Breaking through to the Core Strengthening Stage

Everyone was stunned to see Michael fighting twenty-four participants at the same time. Since they decided to gang up on him, Michael didn't feel bad about using APD to lessen the pain and heal any internal wounds.

After using the armored youngster as a pole for a couple of minutes, Michael lifted him up, deciding to use the youngster as a weapon. He swung the armored youngster in a circle, pushing the participants off balance.

"It's time for some elimination" finally Michael got some distance from the participants. He said to himself, wiping off the blood from the corner of his mouth. Of course, he received several blows from the youngster. After all, twenty-four adrenaline-rushed youngsters ganged upon him from all directions.

Several youngsters tried to pick themselves up from the ground while some remained, thinking whether to use this moment to eliminate unsuspecting participants or not.