The Blackwing Saurus

"Honored guests, we shall now auction away the first item. What this hidden item is, I will reveal it to you now ``. With that, the old man extended his arm to grab the cloth and abruptly tore it away to reveal a small vial bottle. Inside the small vial, a silver liquid glowed, lighting the entire stage with its light.

"The very first item is the Radiant Soul Healer. For the honored guests who are unfamiliar with this item, it is hard to come by medicine that has the healing effect of a hundred high-quality healing potions combined. As its name suggests, it could not only heal physical wounds but it could also heal any soul damages to a certain point"

"The starting price of the miraculous once in a lifetime item has the starting price of 50,000 gold coins! Minimum 5000 increase per new bid, you may begin bidding!"

"55,000 gold coins!"

"60,000 gold coins!"


"75,000 coins!"
