Last Ride II

After the man asked the question, among the crowd, there were a few moments of silence. It was Victoria who broke this silence with her words, "We are not waiting for anyone. The people here are more than enough to slay those four beasts!" she left no place for anyone to talk back. Ever since he humiliated her during Heaven's gate competition by spartan kicking her off the stage, the seed of hate towards Ghost had grown into a giant tree in her heart. Every time she hears the name Ghost, a flash of anger would emerge from her soul itself. Hearing the name she hates the most again, deep down she hoped he had died somewhere in the Nether realm.

"That bitch didn't change a bit," Michael said to the little dragon as it tilted its head confused.

Evan smiled, "Ghost can join the fight when he comes here. For now, the inner group here has enough people to split into two groups. The rest of the men here should split into two groups as well. Does anyone have any objections?"