The Dark Lord has arrived in Gisel I

Michael was standing on the helm deck, watching the sunrise at the horizon. The sun bloomed on the horizon, golden petals stretching ever outwards into the rich blue sky above the calm sea. It was the brilliant flower of the sky that warms the days. It was the invitation to a new day, that sunrise so ordinary yet extraordinary. He changed into his usual black attire including a black long coat, a black shirt top two buttons opened to show the chest cut, black trousers, and black boots. He still wore the face mask to hide his real face, he'd rather be safe than sorry. 

The last night after spending an hour flying over the clouds, they returned back to the ship to oversee the pirates cleaning the ship. Even after almost 10 full hours of cleaning, the pirates were only able to clean a small portion of the entire ship. He guessed it would take at least three days to clean the ship to his liking.