A wrong day to be drunk

"No one has ever suffered, as you will '' Michael mumbled under his breath. Although he never showed what he's feeling inside on his face, he was burning with anger.

"Hurry up, I don't have all day" the reaper growled. 

"Ghost" the word barely escaped through the gritted teeth of Claire. Anger turned her rosy skin into somewhat red. 

"One…two…three" The reaper started to count as Michael gradually moved the dagger towards his neck.



Olivia and Claire were startled. They trusted Michael to handle the situation yet what he was doing stirred up their fear. The disciples desperately wanted to help however they could but they saw no way of helping Ghost.

The reaper moved the dagger an inch closer to Cindy's throat. Cindy's legs turned to jelly, feeling the cold dagger against her throat. Every second Cindy spent fearing for her life made Michael want to torture the reaper more.
