Reaching the Semi Final

When the commentators and the VIP guests returned to their seats, the sky was decorated with colorful fireworks. They painted the sky as though each firework was a master artist. The fireworks exploded into all kinds of shapes such as dragons, birds, lions, dancing men, and finally, the name Ghost. The Sunrise sect pavilion erupted into cheers when they saw the name 'Ghost' occupy all the sky above them. Nightmare flew straight into the air, decorating the golden words with his crimson red dragon breath.

The fireworks weren't arranged by Ghost or anyone he knew. On the contrary, it was arranged by people he never knew, the merchants and the tournament committee. Lailah was looking at the sky as the flashes of light reflected in her beautifully crafted hazel eyes.

"Welcome to the Quarter final, ladies and gentlemen" Looking at the sky, Darius snapped as all the fireworks merged to form the words 'Quater Final'