Next phase

"You think this world doesn't need saving? Open your eyes, What do you think would have happened if Ross gave the artifact to the Gisel senate? They will control the undead army outside, wage war against the other kingdoms, and thousands of people will die, lose their families, and end up being slaves to the rich. If you by any chance thought of any of them as innocent, you're the most naive person in the world"

These words played again and again in Logan's mind.

"And look around you man, if this world needs saving, it's from you. You killed a father, a daughter, and a good friend, for what? refusing to serve you? Do you really think you're the good guy?"

Michael heard everything without uttering a word as Logan continued,

"I might be a mercenary but I have no innocent blood on my hand. If I agree to serve you, I'll end up just like you. So go ahead, kill me"