Creating false evidence

"You look cute," Michael said, squatting down to brush Gaya's head. She was in her miniature snake form. Her scales were glimmering in violet, two round eyes with vertical slit pupils stared at Michael. In Michael's eyes, she resembled a king cobra of earth, only she was violet and one and a half meters long.

"I'm not cute" she hissed but Michael surprised her with a kiss on her snakehead.

"For me, you are" Michael already put the letter in his interlinked space ring so she could access the letter when she reached Jacob's room. Then, he took out a colorless liquid and poured the liquid all over her body.

"You're wet" He blinked at her, letting out a playful smile.

"And you are a pervert" she hissed again before leaving the room towards Jacob's.

A few minutes after Gaya left the room, Nightmare flew through the opened window to Michael's shoulder.

"I checked the surroundings, no intruders in the vicinity"