Web of Schemes I

Having no idea of what's happening in the Rainbow Islands, Michael was lying on Gaya's lap in the captain's cabin as she ran her fingers through his hair. The Hydra was peacefully sleeping on his chest after a hearty meal. 

The Captain's cabin now looked completely different than before. His crew scrubbed every inch of the cabin spotless before placing the new sofas, chairs, beds, and beautiful candle stands made of pure silver around the room. Not only the captain's cabin but the entire ship was scrubbed spotless. They placed the rum barrels in the storage room rather than keeping them wherever they pleased. Still, Michael needed to buy them new beds, repair the cannons and the hull as well as buy them new weapons. He was planning to do them before leaving back to Elon. In addition to the time limit he gave to the scumbags, the championship tournaments were about to start in five days.