The life struggles of an eighteen year old

Eighteen is so hard.

The ones who said that high school years are the best years of our lives should go fuck themselves. That, or visit the hellhole of a high school which I call my own-Daewoon High School.

Some of our teachers are so shitty that they don't even give a damn about our education, they just turn up to the class to sit on the teachers' desk to warm it with their lazy asses and doze off; not caring a dime about teaching us and the reason why they were employed in the first place. Maybe it's because our school is a public school in a small town no one wants to visit anymore.

We have the occasional strict teachers too, who take their job seriously and make us slave over thick books and assignment workbooks. The others are too invested in 'discipling us' which basically translates into beating the boys' asses with their rulers like a sadist while the girls get told off with a detention or two.

I am not being disrespectful towards the other sex by this statement no of course not-I love girls. I am merely pointing out the discrimination we boys face in our school. I am also in no way insulting anyone or suggesting that girls should be beaten too-I am merely saying that corporal punishment which somehow still exists in our beautiful country should not exist.

There are better ways to use a ruler on someone, believe me.

(Yes I did mean that in a sexual way, sue me. Isn't pleasure better than violence?)

Of course, the students are the same and this is the prime reason why our country's education system is degrading day by day. Then again, why the heck should I complain? I'm just like them-I don't give a fuck about maths or science really and fail to understand why we are subjected to the torture to study them when there are much better things to do in life than to waste our times trying to find the value of 'x' or understand the reason why apples fall down when thrown from a fucking tree.

Our school is a co-ed school so I guess whatever divine providence there is present must have decided to have mercy on my miserable eighteen year old self.

But then again, girls from our school aren't too much to look at anyways. That, and the fact that all the boys in my group(and this is including me of course) have already had a go at them all if you get what I'm talking about.

Yes, it's not something to boast about or be proud of but I am the best in all the four guys of our group- at least I dated those girls instead of just screwing and dumping them like yesterday's trash like my fellow friends. Yes, they are crazy horny bastards but I still love them.

Jun Wook is my best friend; has been ever since we were in elementary school learning the Korean alphabet. He is also the biggest player in Daewoon, the badboy of Daewoon High and the recipient of lovesick presents from his fangirls and angry curses from heartbroken girls alike. Then again (I'm not boasting) we all are.

Sung jae and Minho (they are fraternal twins) were joined us when we were in middle school, asking us to form a band with them and we all have been pretty inseparable since then. We did form a rock band; (I play the bass by the way) with Jun Wook as our leader of course.

Mark joined us pretty recently though; in our last year of middle school when he moved to Daewoon from USA; although why would someone agree to come to a town like ours after living in frigging California is something I fail to understand. He is pretty outgoing, and so much like Jun Wook that we all became fast friends with him and voila-The 'F4 of Daewoon' were born.

(Yes I know its a reference from the drama 'Boys over Flowers', and no, I have not seen it. The only reason I know about it is because Jun Wook always complains that his 'annoying' younger sister teases and calls us by that nickname.)

Anyways, eighteen is hard when I have to listen to Ms. Jung drone on and on about some stupid Shakespeare crap no one cares about the first thing in the morning. I mean, English isn't even our mother tongue, yet we have to study this British literature shit? Give me a fucking break.

Eighteen is hard when I have to witness Jun Wook stick his tongue down a new girl's throat each day during lunch break, while we are surrounded by annoying fangirls screaming 'Oppa' on top of their lungs at us. I mean, let a man at least have some peace while eating, will you?

Eighteen is hard when I want to smoke and forget all about my life for a moment but can't because I'm actually pretty scared deep down that I'll get caught even though my tough exterior says otherwise.

Eighteen is hard when I have to study stuff I don't give two fucks about. Eighteen is hard when people assume shit about me when they don't know anything. Eighteen is hard when I have to cover for my friends when their moms ask me where they are staying for the night when my mother doesn't even care enough to stick around the house for her to notice whether I'm out or not.

Eighteen is hard when I bump into her accidentally and have to be cold to her so as to not let her see that I like her and want her so badly, because I can't ever like her. Anyone but her.

Eighteen is fucking hard.


"Yah, Kim Sunwoo get your ass out of that stupid Algebra class and meet us in the school music room in five minutes."

I must say, my friends are a wonderful influence. Jun Wook shouts that from the window where I usually sit by in class, and everyone in class turns to look at me. Fortunately, old Mr. Lee can't hear properly and is currently facing the blackboard so he doesn't hear Jun Wook.

I shoot him an annoyed look but gather my books and stuff them in my bag anyways, and quietly tiptoe towards one of the two doors of the classroom; the one near the rear end.

Yes I know we shouldn't ditch and all but honestly-I would've killed everyone and then myself in that class seeing how incredibly dull and sleep-inducing it was.

Ditching is good every now and then you know?

"Hey man, you managed to sneak off without that old bugger noticing!" Sung jae slings an arm across my shoulder as I enter the music room.

"He's too old, he can't hear even if I play the drums in front of him at full volume." Minho smirks and gives us a dramatic drumroll.

"Yeah sneaking off during his watch is child's play." Mark nods towards me from where he's sitting on the window ledge of the room, tuning his electric guitar keys.

"Where's Jun Wook though? He was the one who called me here." I ask them. The boy who shouted at me to get my ass out and about and ditch class is the one who's late to practice, ironically enough.

"He must've met the girl he's currently boning these days." Sung jae chuckled just as Jun Wook barged in, his hair messy and telltale red marks all over his swollen which suspiciously resemble lipstick marks. His top five buttons of the white school shirt are open, tie nowhere to be seen.

Seems like Sung jae's theory was true after all, judging by his appearance.

What surprises me is that his sister enters right after he does, and for a minute I allow myself to drink in her appearance-Impeccable uniform unlike her brother's which fails to hide her curves, her chestnut colored curls framing her heart shaped beautiful face; her sparkling light brown eyes and her red rosy lips, the same color as that of the blush which spreads across her cheeks in winters-she looks so fucking beautiful. Like always.

But I will myself to look away as I know that she's off-limits to us all, as decreed by her brother. The sad pang of my heart as I do is not even that bad now-I'm used to it.

"Hello Ji Ah! What's she doing here Jun Wook?" Minho asks as Jun Wook strides towards his own guitar case propped near my bass guitar.

"She's here to annoy us as always. Threatening to tattle on us as usual." Jun Wook rolls his eyes dismissively and starts tuning his instrument.

"Fuck you Jun Wook." Ji Ah rolls her eyes too and clears her throat,

"But seriously, you should all be in your classes." she sternly narrows her eyes at us.

"Woah Woah shortie! We are all older than you here, how dare you speak like that? Call us 'oppa'." Mark winks at her and Jun Wook gives him a glare at his teasingly flirty tone.

"Yah Ji Ah you can go fuck off, no one wants to hear your nagging." Jun Wook directs his glare at his sister too.

"You are not my 'oppas', I'm just a year or so younger than you guys. Also, I am a member of the Student Council and the Discipline Committee, I'll report you all for ditching classes." She huffs and with a toss of her head exits the room grumpily.

"Wow, your sister is like those sexy-" Sung jae chuckles under his breath but it is cut off with a painful groan when Jun Wook kicks his legs.

"Guys, let's just start practice before she tells on us, which will be pretty soon." I suggest to change the topic even though I know that she won't; she just said that to irk her brother. The others nod and agree.

The first and most important rule of our friendship is that no one can hit on his younger sister. Even if it may not seem that way with all the curses they fling at each other, the Lee siblings care for each other a lot and Lee Jun Wook, the badboy of Daewoon has a soft spot for his sister.

That is the reason why I just can't seem to act on whatever I feel about his sister, the reason why she's 'The Forbidden Girl' for us all.