Defusing the bombs

Michael didn't say anything but he was indeed surprised. He heard Tiberius talk about Doctorus when he asked him about the slave rebellion. The man trained some of the best gladiators in the Southern Continent including Titus and Optimus. It was a pity to find this man dead. Michael planned to recruit him and make him train his own personal army of gladiators.

"Come on wake up old man!" Tiberius shook Doctorus's body frantically. 

"Do something!" 

"He's dead Tiberius, someone stabbed him in the back" Michael pointed out the stab wound in the back. 

"We might catch whoever did this when we meet the other gladiators. Let's hope they're alive" Tiberius just realized that whoever killed Doctorus might have gone to kill the rest of them. Still, Tiberius couldn't believe a single man could have killed Doctorus. As far as he knew, it would take ten gladiators to even wound Doctorus let alone kill him.