Ghost, Maisy Cooper and Baby Dragon

Michael was surprised at the little girl and turned to face her. She was nearly Cindy's age but in his eyes, this little girl was nowhere near Cindy as she seemed extremely arrogant and tyrannical.

"It's mine!" Even though there was no need to raise her voice to reach him, she shouted in a domineering way. For a moment, he stared at Alicia and hoped she would warn this little girl yet, Alicia did nothing.

He kept staring at the little girl and didn't speak a word as she stepped forward and pointed her finger at the baby dragon, "that baby dragon belongs to me, Maisy Cooper" Alicia almost forgot how domineering this little girl could be. They didn't see this side of Maisy because when Noah was around, Maisy would behave like an obedient kitten.