believe you?"

He opened his arms to indicate the people around us and said

"We will show you,each and everyone of us,but only if you swear your loyalty to us"

I got curious and asked

"And what are you?"

He took a step forward and said

"We are The Apparitions,we are the some among humans who are gifted with abilities far beyond ordinary"

"Something out of ordinary,something misplaced"I said

The boy booked into my eyes and said softly

"We will teach you how to control your powers,how to use them for good,we will summon when we are ready to fight those who stand against us"

I was convinced that I belong here but I wanted proof so I asked

"I would only swear,if you all tell me your names"

Then a woman with a cut in her wrist stepped forward and said

"I am Liriott,The Tremble"

Another man in white suit said

"I am Gentry,The Lodestone"

Another man

"I am Kerch,The Simmer"

A woman in purple gown

"I am Purpletta,The Drag"

Another woman

"I am Badhrina,The Cilium"

A woman in black

"I am Relenta,The Widower"

A man in a blue robe

"I am Hussein,The Inyanga"

A man with a scar across his face

"I am Ugris,The Burst"

A man with a top hat

"I am Mageo,The Duress"

A woman in armor

"I am Bucetta,The Warrior"

Then the man with the golden eyes,he turned to me and gave me a warm smile and said

"My name is Dunes,The Umbra"

And at last I turned the boy in the veil and he slowly removed the veil as I tried to cover my astonishment.His face was the most beautiful face I have ever seen,with dark green eyes and high cheekbones that are sharp as knife and the smiled that was beautiful as the stars me and Lilac used to stare at.He looked at me and said

"I am Mateo,The Quell"

I can feel colour rising in face,but I controlled myself and asked

"So should I call you by your names or your nicknames?"

Mateo answered

"You can call us by our names inside the society but outside we are to be called by our nicknames"

I nodded and answered

"Ok,so how do I claim my loyalty?"

They all looked around and the man named Hussein said

"You have to present your greatest fear to Obliveti,thats how you claim your loyalty"

I looked at them and asked

"My greatest fear?why would you want to know my greatest fear?and who is Obliveti by the way?"

Mateo replied

"Because fear is the only thing that is very less powerful than hope,and Obliveti is the head of the Apparitions so it is to him you present your fear"

I wasn't quite ready for this but my gut told me that I was doing the right thing so I said

"Ok lets go see Obliveti"

And then again Dunes led me to another hallway with much less light than before and reached a huge wooden door,I looked up to Dunes,but he seems to be avoiding my eyes so I slid my hands to the handle and opened the door.

What I expected was a room brightly lit just like the hallway but as it turned out the room was dark and there was a table and a chair with an old man on it so I walked closer and reached the table.I looked at the man,he had balding hair,wrinkling skin hands fragile as glass,but I was cut of from the thought by the mans beginging of conversation

"Don't consider me for my body for I am the container of fear of the most powerful people of Eustace"

I looked into his greying brown eyes and asked

"You look old so if you die the fears die with you"

He chuckled hoarsely and replied

"A women just like you came to me years ago,brave and arrogant to believe that I could controll her with her fear,so I did what that I am born to do,I killed her,with her own fear"

I looked at him disgustingly and said

"You remind me of my father"

He smiled an evil smile and said

"You remind me of your arrogant mother I had to kill,Yennefer"