Deeper into the Island

The force of the wind fired out from his hands blasted the monkeys in a blink of an eye. Many weak fragile monkeys exploded into black mist before even hitting the trees. His smile turned into a disappointed look. He really wished he could get experience points from all these dead monkeys or at least some badass points. At Least he wanted to reach Core Formation level 8 somehow before competing in the championship tournaments.

Putting his thoughts aside, he looked around to see if there's any monkeys remaining but there wasn't a single monkey in the surroundings. 

"I wonder if Dular will be able to control these Netherels"  He couldn't help asking this question to himself. If Dular was able to control them, he would have an army of the dead under his command to do his bidding. 

"Is everyone alright?" somewhere deeper in the forest, finally Ross and the group stopped running. Ross asked as he noticed their missing teammate,

"Where's David?"