Trouble will always find its way to Michael

After leaving the Silent Reaper at the docks, Michael and Gaya wandered through the sandy roads of Pirate Cove. Everywhere Michael turned, he could see tropical trees, buildings made of nothing but wood, broken fishing boards that were being used to shelter drunken pirates, and little children playing pirates. The island was pretty lively.

"I am Captain Red Beard, bow before me!"

"If you're Captain Red Beard, I'd be Captain Tanasha" 

"Did you see the scary ship at the docks?"

"It's the Silent Reaper, my grandpa told me stories about it"

"Who's the captain?"

While Michael and Gaya were roaming the island, he heard children and grown men gossip about the Silent Reaper. Because the Silent Reaper appeared at the Pirate Cove nearly three decades ago, many stories about the ship turned into rumors. Only a handful of elderly citizens in their seventies had more information about the ship, its crew, and the curse.