The Demon Butler II

His room in the Abyssal looked the same as left it before going to the Southern Continent. He could feel the Arch energy in the surrounding air. Compared to the air in the Southern continent, the air here felt thicker and clean. If he hadn't gone to the Southern continent, he wouldn't have felt the difference.

"Oh baby I missed you so much!" Gaya leaped onto the bed. She landed back first on the bed while keeping the Hydra closer to her chest. Her ample chest cushioned the force produced by the bed's spring from hurting the tiny Hydra.

"Ahhhaaaw" Each head of the Hydra opened its eyes, yawning. It only took the hydra a couple of seconds to feel the change in the surroundings.

"Where are we?" the white head and the silver head curiously looked around the room. The blackhead however closed its eyes to sense the Arch energy in the air.