The Championship tournaments

The Royal Land had never been busier than today. There were only joyful faces as they headed toward the arena for the greatest tournament for warriors in Elon, music filled the air as the people felt chock full of adrenaline-pumping happiness. The vibrancy of the event, the energy of the dancing dragons, the fireworks that made an artistic canvas of the early morning sky, was looked forward to by all. The people flowed like rivers, never stopping for obstacles but swirling around them.

On those wide avenues of Royal land with wilted trees, their leaves curled and blackened in the gentle morning heat, the buildings towered on each side. The crowd had a life of its own, their vibrant clothes shone in the morning light and the people moved like enchanting shoals of fish. There was chatter between sellers and buyers, old friends catching up, new friends making. It's busy for sure, but the hustle and bustle brought life to this city one wouldn't want to be without.