A storm is brewing II

When the sun's light faded away and the darkness surrounded the mountains, Michael and Gaya left their home through the backdoor. They informed Jack that they are going to secluded cultivation and not to be disturbed.

After reaching the Core Formation stage, Michael's flying speed increased significantly, it only took them five hours to reach the Dark forest.

"No matter how many times I enter this place, it still gives me the creeps," Gaya said, staring at the dark walls of the Abyssal.

The winter climate blanketed everything in white snow except the dark forest as not a single drop of snow could be seen in the forest. As usual, the dark storm clouds hovered over the forest with continuous flashing purple streaks of lightning. It was a domain that stood independently radiating an evil vibe, a vibe that could be even compared to the Treacherous ocean.

"This is home, Dark Queen," Michael who was now adorning Lucifer's armor, said.