Gaya’s Crisis II

(A couple of moments ago)

"Fuck! I can't find a single dress that has some tactical advantage" After separating with Ghost, she was going in and out of all the clothing stores.

Considering she wouldn't be able to cast spells as when she was a cultivator, she needed a dress that would let her move around freely without restricting her movements when firing arrows.

All the clothing stores and the clothes they had for women were fancier but none of them were what she was looking for. After checking the 7th shop, she stepped inside the 8th clothing store. The store had red brick walls and greyish tiles to give a unique charm and several mannequins in glistening dresses. A bunch of cultivators including a few girls and boys was rummaging through the neatly hanged clothes racks while a sales girl approached to welcome the new customer, Gaya.